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I just love day light savings time.

Started by b5blue, Yesterday at 04:51:10 PM

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Kern Dog

Come on, man....I thought that there might be something we agree on.
What about it bothers you?
If you mean the adjustment we all go through to deal with it right after the time change, I do get that. It doesn't bother me the least THIS time of year. I absolutely HATE it in the fall when we go from a sunset around 5:45 to 4:45. Holy crap that makes 8:00 PM feel like it is midnight already. I hate winters anyway so the early sunsets just exacerbate the misery.
This time of year though? I LOVE it! I don't wake up with the sun anymore like I did when I was still working. I'm active in the day and early evening. Having a sunset an hour later than it was on Friday is like finding $20 bucks in my pocket.