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Wakko ...

Started by LahTera, August 15, 2005, 09:52:07 PM

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I've seen that little clip you always have at the end of your messages and I have to ask:  Did you rescue that kid or what?




what you talking about, he is the one that dumped old car grease all over the floor so the kid would wipe out for his own sick enjoyment!! why do you think his name is Wakko, cause he is a Wacko.   You should see the footage he took at the nursing home!!! them poor old folk never had a chance, it was horrible, dentchers and depends under garments were lying every where LOL


heres a surving of the nursing home shannagins!!!


I've got three or four little mildly offensive gifs like that.  I'll swap it out pretty soon.  :)  And yes, Wakko really is a good word for me.  People that know me are truly astounded that 1) they gave me a gun and a badge 2)I'm actually good at it  and 3) they let me out at night. :image_294343:

'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


BTW, uhm Wakko, I was only making a funny when I said that was a picture of me growing tomatoes and green peppers in the thread with our pictures in it.  *whistling inocently*  :angel:  I would never partake in such a horrific and illegal activity officer :police: !!! We canadians do no such thing!!!


Well, we Alaskans do, and it's perfectly legal!  Except that NOW the Federalis have forthwith stated that it is ILLEGAL to use for medicinal purposes.  That's the only reason many doctors here feared to prescribe, awaiting such a distastrous (IMO) decision.  Let's see what happens when they make BEER illegal!  Oh, wait -- we did that, didn't we?  And what happened?   :rotz: 

Aw, I don't want to ramble on about politics.  I'm just happy to be living, and happy to be sharing my common Mopar interests with such neat people!

Wakko, I was hardly offended at your graphic.  I mean, the kid might be, but it's something you should mail to one of those funniest video shows!  Poor kid!  Trying so hard, he completely missed the pool!   :icon_smile_dead:

'Nough said!



My father just bought this ranch with a log house that is over 100 years old, a really nice place. When you go into the shop though you notice the whole thing was insulated really badly and potting soil all over the floor. Seems before my dad bought it, the owners were caught with 1000 mary jane plants growing away. The cops came in and busted the place and the owners, then the ranch was put up for sale.

The cops took all the plants but left all the hydoponics so my step mom is going to start growing tomatoes!


hey drache did you see the pics of my nice tamatoe plants in the picture of us thread??
yah every street in vancouver as at least one grow operation going on.   I bet the guys with the plants didnt even get jail time, probally got a big fine and a slap on the wrist!   The mayor of vancouver was saying he was goin to make it legal in his city and tax it to raise money for Britsih Columbia's health services!!!  smart idea!  you might as well say its legal in Vancouver, take a walk down commercial drive and you will see people walking up and down the roads smoking it, and the cops driving by not even caring!


I find it odd that a thread with my name in the subject line has turned into a thread about weed. 

'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


Well with you beign a cop and all we figured you'd be the expert!   ;D

Word of advice too, don't touch yourself with your taser... I did it and it hurts....


I know eh!   ??? sheesh whats wrong with you people, sheesh this was a thread about Wakko's crazy film footage!!, man we need to steer this back in the right direction, you swear we was driving through alabama the way weed just popped up as soon as we took the wrong turn.


Smoke um if you got um! :icon_smile_tongue:
"Its better to live one day as a Lion than a Lifetime as a Lamb".

      "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on."

Proud Owner of:
1970 Dodge Charger R/T
1993 Dodge Ram Charger
1998 Freightliner Classic XL


Omigod!  You people are brave!

I went to Vancouver long ago for a Comdex conference and noticed marijuana was pretty rampid throughout the city.  Felt like being at home.  Back in the day, before Alaska made it illegal for a few years, you could drive around town and see the plants everywhere, people's windows included.

Sorry about the way the thread went, Wakko! 

Like the new graphic, too.  OUCH!



I think this one thread is gonna give wakko a work over load,

case number 1....IBsmokin

case number 2....LahTera

case number 3....public enemy number 1....Lowprofile!!!

after those pics dude they are gonna start calling you Highprofile

Guns N Rotors

One of my former jobs ;D This is from '91 or '92..."You grow it and we will come."
"Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighting aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be."



Back on topic....  kinda....  Due to my internet being so slow, I was able to watch Wacko's new avatar in slow motion.  Freaking hilarious!
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


They'll Never take Me Alive, bro! :smilielol:
"Its better to live one day as a Lion than a Lifetime as a Lamb".

      "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on."

Proud Owner of:
1970 Dodge Charger R/T
1993 Dodge Ram Charger
1998 Freightliner Classic XL

SuBLimE 69

Hey Wakko, If we take'em quietly we can split their mopars between the two of us.......

Um Yes Sir, The goverment seized it.... Well you know the goverment...they prolly just lost it.... :devil:

This ticket is only $69.00 ?  If I'd have known that I'd have been going FASTER !


hey Sublime stop giving him ideas!!!!   Sheesh

Guns N Rotors
Do a fly over by my tomatoe garden and get stung by my stinger!!!!   LOL


I did a ride along in a Canadian military huey looking for "tomato plants" in Kamloops! That was pretty cool!

Brock Samson


Check out the persons reaction in the background, the one in the orange. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :icon_smile_shock:



Its a sad story, and its too bad someone had to die, but this part made me laugh.
( Each plant is worth about $4,000 in street sales, Cooke said -- meaning that if there are indeed 50,000 plants of high quality, the crop could be worth $200 million )   what ever they always do that, they take the whole weight of the plants, leaves stems root and all wet and give it a street value, yah ok buddy, these plants probally didnt even get to bud yet so their street value was zip!!   they would have been lucky to get 50 grams of dried bud per plant, even if they weighed the bud wet , it would have loss 70% of its weight when drying since the plant is 70% water.   50,000 is alot of plants, if it was allowed to finish it would have ended up at about 250,000 grams of dried bud or 250 keys. they would have sold it whole sale at about 5 bucks a gram, this would have been more like a 1 million and two hundred and fifty thousand dollar crop. by the time it would have went to the street and sold individually, the total street value would then be 2 million five hundred thousand dollars, not 200 million dollars. god not even close!!
But the cops always do that to make it look like their war on drugs is working, yah right.   Now if they just legalized marijuana and went after the heavy hard core drugs, there would be less people in the prison system, you wouldnt see some dude getting shit because of a grow operation.   Those guys growing knew they were looking at spending the rest of their lives in prison.   I guess they figured since they are goin down might as well go down good!
here in Canada, they catch you with plants they dont lock you up and throw away the key, they give you a hefty fine and probation, if you have a lengthy record they might give you 6 months or up to two years at the most.   even for having 50,000 plants.
There was a guy last month here in Nova Scotia that got raided and he had 16,000 plants on his property, all he got was house arrest.
And now he is sueing the RCMP to have all 16,000 plants replaced.   he was supplying over 300 people who smoke for medicinal purposes.


I think I just realized where you came up with your nickname IBsmokin.....  ::)