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Global Warming believers, I have a question for ya'...

Started by AKcharger, March 12, 2007, 06:18:23 PM

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i was sitting in my car the other day looking out over the other cars in the parking lot and all the heat coming off the top of the cars heating up the world.maybe if we get rid of all the cars we could solve two things   globel warming and the polution from the cars. LOL


I think the science behind global warming is pretty solid.  Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases the amount of heat retained in the atmosphere from the sun's rays shining on us.  Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is rising way above the range of normal cyclical variation, going back 600,000 years.  They can measure that by analyzing bubbles in ice cores from Antarctic ice.  Barring other influences, that increase in CO2 concentration will cause the planet to retain more heat, and warm up.  Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas releases CO2, and we're burning a lot of fossil fuels.  That carbon in the fossil fuels came from CO2 absorbed by plants / algae over billions of years, and then buried, where it wasn't interacting with the atmosphere.  Now we're dumping billions of years of accumulated CO2 back into the atmosphere in a span of hundreds of years, and I think we're exceeding the limits of the ecosystem to compensate.

There are some pretty scary self-reinforcing mechanisms that have me worried that we're approaching a tipping point, where the warming will start to accelerate, and we won't be able to stop it.  Methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, and there's an immense amount of it locked up in the permafrost in the northern regions of Russia, Canada, Alaska, etc.  As that permafrost melts, it's releasing methane as the peat decomposes, which would raise the temperature, melt more permafrost, etc.  Polar ice is the same way, ice reflects more light, dark water absorbs more light, so less ice leads to warmer temperatures, which leads to less ice.  Some of the pollution controls have actually increased global warming, because the soot particles and sulfuric acid droplets in the air before the scrubbers was actually blocking some of the sunlight from reaching the ground and reflecting it back into space.

When the stakes are the survival of the human race, I think it's smart to err on the side of caution, and that's really what we're talking about.  Global warming would drastically alter the planet we've learned to live on, displace hundreds of millions of people due to flooding, and possibly lead to billions of people starving to death due to drought and reduced crop yields.  If a billion Chinese are starving to death because the rivers fed by the glaciers in the Himalaya's all dried up, do you think they wouldn't go to war?

I still love my Mopars, but I'm trying to do things to reduce my CO2 emissions.  I don't drive them enough to make that big a difference, anyway.  When my light bulbs burn out, I'm replacing them with compact fluorescents.  My next daily driver, gas mileage will be a big consideration.  If nothing else, reducing our oil consumption will reduce the amount of money flooding out of this country, and going to places full of people who pretty much hate us.

That's it.  Flame away.


I also believe that there is some truth to al this Global Warming stuff... and Silver68RT** already wrote down the things I also had thought about.

I don't think that it would take that much effort to make less pollution.

Use energy saving lightbulbs and don't leave the lights on if your not in the room. Its stupid to cover your whole damn house with Christmas lighting, I am shore less lights would get you into Christmas feel just as good. Use your bike more often or walk, and use public transportation as often as possible. If you must use a car then service it regularly and keep the engine in good condition. Recycle as much as possible. Buy stuff that is environmental friendly.. etc..etc..

You don't really need to change your life that much, to become more environmental friendly...



I can't believe people fall for this scam. I've never done any research myself, other than just passive reading. (probably like most people)

Does anyone remember a prediction of global catastrophe called "Y2K"? I mean that was a black-and-white numbers thing that was SURE to happen. (or so the media would have you believe)

And this whole sham of human-caused global warming has been predictided for quite some time (well before 1999) using data and computer modeling. modeling that was the same vintage techonolgy that predicted Y2K?

Quote from: Rubberduck on March 13, 2007, 09:51:06 AM
Two days ago I read in a German newspaper that the surface temperature on the planet Mars is rising.
The icy polar caps are getting smaller too on Mars. The reason for that is that the sun has more activity now.

So why are people blaming themselves if this all would take place anyway with or without the humans?


Excactly. And I am not 100% sure that global warming has even been proven to be happening. Seems I heard or read something recently that it was all still just an unproven theory.
1970 Charger 500
2015 Challenger SRT


Fact: NOBODY posting in this thread has the education necessary to make a real, scientific judgement of Global Warming.
Fact: the VAST majority of those speaking out against Global warming do not have the education necessary to make a real, scientific judgement of Global Warming.
Fact: the VAST majority of those who have such education says Global Warming is reality.
Fact: Further, when checking sources, you'll find that a great many of the detractors are being paid in some part by those who will suffer most if humanity shifts its behaviors. (ie, oil companies)

Fact: Quite a number of people still ignore the overwhelming voice of the scientific community and say things like "Dernit, sometimes scientists are wrong!"

Yes, they are.  More often, however, they're right.  And thus far, I've seen absolutely 0 credible, nonbiased work that stands in opposition to what the vast majority states, so I'll take it at face value.  It positively baffles me to see people so staunchly opposed to something so important, ignoring so much credible work, just because some minority of provably biased work has been published in opposition. 

Incidentally, "unproven theories" are the body of all science.  According to the scientific method, there are no completely "known" facts, everything is theory.  Detractors to Global Warming like to make a big deal out of the fact that it is classified as a theory, but fail to mention that gravity is too.


My opnion is that by the time global warming is really dangerous to humans, the Lord will come back and burn it all down anyway, ya'll can have it, I know where I'll be.



Quote from: defiance on March 13, 2007, 04:11:10 PM
Fact: NOBODY posting in this thread has the education necessary to make a real, scientific judgement of Global Warming.

Good lets continue to have fun with it!  :yesnod:


Quote from: defiance on March 13, 2007, 04:11:10 PM
Fact: NOBODY posting in this thread has the education necessary to make a real, scientific judgement of Global Warming.
Fact: the VAST majority of those speaking out against Global warming do not have the education necessary to make a real, scientific judgement of Global Warming.
Fact: the VAST majority of those who have such education says Global Warming is reality.
Fact: Further, when checking sources, you'll find that a great many of the detractors are being paid in some part by those who will suffer most if humanity shifts its behaviors. (ie, oil companies)

Fact: Quite a number of people still ignore the overwhelming voice of the scientific community and say things like "Dernit, sometimes scientists are wrong!"

Yes, they are.  More often, however, they're right.  And thus far, I've seen absolutely 0 credible, nonbiased work that stands in opposition to what the vast majority states, so I'll take it at face value.  It positively baffles me to see people so staunchly opposed to something so important, ignoring so much credible work, just because some minority of provably biased work has been published in opposition. 

Incidentally, "unproven theories" are the body of all science.  According to the scientific method, there are no completely "known" facts, everything is theory.  Detractors to Global Warming like to make a big deal out of the fact that it is classified as a theory, but fail to mention that gravity is too.

let see a scan of youre HARVARD diploma there buddy!!

by the way all people just like you are entitled to thier own opinion!!
68 Charger R/t white with black v/t and red tailstripe. 440 4 speed ,black interior
68 383 auto with a/c and power windows. Now 440 4 speed jj1 gold black interior .
My Charger is a hybrid car, it burns gas and rubber............


Quote from: defiance on March 13, 2007, 04:11:10 PM
Fact: NOBODY posting in this thread has the education necessary to make a real, scientific judgement of Global Warming.
Fact: the VAST majority of those speaking out against Global warming do not have the education necessary to make a real, scientific judgement of Global Warming.
Fact: the VAST majority of those who have such education says Global Warming is reality.
Fact: Further, when checking sources, you'll find that a great many of the detractors are being paid in some part by those who will suffer most if humanity shifts its behaviors. (ie, oil companies)

Fact: Quite a number of people still ignore the overwhelming voice of the scientific community and say things like "Dernit, sometimes scientists are wrong!"

Yes, they are.  More often, however, they're right.  And thus far, I've seen absolutely 0 credible, nonbiased work that stands in opposition to what the vast majority states, so I'll take it at face value.  It positively baffles me to see people so staunchly opposed to something so important, ignoring so much credible work, just because some minority of provably biased work has been published in opposition. 

Incidentally, "unproven theories" are the body of all science.  According to the scientific method, there are no completely "known" facts, everything is theory.  Detractors to Global Warming like to make a big deal out of the fact that it is classified as a theory, but fail to mention that gravity is too.

FACT: a vast majority on a car board don't give a shit to read political nonscience, so they make lite of it

FACT: people that always type FACT are relying on no FACT at all

FACT: 90% of all percentages quoted on the internet is made up

FACT: you don't know anyones education here, so get off your high horse

FACT: Typing like a redneck when imitating people that don't believe in this global warming shows what side of the fence you sit on and honestly I don't care for your accusation that people that don't think like you are rednecks

FACT: have a nice day

go and sell your polluting Charger

Before reading my posts please understand me by clicking


Quote from: defiance on March 13, 2007, 04:11:10 PM

Fact: Further, when checking sources, you'll find that a great many of the detractors are being paid in some part by those who will suffer most if humanity shifts its behaviors. (ie, oil companies)

Fact: So are many of the scientist claiming Global Warming is real are getting paid by ? Government grants and can't lose that free reasearch money either.

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store NOT a government agency!


Noone on this thread has any sort of degree relating in any way to climatology.  That's quite evident from the posts thus far.  Feel free to prove me wrong, and I'll apologize with all sincerity - while I'm dodging the monkeys that are more likely to begin flying from my arse.  I'm no exception, nor have I ever claimed to be.

Therefore, I rely on the word of those who ARE qualified. 

All it takes is a tad of common sense to know when to rely on those whose entire lives have been devoted to the study of a field rather than some hothead political pundit or "science for hire" foundation working for Exxon.

And I sure as hell won't sell my "polluting charger", but I'll also sure as hell keep a 4-cylinder (or better yet, electric if it becomes feasible - which it is getting closer everyday - have you seen the tesla?  SWEET! :) ) around for driving needs, and walk as much as possible.


QuoteIf you take the earth's age and compress it into 24 hours, mankind has been on this planet for 10 seconds. Think about that. It is hugely egotistical to think that any activities of man is going to have much affect on the earth no less global warming. The earth will go on quite nicely long after man is gone.

From the Bizzaro comic strip:

The Earth is sitting on the doctors bench, and the doctor turns to the Earth and says, "I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is you have a bad case of Humans. The good news is that its just about run its course."

1969 Charger 500 #232008
1972 Charger, Grand Sport #41
1973 Charger "T/A"

Drive as fast as you want to on a public road! Click here for info:

Old Moparz

I don't have a degree in climatology, but I leave the weather channel on while I sleep so I can do that subliminal learning thing. The downside is that my electric bill went up, so I think I'm making the global temperature rise even more.

              Going Nowhere In A Hurry


Speaking of the weather channel...those weather guesser's info about weather patterns on the nightly news is often as accurate as me driving down the street blindfolded & predicting which car I'm gonna hit first. The day a weatherman can accurately forecast accurate weather 30 days in advance, THEN maybe I'll listen to the rambling guesses from the climatologist circles, since they would use much of the same technology to make their predictions.
Hell, a weatherman can't even get it right two days in advance most of the time, let alone a climatologist getting it right a few decades in advance. ::)

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Quote from: Old Moparz on March 13, 2007, 09:16:46 PM
I don't have a degree in climatology, but I leave the weather channel on while I sleep so I can do that subliminal learning thing. The downside is that my electric bill went up, so I think I'm making the global temperature rise even more.

did you know that evenif your appliances are off, but are plugged in that you are still "using" electricity and thus polluting the environment and causing the chance of fire?  My neighbor told me that.....then she told me that when I cause a fire and burn down both of our houses (we share a common wall), that I'll be paying for her stuff too...I said great, I'll give you the $200 for your stuff right now for just in case...hopefully it will burn up in the fire though and you'll have nothing for being so dumb to listen to what other people have to say rather thatn find and make your own opinion.


thats why I throw the Circuit breaker when I sleep  :image_294343:

Tell your neighbor that if you catch her crazy she has to pay your medical bills ;)

Before reading my posts please understand me by clicking


LOL   Damn that is funny...... I should go tell her that right now......but I won't "cause then I have to listen to the hr. rant about how we are all ignorant, uneducated cold hearted people.  I try not to talk about all that kinda stuff around her.


Quote from: defiance on March 13, 2007, 08:37:47 PM
Noone on this thread has any sort of degree relating in any way to climatology.  That's quite evident from the posts thus far.  Feel free to prove me wrong, and I'll apologize with all sincerity - while I'm dodging the monkeys that are more likely to begin flying from my arse.  I'm no exception, nor have I ever claimed to be.

Therefore, I rely on the word of those who ARE qualified. 

All it takes is a tad of common sense to know when to rely on those whose entire lives have been devoted to the study of a field rather than some hothead political pundit or "science for hire" foundation working for Exxon.

And I sure as hell won't sell my "polluting charger", but I'll also sure as hell keep a 4-cylinder (or better yet, electric if it becomes feasible - which it is getting closer everyday - have you seen the tesla?  SWEET! :) ) around for driving needs, and walk as much as possible.

That's all fine and dandy but until your heroes in the scientific community stop pointing fingers and start coming up with some viable solutions to the emergency they've created, and that the average Joe can afford, they're not going to win any support. Most people are not going to change their way of life because some alarmists say humanity has to die for the Earth to live.


I would like to know how someone can sit here and type about the so called Global Warming and how we need to change,and own a Charger,then talk about owning some enviro car.Isn't that sitting on the fence?Sounds like someone with a split personality.
Lots of people talkin' , few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below
  Led Zeppelin


Not at all.  It doesn't run right now, so that's not an issue - but when it does, it'll get maybe 10-15 miles a week max.  For anything significant, I'll drive more environmentally friendly cars.
Believing in global warming doesn't mean that I have to believe we should all get segways or anything extreme like that.  It just means that usage of fossil fuels should be minimized.  Therefore, the smaller, more efficient car will always be my primary.  It also means I'm willing to pay a lot more to live in a smaller home with a smaller commute.  I could drive my charger every day on my less-than-two-mile commute, and it would use less fuel than the guy driving a 60-mile/gallon hybrid, but living in the 'burbs.  It's possible to make choices that are environmentally responsible, and still hold on to some indulgences.


I think if everyone accepted that global warming was real, or even acted like it was real if they don't believe, and took some small steps now to reduce their energy consumption, we could avoid having to take more drastic action later.  The longer we wait before acting, the more disruptive it's going to be, and the more it's going to cost.

Australia just announced that it's banning the incandescent light bulb, and they didn't even sign Kyoto.

I read a lot of articles on and, and everywhere you look, there's something that relates to global warming, whether it's Polar bears drowning, or glaciers retreating, or ski resorts in the Alps that had no snow, or coral reef bleaching.  It's showing up all over the place.  I also think I can still enjoy old musclecars as a hobby, and make reducing my energy consumption a priority without having a split personality.  I don't see it as a situation where either you like cars or you care about the environment, not both.  There are extremists on both sides, but I don't think that's the answer.  Burning a dealership full of Hummer's is stupid, for a lot of reasons, and it doesn't help the environment one bit.  It takes a lot of energy to build a car, and I'm sure GM built another one to replace each one that burned.


Quote from: defiance on March 14, 2007, 08:14:06 AM
Not at all.  It doesn't run right now, so that's not an issue - but when it does, it'll get maybe 10-15 miles a week max.  For anything significant, I'll drive more environmentally friendly cars.
Believing in global warming doesn't mean that I have to believe we should all get segways or anything extreme like that.  It just means that usage of fossil fuels should be minimized.  Therefore, the smaller, more efficient car will always be my primary.  It also means I'm willing to pay a lot more to live in a smaller home with a smaller commute.  I could drive my charger every day on my less-than-two-mile commute, and it would use less fuel than the guy driving a 60-mile/gallon hybrid, but living in the 'burbs.  It's possible to make choices that are environmentally responsible, and still hold on to some indulgences.

That's nice, and that's what you are willing to do but I'm not "willing to pay a lot more" to support something you believe in. Your beliefs are not for everyone because some people like living farther from the city and driving their big V10 Dodge truck to work 30 miles one way. And that's not going to appease the average environmentalist wacko. The role of an extremist, religious or otherwise, is to effectively force those to think differently than they do into acting the way they act. These extreme environmentalists don't really give a rat's a$$ about winning hearts and minds to their cause, instead they just stir up you-know-what with fear and then try to force everyone into their way of thinking whether global warming is real and is our fault or not. It's the same tactic that's been used forever by people so desperate for affirmation they'll do anything to get it, including ruin people's lives and decimate entire nations and industries. That just plain ain't going to happen without a fight.


well if global warming is going to melt the ice caps there will be no rise in the ocean levels because ice takes up more space then water so if it all melts there probably wouldn't be a significant change at all


I just watched that movie "Day After Tomorrow" yesterday, it was good for a laugh.  Not a bad movie all in all, for entertainment value only, but I could tell right away the guy who did Independence Day had something to do with it.  Only person missing was Jeff Goldblum :icon_smile_big:

Life isn't Father Knows Best anymore, it's a kick in the face on a saturday night with a steel toed grip kodiak work boot and a trip to the hospital all bloodied and bashed.....for reconstructive surgery. But, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, right?


Quote from: 1 of 74 on March 14, 2007, 02:18:28 PM

That's nice, and that's what you are willing to do but I'm not "willing to pay a lot more" to support something you believe in. Your beliefs are not for everyone because some people like living farther from the city and driving their big V10 Dodge truck to work 30 miles one way. And that's not going to appease the average environmentalist wacko. The role of an extremist, religious or otherwise, is to effectively force those to think differently than they do into acting the way they act. These extreme environmentalists don't really give a rat's a$$ about winning hearts and minds to their cause, instead they just stir up you-know-what with fear and then try to force everyone into their way of thinking whether global warming is real and is our fault or not. It's the same tactic that's been used forever by people so desperate for affirmation they'll do anything to get it, including ruin people's lives and decimate entire nations and industries. That just plain ain't going to happen without a fight.

You'd certainly be correct if we were discussing a "belief".  This is resounding scientific evidence - something that sadly, Americans want to distance themself from lately.  How is refusing to "believe" in scientific evidence becayse you prefer "living farther from the city and driving their big V10 Dodge truck to work 30 miles one way" protecting some "belief" system?  As far as I can tell, the vast majority of those who don't "believe" choose willful ignorance, knowing that they'll never have to deal with the repurcussions.