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Asking for prayer for my son.... please

Started by TruckDriver, November 27, 2006, 07:19:52 PM

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I never ask this of anyone as I am not really religious. But I feel a little prayer and thoughts can help. So, please bare with me. My youngest, who will be 7 on Dec. 11th, is going deaf, and the doctors don't know why. They noticed that this August when he started school. He went through a hearing test, which showed it was so. Well, today, he went to a specialist, and he can not find anything wrong either. He wants Chris to have a cat scan now. He also doesn't think it will be reversable, and that he is now legally deaf in his right ear, and only 50% in his left ear. The doctor said Chris will have to wear ear plugs in anyplace that may have loud noises now in attempt to save what little hearing he has left. He has been though so much in his young life already, he doesn't need this either. I'm scared for him. A little more about Chris, he was born premature, born 7 weeks early. Was in the hospital for 31 days after he was born with meningitis, jaundice, ammonia. Had to have tubes put in his ears for a while, which doesn't have anything to do with his hearing problems the doc said. He has a weak immune system, he has had a rare form of Tuberculosis that is in the dirt we walk on every day, but most people are immune to. Left a permanent scar on his left cheek. The worst part, is neither me or my ex have any insurance to make this go easier. I am just so tired of him going through this crap. He doesn't deserve this. I'm really down right now.


My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P


Chris G.

Hang in there DCG, he sounds like a tough little guy. Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.  :thumbs:


Its so very hard to see our children get ill. We feel so helpless. I know your pain, brother. Stay Strong for him.  :angel:
"Its better to live one day as a Lion than a Lifetime as a Lamb".

      "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on."

Proud Owner of:
1970 Dodge Charger R/T
1993 Dodge Ram Charger
1998 Freightliner Classic XL


Looks like a tough (but cute ) kid.

here's to hoping all works out ok :engel016:


Prayer sent man. Good luck and best of wishes! :angel:
Mopar or No Car!


The Maker knows best what we need.  We are praying for you too.  Keep your chin up.


I'm praying for Chris, you and your ex.  You could all use a special blessing.  Medical miracles are happening everyday, and my hope is that one will soon be able to help Chris.

Brock Samson

prayers from here too, were all behind you..    :yesnod:
keep us posted.



I am a pediatric nurse and I see so many children who are suffering and it just breaks my heart. I find that kids are way tougher than us older folks though and can put up with so much more. Not only will I pray for you, your son, and your ex, but will also talk to the pediatrician I work for and see if she has any insight. She's a great doc. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. "Be strong in the Lord, be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart."
Blessings and prayers to you and yours,
Go Bears!!

Johnny SixPack

Chris will be in all our thoughts and prayers, man.

You too, bro.

Hang in there for him.
Johnny's Herd:
'69 Charger SE, '70 Charger R/T SE 496 Six Pack, '72 Chrysler Imperial LeBaron, '74 International Scout II, '85 Ford F-250 Diesel, '97 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series

"If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn't thinking." - Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

"If its got tits or tires, you're going to have trouble with it." - Unknown

Got Dodge Fever? There's only one cure.....Charger!




72 Charger- Base Model
68 Charger-R/T Clone
69 Charger Daytona clone
79 Lil Red Express - future money pit
88 Ramcharger 4x4- current money pit
55 Dodge Royal 2 door - wife's money pit
2014 RAM 2500HD Diesel


You people are the best. I hope I someday get to meet you guys and thank you personally I just want his misfortunes to end.  I can't even say how much this means to me. I need to go wipe the tears out of my eyes now.

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P

Big Lebowski

I saw on the news alot of people have their hearing restored with the thing Rush Limbaugh has on his ear. There's always possabilities out there. Hang in there.
"Let me explain something to you, um i am not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the dude, so that's what you call me. That or his dudeness, or duder, or you know, el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."

Ponch ®

Hope things turn out ok.

In the meantime, let us know if we can help in any way.
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


Damn bad news buddy... But good news if we can say so is that I'M IN with prayers. One more from Venezuela buddy, and send to your son a big HUG from here.

Shame you are not here... I can say and I'm pretty sure Venezuelan Doctors are some of the best of the world.
Venezuelan RT 74 400 4bbl, 727, 8.75 3.23 open. Now stroked with 440 crank and 3.55 SG. Here is the History and how is actually:,7603.0/all.html,25060.0.html


Our thoughts go out from my family to yours DCG. I hope things work out for your son, hopefully with todays technology there is some kind of surgery he can have to help restore his hearing.

472 R/T SE

DCG, I'm very sorry to hear this.  If there's any thing I can do or you just need someone to rant at, feel free to PM me.

My wife and I will send prayer's to Chris and yours. 

I can attest to the power of prayer.  :angel:


prayers on the way. don't lose faith man, God has a plan for everything
i live in CHARGERLAND.. visitors welcome. 166 total, 7 still around

tan top

   sorry to hear  that , hope every thing turns out ok .
Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


Again, thanks a lot guys. I can't say it enough how much this means to me. I will keep you guy updated on things, although it might be slow going.

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P

old man

I know that is very hard to watch our kids when they are suffering. Hold you head up because now your son looks to you for strength. It's hard to do this sometimes but he needs you now. My families prayers are with you and your son.
70 Challenger T/A, 66 Charger 440, 73 Duster 340,79 Little Red Express


our prayers are with your son and your entire family.
1969 Dodge Charger 500 440/727
1970 Challenger convertible 340/727
1970 Plymouth Duster FM3
1974 Dodge Dart /6/904
1983 Plymouth Scamp GT 2.2 Auto
1950 Dodge Pilot house pick up


Hopeing for the best DCG....keep the faith !  :angel:

68 Charger R/T "Black Pig" Street/Strip bruiser, 70 Charger R/T 440-6bbl Cruiser. Firecore ignition  authorized dealer ; contact me with your needs


Mark 10:13-15
"13 People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Prayer first to glorify God and exalt in His greatness.  It is through your praise of Him and his almighty power that miracles are done.  Praise God first, pray to Him through thanksgiving for his miracle brought you the life of your child.  He knows what you desire, and He will answer your prayer, but you must first praise Him in the highest, for He comes first before your needs.  He is the supplanter, He is the giver of life and miracles, and it is only through He that you will receive the answer to your prayer.

Pete, I prayed to our Lord Almighty to provide you and your family with comfort.  I, too, have auditory disabilities.  I still function very well in my vocation and schooling.  This is not the end if his deafness becomes profound, it is just the beginning.  Be the good father that you are, praise God in the highest, and He will guide you and your family through this tribulation.

God bless you and your family.

67 Plymouth Barracuda, 69 Plymouth Barracuda, 73 Charger SE, 75 D100, 80 Sno-Commander


I really hope your kid will be ok.. Take care DCG...



My sister had a bad case of meningitis when she was 4 or 5. She recovered, but was left with 10% hearing in one ear & 80% in the other. I don't recall how long it took for her hearing to deteriorate, but I'd bet your son's problem is related to that somehow.

My best wishes go to you & your son, I hope there will be a happy end to the story. :pity:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Being a relatively new Father myself I can't imagine the anguish you must be going through.  The thought of one of my Children in pain makes me want to cry. 

Hang in there and be strong for him.  Perhaps you should go and visit him and take him out for some ice ceam.   :yesnod:  and yes, I am aware that he is a long ways-away, but it'd be worth the trip.


RD said it best, I will pray for you, your son and wife. Give your problems to God and let him handle them. There is no way you can handle it alone!
68 Charger 383-2 4spd QQ1 (Project)
68 Charger 383-4 4spd Green (Project)
68 Charger 383-2 Auto Green  Parts (non for sale)
71 New Yorker 440-4 Auto Gold 53k original miles (Driver)
71 Dodge Charger Superbee 383, Auto - EV2 Hemi Orange with Blk/Orange interior - (Project)
71 Dodge Charger Superbee 383 3 spd, GY3 Citron Yella, black bench seat 
73 Charger 318 Auto Triple White SE (Driver)
89 Shelby Dakota 318 Auto White 64k Miles(Driver)

Just 6T9 CHGR

Your son Chris will be in our prayers.  Like others stated its tough to see your kids sick.

Hang in there bro!
Chris' '69 Charger R/T


Chris will be in all our thoughts and prayers, we can only hope that there is something that can be done.

You hang in there too.

74 Dart Sport 360, just for added fun.



prayers being sent! keep your chin up for the little guy and know we are praying for him.

Steve P.

This is coming from a guy that doesn't pray much, but when it comes to our children I have no problem asking for his help. 

I surely hope something changes to give Chris back his hearing. We all live with our problems, but when it comes to kids it destroys me.

Keep him busy with fun and adventure, bro. If he does lose his hearing, you want to make sure he will allways remember the sounds of nature and his Mom and Dads voices. 

Keep him smiling and listening to the sounds of beauty.
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


My family will keep yours in our prayers.  Your son sounds like he is tough...someone to be admired for their ability to overcome adversity...which he no doubt will.  In times of trouble I take great strength from my family and friends, but even more from my faith...I hope this verse will be of some comfort to you, as it has been to me: 

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.


Daddy ran whiskey in a big black dodge
bought it at an auction at the masons lodge,
Johnson County Sherriff painted on the side,
just shot a coat of primer then he looked inside,
well him and my uncle tore that engine down,
I still remember that rumblin' sound.....


We are praying in Northern Minnesota!  Keep the faith!  :yesnod:


Sending one up for him and one for the family. Hope the doctors can find what is causing this and help him. I will also pray that some good fortune will come your way so that you might be able to make a trip down there. :icon_smile_big:
1971 Dodge Charger Super Bee
496 stroker


PRAYERS & BEST WISHES sent from JERSEY!!!!!!!!!!!! :angel:
68 Charger R/T, SOLD =/ sniffle sniffle
01 BMW 740i SPORT  
01 Hot Rod Harley Dresser, SOLD =/ =/


I hope everything works out with your son's hearing.  ASL classes might be beneficial, especially with the doctors wanting him to wear hearing protection.  Then, if he doesn't loose his hearing, you and him can use the skills to talk about people behind their backs even to their face. 
Formerly chargerdaytona477


prayer sent.being a dad myself i can appreciate the pain you feel.


Thoughts and prayers from my family to yours! Hang in there brother! Andy


I hope the doctors can find out the reasoning for your son's hearing loss. My prayers goes out to you, your son and your ex-wife. Stay in much contact as you can with your son. Hang in there DCG, get as much support as you can from friends and family. There are other ways of communicating, as strong as he sounds I'm sure he will be a "bound a determined" little guy to continue that communication with those who surround him with love. I can imagine how hard it is for you to see your son in this condition, but as long as he knows he is loved that is what matters the most. May God be with you and your family....



My family will keep you and yours in our prayers.  As I father, I can only imagine what you are going through.  Stay strong and update us when possible.
69 Charger 383
MoPar.  You're either with us or behind us!


Just said a prayer for Chris... and you... and his Mom... and the doctors that are trying to help him...


Keep the faith, prayer sent. :engel016:
Please keep us posted.
73' Dodge Rallye Charger 400/4BBL
06' Dodge Ram Quad Cab 4X4 HEMI
15' Dodge Dart 2.7 SXT


Prayer sent.  Can't imagine, but having a 5 month old right now, I know I worry all the time.  I really hope things start to look up for you DCG.


you and your son both have my prayers.  i hope that something can be found and wish both of you guys the best of luck and hope everything turn itself around.   :cheers:
1978 Dodge Power Wagon W200 4x4- 408 stroker/4spd
1974 Dodge Dart Swinger. 440 project in the works.


prayers sent from my house too. everything will work out in time, please keep us updated
i live in CHARGERLAND.. visitors welcome. 166 total, 7 still around


I was surprised to this this thread re-emerge as I totally forgot about it. Thanks to everyone  :bow:

Everyone's prayers must be working. We still have not had him in to the doctor as neither me or my ex-wife have any health insurance, or been able to get enough cash together to have it done. She only works part time, and this year because construction is so bad here, I just barely made it over the $20,000 mark this year. (I usually bring in the mid $30's) :P  BUT, when he was here this past summer, neither me, my girlfriend or anyone else can believe there even is a problem with his hearing. He seems to hear perfectly. I even did some little tests to see if he could hear me whisper around a corner, and he had no problem. So, maybe everything will be okay in the end. Thanks again,


My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P

Brock Samson


73' Dodge Rallye Charger 400/4BBL
06' Dodge Ram Quad Cab 4X4 HEMI
15' Dodge Dart 2.7 SXT


Feature Editor for Mopar Connection Magazine

1969 Charger: T5 Copper 383 Automatic
1970 Challenger R/T: FC7 Plum Crazy 440 Automatic
1970 GTO: Black 400 Ram Air III 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: GY3 Citron Yella 440 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: FE5 Red 383 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Road Runner: FE5 Red 440 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Duster: FC7 Plum Crazy 318 Automatic
2008 Challenger SRT8: Hemi Orange 6.1L Hemi Automatic


Excellent news!!!  I hope that things will continue in a positive direction for you and you're son!!

:Twocents: Kids are the most important thing in a fathers life and to see them in any sort of pain is terrible. :'(
68 Charger R/t white with black v/t and red tailstripe. 440 4 speed ,black interior
68 383 auto with a/c and power windows. Now 440 4 speed jj1 gold black interior .
My Charger is a hybrid car, it burns gas and rubber............


 :angel: hang in there lil guy!!!!!!!!!! it'll be alright!!!! we're allll pulling for ya!!!!!!!!
68 Charger R/T, SOLD =/ sniffle sniffle
01 BMW 740i SPORT  
01 Hot Rod Harley Dresser, SOLD =/ =/


awesome news... have you talked to God lately?
67 Plymouth Barracuda, 69 Plymouth Barracuda, 73 Charger SE, 75 D100, 80 Sno-Commander


Venezuelan RT 74 400 4bbl, 727, 8.75 3.23 open. Now stroked with 440 crank and 3.55 SG. Here is the History and how is actually:,7603.0/all.html,25060.0.html


LORD i ask in your HOLY name that you touch Chris's ears and heal him - you love the little ones and he needs your comfort - i ask that the HOLY SPIRIT be with him during this time - JESUS you are the way - i pray that this healing will open the hearts of all and receive you as there SAVIOUR.  LORD we praise you and bless you today.  Amen.



that is great news  :2thumbs: he doesnt deserve that to happen to him at all (why are so many bad people in such good health?) i wish you both all the best.


Glad to hear that he is still doing well. Having grown up around thousands of deaf people in my life, I can tell you this. There are many other things that are worse than having hearing problems. My father is hard of hearing, but refuses to use hearing aids. He says if he can't hear, then he will just sign. Which works out well considering that for the last 20 years he has been doing work with the Deaf in Thailand. I couldn't tell you the statistics of anything, but the majority of people that I know of personally that are deaf lost their hearing due to an illness as child, not through their DNA or genetics.

I do hope though that there will either be a positive side to the whole situation. Either he will get better, or the hearling loss will not increase but hit a plateau. Seems like if there hasn't been any noticiable deterioration of his hearing in the last year, that maybe it was a misdiagnosis as well.

There is always two sides to every story as well, and as with everything remember that no matter what God will not test a person beyond their capabilities. In all things put your faith in Him, and he will not fail.


You got it.  I will also send to my Girlfriend, she is a prayer warrior.  David
MSG, US Army, Retired
1973 Charger SE
1976 Stepside Powerwagon
2007 Ram 1500 Laramie
2002 Jeep Wrangler Sport
1967 Dodge Truck


Wow, those prayers really worked.  I started at the bottom 5 mins ago, and I'm here and hearing his doing better.  The power of prayer is awesome, happy things are getting better.
This car was sold many years ago to somebody in Wisconsin. I now am retired and living in Florida.


Keep praying for good health.
Good luck to You and Chris.


Prayer sent and best of luck, very difficult for a parent to see their child through those times.
    On a side note, I personally lost hearing (actually not sure if I lost it to illness or was just born w/o two of the three little bones in my right ear) because I had no hearing in one ear from such a young age I never really new what it was like to have hearing in both ears, it was very difficult to determine where sounds were coming from (you need both ears for that) and was also difficult to hear in noisy crowds.
    However when I was 25 I was curious and went for a hearing test and was subsequently told that my inner ear was fine and my hearing could be restored by installing plastic prosthetics to transfer the noise to my inner ear from my drum. This was a simple day surgury which required only local freezing. The minute he closed up the drum I could hear from that ear!
    Hopefully things work out for your son.


Prayers sent from Germany too. -   Keep the faith!

´68 Charger, 505 by CWE, 4-speed


I just heard Pete. So sorry to hear that. Your son as well as yourself will be added to our prayer list.


Hang in there Bro........ You sound like a very nuturing and loving father.. That's what he needs right now.. Know you have your Mopar buddies giving good vibes his way.. You're right, seems unfair that ANY child should have to go through anything like this......... From one father to another, my prayers are to you and your son....

'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection