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426 Hemi Chicks Other Mopars

Started by 426HemiChick, March 30, 2021, 03:32:32 PM

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472 R/T SE

Back in the day.

I traded the blue car and got the Daytona clone & $15k.

Did it work?  Looks like a person has to "continue to website" to see it.  I added the url rags like old days.  Idfk!
Help tantop, lol!

70 sublime

I will try the picture

It worked
next project 70 Charger FJ5 green

472 R/T SE

Thanks sublime!

I've only left these forums 6-8 years and now idk wtf I'm doing with pix!

I have a pic with me beside the clone but it's the same delimna.  There's an original owner 70 Super B in the garage.  A bit overwhelming having so many, lol
Now it's just the purple car and my daily D.
I bought the crate motor for the tona but it had an 8 1/4 rear, etc. and dumped it instead cause I couldn't handle the attention it got, lol.

I have at least a 1000 pix, video from 80s-2005ish.


Hi Folks,               09 October 2022

Just a short update: Got tired of the old PC's I have, the oldest is from 2012 (??) and the newest is from 2018 (??). They are HP and Dell respectively; basically, junk as all PC's running Microsoft OS's are. They are easily hacked.

Today we ordered a new Mini Mac from Apple. Should have it all by 21 October. What I call Mini Mac is really Mac Mini; I just happen to like the sound of Mini Mac, kind of like Mickey Mouse vs. Mouse Mickey.

Anyway, I will be operating in the Mac World instead of Bill Gates' pc world. Looks like the 2012 & 2018 PC's will eventually be relegated to Boat Anchor duty and we don't even have a boat (don't want one either).

Take Care, have to get my Beauty Rest (mattress) under my bod so I can try to get 8 hours of good sleep/rest.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               11 October 2022

Today is my Father's 111th birthday. Happy Birthday, hope you and Ma are in a place where Happiness reigns. Also hope You and Mom are fine with the Lord.

Received a call last week from a cop in Southlake. Left me a message to call him, which I did. He returned the call yesterday. Seems there is a warrant for my arrest for not showing up in court due to my not answering a summons for a "code Violation."

Apparently this occurred back before we completed our move to Arizona. After talking to several folks at "Shitty Hall" I find out they cited me for having a Shipping container in my driveway without having obtained a permit, had it inspected and paid a permit fee. It seems that you have to have a permit to take a shit in that town.

When they told me I didn't respond to the court summons, I asked them how they summoned me. They said by mail. I asked what kind of mail. They weren't sure, maybe Registered or Certified, something I would have signed for. I asked them if they have proof the summons was delivered? They said it was sent but there was no proof it was ever delivered. I then asked them how was I supposed to respond to something I was unaware of. Hmm, maybe you better talk to the court they said.

Long story short they gave me my options: Pay the $2000.00 fine, which I told them that will never happen. Hire a lawyer to represent me, to which I again responded that that will not happen either, I could appear in court to which I again responded in the negative. Last option do nothing and they will have a warrant out for my arrest on a Class 3 "C" Misdemeanor. I told them That's the option I choose. There's no way I'll pay a fine, hire a lawyer or appear in their Court.

I told them It's not my fault you didn't notify me of a violation so don't expect me to comply with your court order, after all, this occurred over one year ago and you're just now getting around to notifying me? Lot's of luck folks.

Guess I'll remain a wanted fugitive from "injustice." If I never go back to Southlake, it'll be too soon.

Will keep you posted on my legal misadventures. Been there and done did that before.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks

EDIT Friday 14 Oct 22:

Changed Class 3 to Class C; changed "your" to "you're."
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               11 October 2022

Well part of my new Mini Mac arrived today. That's quick. It's the Keyboard and Magic Mouse. At least it's a start. Current schedule for the Mini Mac is 19 -21 October. Can't wait to get it.

Its physical dimensions are: Height - 1.4 in, Width and Depth - 7.7 in, Weight - 2.6 lbs.,  Max continuous power - 150 watts, 8 core processor, 16 gig memory, 1 TB SSD drive.

Should beat the two PC's sitting here, one of which I am currently using. Going to feel sad saying goodbye to this rickety old PC, which has served me well these past 10 years. We'll give it a good send off giving it a place of honor in one of our storage spaces.

Nothing new on my new status as Southlake's Most Wanted Criminal. Dam, this makes me feel unimportant. Thought the least they could have done was to issue an APB with Shoot On Sight. Maybe tomorrow.

Take Care

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Ernie Helderbrand


Quote from: held1823 on October 13, 2022, 03:40:20 PM

Hi Ernie,                 13 October 2022

I think I made a mistake in the Misdemeanor as being a class 3, think it's a Class C. I'll have to look it up in my law books from my Cop days; thankfully not in Southlake. They have some great cops there. Where Southlake has a problem is in their administrative side, lots of Buffoons. They think they own the city. Got news for them, they don't. I've battled them for 43 years and have never lost. They don't seem to realize you cannot legally accuse someone of violating one of their ordnances/rules and find them guilty without notifying the accused prior to any judgments.

I'm thinking of having "Wanted Dead or Alive" posters made with my photo on them then sending some to these stupid clowns in Southlake city hall.

The chance of me being in Southlake again is lower than ZERO. The statute of Limitations will run out before they see me again.
:patrol:  :pigsfly:

I have fun jerking these egotistical Clarabelle's around. I've earned it for surviving 43 years of their stupidity.

I do wear the "Wanted Criminal" title as a badge of Honor.

Thanks again Ernie, maybe we can make a movie about this. I want Kim Kardashian to play the part of me.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,             15 October 2022

Did talk to two atty's today, the first referred me to a criminal defense attorney who has as much disrespect for Southlake's court as I do.

Does Australia ring any bells? What one animal is Australia famous for? Of course: Kangaroo's, a lovable animal that if you piss it off, it will kick the shit out me, you and anyone else they find handy.

Sorry the poor Roo's are so maligned by being associated with the municipal court system in the US. Let's face simple facts, those courts exist for one purpose and one purpose only: MONEY, MONEY, MONEY !!!

Next Update soon.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                14 October 2022

Update: My Mini-Mac left Anchorage today, hopefully headed here. Anxious to get it. There's a lot on the net this old jalopy can't handle. Almost every time I hit a site I either get a message they no longer support my version of windows IE 11 or it just sits here with a blank screen.

The temperature has been going down lately; looks like we'll have to wait until next year for the really warm 100+ degree days. Darn near need a jacket when going out in the evening. Summer's over even though it's 97° f outside.

Need to get back to the Pups house so we can finish the stand for Dena's new big screen TV, a 7.5 inch with a 75 inch magnifying glass in front. As soon as it is up and running, our pups are coming over to watch "Friday's" favorite movie: "Shane" staring Alan Ladd. He has seen it on a 40 inch but there's no comparison; he'll be sitting about 10.5 feet from the screen.

Almost time for :popcrn: :popcrn: and sody pop. We'll let you know how it goes.

Best Always

426 Hemi Fugitive
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               14 October 2022

Our Mini-Mac arrived in Louisville Kentucky at 1901 this evening. Hope it gets here tomorrow; would like to start using it ASAP. Really haven't seen much on the net these past 2 years. Can't even watch You Tube as they have banned my browser version. Only a few more days and "bill gates," to a large extent, will be out of my life . . . . Permanently !!!

It's 82° f @ 2207 MST. Not bad but a little on the chilly side.

Take Care

Best Always

426 Hemi Fugitive
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                15 October 2022


Mini Mac is at UPS in Goodyear Arizona, about 10 - 15 miles from home. It'd be nice if they deliver it today!!!

Best Always

The 426 Fugitive
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                17 October 2022

Mini Mac has arrived, 3 days early.

Dena, being the real brains of this outfit, is unpacking Mini Mac and getting it ready to install. I've been a PC person since windows has been out. Dena's a Mac person and has been for at least 24 years.

I'm officially a Mac person about 5 minutes. Guess I'll get my buns in gear and watch what she does and learn what I need to Know from the Pro.

Take Care Folks

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                21 October 2022

Mini-Mac is a surprising machine, small and powerful. Dena used an Apple utility that transfers all of one's Microsoft files to your new Mac, whichever Mac you decide to buy.

Now I have to get my buns in gear and learn how to use it. Viewing this site with M-M is a distinct pleasure. Much nicer presentation.

Back to our project for Dena's Birthday Present, the stand for her new Sony 75 inch TV; it is complete except for the finish. Can't wait to watch the flick "Shane" with our Pup "Friday" watching with us. He loves that movie.

Best Always

Chris for the 426 Hemi Chicks

PS: Still eluding Southlake's Kangaroo Court. The reward for capturing me and bringing me to injustice is a whopping $0.02 Pesos; insulting to say the least !!!
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                20 22 October 2022

This is Mini-Mac's first post on this site and first post with me doing the driving. It's a learning curve that's for certain.

Well, that first comment was correct 2 days ago. I finally woke up and realized I had been "Sleep Posting" kind of like "Sleep Driving" which I have been prone to do.

Deleted this post from where it shouldn't have been and reposting the comments that should have been here in the first place. I'm doing this with the old PC.

Start what should have been here two days ago:

Good news on the New Knees, called the Doc's office and managed to get two cancellations. This coming Monday, 24 October 2022, I have an appointment with the Doc's PA, which will get all the Prelim stuff out of the way, then I have a new appointment with the Doc on 06 December 2022. Sure beats 20 January 2023.

When we get back from the appointment Monday, we should know if the doc will do both knees at the same time. I want to get this done and over with as soon as possible. They are getting "worser" every day.

I'm going to have Dena take a couple photos of Mini-Mac. Can't believe how powerful it is and how physically small it is; almost looks like a toy.

Now I have to familiarize myself with its functionality. It sure makes this site look really nice. Didn't realize just how bad my 10 year old PC is.

There are several post on this site that have YouTube links. I should now be able to view them.

Take Care

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                   26 October 2022

Received good news today: Dr. Martin Benoit's office called me asking if I'd like to move up my knee surgery to 14 December 2022 from mid February 2023. Of course I said YES.

Have lots to do between now and surgery date: Find a new Primary, a Hematologist, and Cardiologist. Have them do their work ups then supply me with their reports. This all has to be completed about one week prior to surgery.

My understanding is my new knee will be Titanium with a ceramic ball. When I learn more I'll update this thread.

Thank you Doctor Clint Brunner for Recommending Dr. Betty Davis. She's an excellent Dermatologist and an extremely nice person. She in turn recommended Dr. Martin Benoit (pronounced "Ben Waa"). He's the Go to orthopedic doctor here in Phoenix.

If all goes well with the first knee, I can have the second knee done 3 months later. I should be finished with rehab just in time for our 65th High School Reunion mid September 2023. Since this will most likely be our last reunion, I definitely want to be there.

This new surgery date couldn't have come at a better time. My knees are a disaster. We are going to view this as an early Christmas Present.

I should have had them replaced a couple years ago. I was having "Syn-Visc One" injections about every 18 months. They helped to minimize joint "wear and tear" and my knees were pain free.

It has now been more than 4 years since my last injections. The wear and tear has accelerated and is noticeable to a casual observer. I'm so "Knock-Kneed" that the knees hit each other as I walk. I first noticed it after we got home last year. With the sun behind me I noticed the shadow of my legs looked like the letter "X" just not quite as severe as the letter.

Procrastination will get you somewhere . . . . just not where one needs to be.

When all said and done, I hope I didn't wait too long.

Our Internet service has been down all day so the posting date may not coincide with authoring date.

It's now the 27th and it's still down. Whatever the problem is, it has affected cell service in this area. Normally I have 6 bars, now 2 is a lot.

Will post this ASAP, just not now @ 1755 MST / 5:55 PM MST . . . .  27 Oct 22

UPDATE: Now the projected service resumption is said to be 28 October 2022 @ 1700 / 5:00 PM MST. For certain I Ain't holding my breath.

UPDATE: 0643 hrs. / 6:33 MST 28 October 2022 - Still down. This outage has affected Cell Phone service in this area. It has whacked our Security system rendering it useless except for the internal alarm, which is quite noisy. We do have a backup which spits lethal doses of the non prescription metal called lead. 

Last but not least, It has cooled off a good bit in the last few days; Santa is right around the corner.

Take Care

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks

PS: Net and phone finally back up @ 1000 hrs. 28 Oct 22
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,              28 October 2022

Went to Dr. Benoit's office today to pick up the instructions I must follow prior to surgery. Have several Doctor's to get appointments with, tests to be run and things I must do prior to surgery and post surgery.

I don't have a desire to have my body cut, sawn, new parts hammered and cemented into place, skin stapled together, bandaged and booted out of the hospital the day after surgery. Hey, if when it's all said and done, I can walk normally pain free, it will have been worth it.

Take Care Folks, Thanks for putting up with our misadventures.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


That's great news! More recovery time so you can really enjoy that reunion.  :2thumbs: Glad I could help in some small way.
dakota_gt on Instagram


Quote from: Q5XX29 on October 29, 2022, 03:19:26 AM
That's great news! More recovery time so you can really enjoy that reunion.  :2thumbs: Glad I could help in some small way.

Hi Clint,                29 October 2022

Your comment: "Glad I could help in some small way." Is a huge help to us. Without you introducing us to Dr. Betty Davis and her referring us to Dr. Benoit, most likely we'd never have met either one.

What you have done for us reminds us of the Christmas movie: "It's A Wonderful Life" Staring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. We've seen it numerous times; it wouldn't be Christmas without seeing it again.

Your gesture has had a profound affect on our lives and will continue doing so. We Thank You from the bottoms of our Hearts. The only way we can really Thank You is by helping others.

God Bless You, Your Family, Josie and Your Friends. Please give Josie some Hugs and Pats for us.

Best Always

Dena and Christine
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,              01 November 2022

My surgery date is 14 December 2022. I do have quite a bit of stuff to do by the end of this month. I have secured a new primary care doctor who I have an appointment with 14 November 2022. Lots of tests to be run, some of which may require appointments with other specialties: Cardiology, Hematology and "Otrologies" (other specialties). This all has to be completed by 30 November 2022.

I did find that there are high end replacement joints available, (not the joints you lechers are thinking about) custom made knee joints that run the bill up and are not fully covered by Insurance or Medicare. They take about 6 weeks to build and require X-ray, MRI, and CT Scans. Have no idea what the costs are, I'm sure it's up there. I'm going with the low end wooden knee made of "Particle" board; the only problem with these is "termites."

All joking aside I'm going with an off the shelf replacement knee that best fits my legs/anatomy. I believe the one they plan to use is made from Titanium, the same material the SR-71 was made of. If it's good enough for the SR-71, it's good enough for me.

I have decided to have the surgery with Epidural / Regional Anesthesia rather than General Anesthesia (GA) due to the inherent risks GA poses for older patients. It's risky for everyone though more so the older the patient is.

What the anesthesiologist will do is insert a needle in the spinal area then insert a catheter through the needle through which the med will flow and numb the lower part of the body. I will remain awake with some sedation using Propofol. That allows me to breathe on my own without having a breathing machine doing it for me along with myriad chemicals flooding my system, which is one of the major danger points of GA.

One last item, I have requested that they do both knees rather than wait 3 months for the second knee. Doing both at the same time should shorten my rehab time to 6 months rather than almost a full year. I have not heard back on this item.

I was told there has been a shortage of Epidural items (tubing I believe) and if that's the case they revert to GA. I have made it abundantly clear that if they don't have everything necessary for the epidural, I will get up and walk out, even if I'm on the table in the surgical suite. I will not allow myself to be subjected to GA with one exception and that's "Open Heart Surgery;" currently, there's no anesthesia alternative for that procedure.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Bob,           10 November 2022

Thanks for the Daytona Pin, it's a beauty and it arrived Saturday. Thank You Very Much Bob. Tell Matt the Super Bee will get the loving care it deserves after the knees are rebuilt.

It's getting close, have my first appointment with my new primary Monday 14 November 22, four days from now. He's the one that will order all the medical tests and lab work to determine if I'm healthy enough to undergo the surgery.

I had better be; these old pegs are in drastic need of a major overhaul and are getting worse by the day, which is my primary reasons for campaigning to have both knees replaced rather than just the left on Wednesday 14 December 2022. Their normal modus operandi is to do one knee and the second after 3 months. The problem with that scenario is there are no guarantees the surgeon will have a time slot available three months out from the first. I want to get this done ASAP so I can get with doing the things I need and want to do. There are CARS that need our attention and numerous more mundane issues waiting. Hopefully I can get the knees under control in short order.

QuoteEDIT: Bob,   Sorry I pirated your thread. It seemed a good place to do it. WRONG !!!

Moved the post here in the thread it belongs in.

Wishing You, Your Family, Friends, Employees and Fans a Very Blessed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year !!!

God Bless

Thanks Again Bob

Best Always

Dena and Christine
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,             19 November 2022

Had my first visit with my new primary. Everything went fine, should have my lab results Monday. Putting the finishing touches on my letter to the Surgeon requesting he replace both knees on 14 December 2022. I cannot see how fixing/replacing the left knee and then leaving the damaged and deteriorating right knee as support for the rehab of the left. I could understand it if the right knee was in reasonable shape/condition, which it isn't. It's a disaster waiting to happen. I see that as detrimental to the healthy rehab of the left.

Plan on mailing the letter Monday. Most likely I won't know the answer until my Pre-op which is 09 December 22. If I don't hear something then, the answer is most likely NO. Then again, maybe he will surprise me and say OK. Guess one might say I have a 50/50 chance of a Yes or No. If I don't ask, the answer is 100% No.

I never considered I'd ever find myself in this situation, thought I was bulletproof. Guess I have been proven wrong; not the first time and probably not the last.

Lots to do between now and 14 December. Already have my suitcase packed ready to go. I'll get at least one night in the hospital then I'll be kicked out to fend for myself. Thankfully I have Dena who will help me with returning home and going to rehab three times per week. Not allowed to drive for 6 weeks. Holy crap, guess I'll have to ride a scooter, 4 wheel variety.

Take care everyone, Wishing you all a Very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                  26 November 2022

Eighteen days to surgery. Somethings are going well while others are F'd up. I signed onto my medical portal only to find some of my records are screwed up. The bad part is they screwed things up from the get-go, informed them of the errors only to find they did a partial correction. As I went through my list of appointments they don't have my surgery on the schedule. The portal is a bear to navigate, appears to have been programmed by third graders. Actually, third graders would have done a better job. This crap doesn't give me a warm fuzzy.

Don't know if it's just me expecting too much or: being short fused, a cantankerous jerk, ignorant clod, you name it and you'll prolly be correct.

If my knees were't in as bad shape as they are I'd take a walk.

I've backed off the idea of doing both knees during the same surgery. My letter was too demanding and my research indicated that the age limit for doing both knees is 65 - 70. I'm 17 and 12 years beyond. I left a window for him to decide. If he asks me if that's what I want I'll answer in the affirmative. Doubt that he will. In the end it should all work out. I have enough time to get everything straightened out.

Came down with a virus of some kind; we tested for Fauci disease and it was a clear negative. It's the first time I've had what appeared to be a cold without having a fever. Felt like a sack of crap for three days then it was gone. It was a first for me.

Be glad when this ordeal is behind us.

Back later if anything new pops up.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                   28 November 2022

The crap came back, hit like a ton of bricks. Have no clue what it was/is, my temp is 97.5, more than a point low for the established normal of 98.6. 97.5 is my normal.

Late last evening went to emergency, got checked over, temp, bp, normal, tested for multiple covid, multi flue, just about everything under a rock . . . . all negative.

The doc seemed to think it was an allergy so he gave me a rhoid, antihistamine, and something to sooth the pallet. By morning I was feeling fine, even my left knee, which has been a real pain. I think the rhoid did the trick. As I'm sitting here typing the left knee is starting to make its presence known verifying it was the rhoids. Overall I do feel better; glad it isn't something that would screw up my surgical schedule.

Time for supper.

Best Always

Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               04 December 2022

Crap is gone, getting things ready for Knee Day at the Hospital. Ten days to K day.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court