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Scam Member

Started by mopglen, November 09, 2006, 04:04:05 PM

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I bought a part from a member who won't return emails or sent my part.
Any suggestions?


More questions than suggestions. Does the member have more than zero posts? Have you seen pictures of the item? Did you speak to the member on the phone, email, or PM (or combination of the above)? How did you pay for the item? Did you send payment to a street address or a PO Box? Are either of you in a different country? How long ago did you sent payment? Did you send payment via a service that you could track? If so, when was the payment received? Did you discuss the turnaround time with the seller? What is the size of the item and does it require any special packaging?

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


Thanks for your reply. The member is Joe Wilkins or "itchyballs" on this site. He has quite a few posts. I have emailed him many times thru this site and direct.
I sent him a personal check on Oct 16 via mail. He promised to send the item, a fender ,in October. He then repromised to definitely send it Nov 2. He said he would give me a tracking number which I never got.
I know he has time to visit the site by looking at his profile. I sent the check to his street address in Pittsburg. He had a pic of the fender so I believe he has it.
The day I posted the question for you he responded on this site he was surprised I didn't recieve the fender. This is after all the no responses to my emails. He said he would look into it. I asked for my tracking number with no response.
Thanks for your help. Glen


Uh oh. It seems that ol' Joe is up to his tricks again.  :rotz:
There were many complaints on the old site. He chose a different username on this board and slipped through the cracks but once I heard from a couple of people that they were actually getting their parts I sort of assumed he had changed his ways. Perhaps I was wrong?

I searched the site for any threads and came up with these:,14397.0.html,67.msg2683.html#msg2683,8470.msg102745.html#msg102745

A few other sites as well:

Since he said he'd ship it I assume that he acknowledges that he received payment. I always send payment with a tracking number and delivery confirmation. Sure it costs a few extra dollars but if the seller doesn't send you your parts then the US Postal Service will investigate. ;) He may very well have the fender - I just hope it is in usable condition if/when you ever get it. Did he say what service he was using to ship it?

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


Thanks for the quick reply. Looks like he is a dirtbag. He didn't give me the shipper.
One of your threads give a detective so that may be a good place to start.
Any other suggestions?


One suggestion...
neither one of you guys has a valid email account here on the site for your Private Messages to be sent to. I'm getting bounces from both directions. That means neither one of you are getting the messages at your real email inboxes and have to be logged in here (and check your PMs) in order to know that someone wrote. I hope you have a real email address - and preferably a phone number - for anyone your are sending money to.

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


I have used the emails
Joe's is
Mine is
Thanks again