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Wakko ...

Started by LahTera, August 15, 2005, 09:52:07 PM

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BTW, I gradutated with a criminology major, I also have a certificate in criminology, and 1 year in law school behind my belt, I also use to be a probation officer, so I know a little bit about how the system work.


Hey I studied law and I've just enrolled into criminology as well! On top of that I'm a volunteer RCMP officer as well and I even have my security license


Drache, I use to own a seed company IBSseeds, IB smoking seeds, the IB came from my community, Indian Brook, so I used IB also short for I be...   anyways I use to sell the seeds on a few different seed sites.They were my own strains I made up, anyways when I came here I thought I could keep my old name, since IBsmokin could refer to smoking ones tires in a burn out, so hence IBsmokin my tires.   To be honest I dont smoke it.   My woman smokes enough for both of us.   I havent smoked in 3 years, I dont even drink alcohal. i aint gonna lie, I grow it, because its hard not too, I been growing since I was 8 years old, my father did and his father did before him.   There are about 20 different strains out there in the world now thanks to me.   I still work on seeds but I dont sell seeds no more, I give them away. And what I do grow is for my girlfriend and our family members, and a few of the elders in my community who suffer from different ailments, I give it to them. I do not profit from marijuana, I am a lobster fisherman, and only have to work a few months out of the year and I live pretty good I think.   


Drache thats pretty kewl, two of my dads brothers are retired RCMP, and just think their father grew marijuana! LOL
I have 6 cousins who are RCMP right now. 
I could never become a cop its not my thing, I couldnt see myself giving someone a ticket for not having insurance on their car when the tickets are 1200 dollars, man they couldnt even afford to buy insurance in the first place how are they gonna afford to pay the fine.
Besides I was in a high speed chase back in my early 20's, and now I am far too old. LOL

Guns N Rotors

Stratocharger...Tragic story, my prayers go out to the officer's family.

IBsmokin...It didn't matter to me what the law enforcement agencies did.
I didn't care how they weighed it or how they charged the grower.

My mission was    1) The safe operation of the aircraft.
                                   2) Find the weed

"Lets plant it in the corn...They will never find it!"
"Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighting aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be."


Yah they grow it up here in corn fields as well, that is just plain stupid.  its all about gorilla gardening.  deep in the woods, spacing them far apart so they blend in with the rest of the vegetation, not leaving no signs that a human was present, no set paths.  camoflage the disturbed soil. and never make a plot of plants that will stick out as a square to the eyes in the skies!
there was this government propeganda that still is believe in by the masses that marijuana reflex more heat then other plants so they can pick it up on infrared.  as if to say marijunana gives off more heat then any other plant out there, yah whatever, it is a plant and a weed at that, it is just like every other plant, the only thing that an infrared will pick up is the heat coming from the grow rooms in peoples houses.
a real good buddy of mine does what you do, he flies helicopters and searchs for marijuana plots for the RCMP, he gets paid real well.
he is in the air almost everyday in august right into the end of september.


Quote from: Stratocharger on August 16, 2005, 09:10:12 PM
hate to "bring ya'll down"..

You shoot at Cops, you take your chances.  I have no sympathy for the dead man.  I do feel for his family, however.  That is, if he had a family.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


When a prisoner has to go to the hospital prior to being admitted to jail (car crash, high blood pressure, whatever) it's called medical clearance.  When we talk about an arrestee that struck or attacked a cop, the first question asked is "He got medically cleared, right?"  When someone hits a cop, he's getting an ass whoopin. 

'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


It's pretty sad someone has to die over something so mundane.  They should just legalize it.  Tis the best way to control it.  I've been saying that since I was 14 and discovered how easy it was for a kid to get it if it wasn't legal.

My sympathies to the officer and his family and friends.  Cops go through a lot of crap just because the system is so mussed up.



I don't have a problem with people smoking it in their house, but it needs to be illegal in the car.

'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


Quote from: Wakko on August 17, 2005, 12:58:48 AM
I don't have a problem with people smoking it in their house, but it needs to be illegal in the car.

So do cell phones....  I can't tell you the # of people I've seen pull through the drive through, with a cell phone looking like it was surgically attached to their ear....
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


Oh, yeah, definitely follow the drinking rules in establishing the toking ones!

And yeah, those cell phones!!  Enough to drive ya' crazy when you're just trying to DRIVE. 


Brock Samson


You'd be surprised at what they've thought of already! 


 :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn: :popcrn:

    Just kidding.   I don't smoke anymore.   Interesting thread, cops and growers talking about growing weed and looking for weed in helicopters, etc., hehe.   I love this thread.

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.


I feel bad about the officer dieing, but what about the two growers that died as well?
more people die each year from alcohal related offences then marijuana related offences.  This is a statistical FACT!!!  but yet alcohal s legal and marijuana is not!
you hear about men coming home drunk on alcohal and killing their wives, you never hear of a guy smoking marijuana then killing their wives, they might of smoked a few joints, then FORGOT to kill their wives!!!  uhm,,, what was I gonna do again????? ah forget about it, I got the munchies, I am gonna go eat some brownies and crash out!!!!


Who the hell cares about the growers?  They weren't innocent victims, they shot at the cops, they deserve to die a slow death.

'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


Quote from: Wakko on August 17, 2005, 10:40:00 AM
Who the hell cares about the growers? They weren't innocent victims, they shot at the cops, they deserve to die a slow death.

HOLY!!!!  Okay Psycho!!!  ;D maybe you should change you name from Wacko! to Psycho!!!


Quote from: Wakko on August 17, 2005, 10:40:00 AM
Who the hell cares about the growers?   They weren't innocent victims, they shot at the cops, they deserve to die a slow death.

I totally agree with Wakko! Cops are out there every day and night making sure people are following laws that have been put there for not only our safety, but the safety of everyone around us. If I ever get drunk and pull a gun and start shooting people and/or police I do hope they come along and plant my ass in the ground. Sure I didn't mean it but as a volunteer police officer and as a security guard I've taken the same oath as the police.

I believe that police, firefighters, and paramedics, are the closest we can get to everyday heroes.

I do believe though that marjiuana should be legalized and taxed, but it should also be controlled like alcohol. You should not smoke it and then go driving because it does effect your mind. There are too many people getting killed with cars these days and sadly alot of them in my Province are due to street racers. They really need to get a beaten!

Down in Vancouver where they had a really bad street racing problem where not only were pedestrians getting killed, but so were police officers! The city opened up an abandoned runway for them to race at with a small $25 per night fee! Only about 20 people ever went and the street racing still went on.

What a minute... how the hell did I get pulled into street racing from shooting people....


Drache I agree with some of what you are saying, and thats a beautiful thing that they did in vancouver!
But there are alot of bad cops out there, there are alot of A-hole cops out there that think they are above the law, they think they can do what ever the hell they want to do.   There are so many unwrongful deaths that are never investigated cause at the hands of these so called hero's.   There are many inocent people that mysteriosly die in drunk tanks across the country that have never been investigated into.
I am sorry but I am suppose to take faith into someone that thinks a criminal should die a slow painful death, by means, TORTUE!!   right, I dont know, but to me, dieing a slow painful death sounds like Torturing them to death!!
Sure it was a bad thing that this grower shot an officer, but in a desperate situation people do desperate things.   I was just saying, i hear everyone feeling bad about the officer, but two growers died as well, what about them, they had families, maybe even children that are now fatherless as well.   No one cares about them, cause they are criminals, they are less then human.   What about the guy that steals a chocolate bar from a corner store because he was STARVING, and when the cops go to arrest him with their guns drawn and he goes to pull the chocolate bar out and they fill the poor starving man with lead, I bet this is ok, cause that man who stole the chocolate bar is a criminal.   Crime is only what society deams as crime.
No one deserves a slow painful death, and if there is someone out there that believes in such a thing, I am sorry I do not want that person protecting my nieghborhood.  



I can see what you're saying as well. First off though I haven't yet seen anything that you are talking about but of course that's not saying that sort of things happen. Accidents do happen and yes people have been shot for sticking their hands into their pockets when the cops are there.

First off the RCMP of Canada if responding to a shop lifting call or things like that do not have their guns out. They have them loose in their holsters but they don't want accidents to happen. I've seen videos of cops who guns accidently go off and either shoot themselves or almost shoot someone else. Those cops do not deserve their guns, yes accidents happen but an accident with a gun shouldn't happen.

The mentality of god cops and crooked cops though mainly comes from the movies. There are many out there though but mainly down in the third world countries and south america. Back in the 40s and 50s there were alot of them paid off because of prohabition, no one wanted it.

Crooked cops are saught out and dealt with. I don't know about them in the United States but I do know about them here in Canada. Simply put though I agreed with Wakko, you pull a gun on a cop and you should have your ass planted in the ground.


dude I was talkin about them americans, we dont have to worry about things like that up here in canada.
there are more murders in newyork every year then all of canada.
We Canadians are more cival.   we have lighter sentencing.   When they do raids on grow operations here in canada, police officers dont have to worry about getting shot because the growers know they are not getting life in prison, they will probally get a huge fine, and 6 months in jail.
but there is a few cases of people dieing in drunk tanks, mostly they were native or black and the cops were racist and they beat the guy so bad that later he drowns in his own blood. but this only happen maybe 10 times in the past 50 years, it probally happened about over 50 times in the past year in the united states.


Quote from: IBsmokin on August 17, 2005, 12:16:10 PM
dude I was talkin about them americans, we dont have to worry about things like that up here in canada.
there are more murders in newyork every year then all of canada.
We Canadians are more cival.  we have lighter sentencing.  When they do raids on grow operations here in canada, police officers dont have to worry about getting shot because the growers know they are not getting life in prison, they will probally get a huge fine, and 6 months in jail.
but there is a few cases of people dieing in drunk tanks, mostly they were native or black and the cops were racist and they beat the guy so bad that later he drowns in his own blood. but this only happen maybe 10 times in the past 50 years, it probally happened about over 50 times in the past year in the united states.

More Civil or just to stoned to care?

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store NOT a government agency!

Brock Samson

 I didn't see where TWO growers were killed...

one yes, and a cop shot through the legs.. No good can come of that..
I think every one knows ya mess with cops at your own risk,..
My advice would be stay out of "The System" entirely, cause it'll chew ya up like getting your shirt caught inna machine..  :-\


Mighty Mean Mexican Mopar