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Illegal Immigration!

Started by 69_Hemi_Charger, April 29, 2006, 12:45:58 AM

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Quote from: SirNik73 on May 03, 2006, 02:00:12 PM
Reading all of you posts and I keep asking myself one question, "why hasn't Tory locked this thread?"
Reading this post makes me ask one question...who is this Tory person? :ahum:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Quote from: MichaelRW on May 03, 2006, 01:57:27 PM
...and in-state college tuition...

Oh Lordy !! Don't get me started. I was station at Carswell AFB in Ft. Worth Texas for a little over 4 years and when I got out after Desert Storm, I went to college to use my GI BILL that I PAID into AND served 4 years active duty to EARN !!!  I get to the University of Houston and have to pay out-of-State tuition and at the very same time, high school children, here illegally with parents, who are illegal, get the IN-STATE tuition rate !!!!   :flame:

Whew...... Sorry, this is something personal...........

Everyone NEEDS to write their Representative AND Senators !!!!

'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection


Quote from: hemi68charger on May 03, 2006, 06:01:54 PM
Quote from: MichaelRW on May 03, 2006, 01:57:27 PM
...and in-state college tuition...

Oh Lordy !! Don't get me started. I was station at Carswell AFB in Ft. Worth Texas for a little over 4 years and when I got out after Desert Storm, I went to college to use my GI BILL that I PAID into AND served 4 years active duty to EARN !!!  I get to the University of Houston and have to pay out-of-State tuition and at the very same time, high school children, here illegally with parents, who are illegal, get the IN-STATE tuition rate !!!!   :flame:

Whew...... Sorry, this is something personal...........

Everyone NEED to write their Representative AND Senators !!!!


I hear you loud and clear. Everytime I write my monthly check to Blue Shield for my personal health insurance I wonder how much of it goes towards those illegals that use our hospital's emergency rooms as their Dr's office.  :flame:
A Fact of Life: After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says WTF.........


Quote from: CHARGER_FAN on May 03, 2006, 05:52:18 PM
Quote from: SirNik73 on May 03, 2006, 02:00:12 PM
Reading all of you posts and I keep asking myself one question, "why hasn't Tory locked this thread?"
Reading this post makes me ask one question...who is this Tory person? :ahum:

Wasn't she one of the blonde tramps on the Beverly Hills teenage show from the '90's?  She was bangin' the old fella that produced the show, along with numerous other shows.   :shruggy:


 :haha:  That old fella was her father, but yeah shes the frst one that popped into my mind when I read that

Big Lebowski

So after 5 pages, to rap it up, I'd say the day without illegals wasn't so bad, lets try for a year without illegals next. :icon_smile_big:
"Let me explain something to you, um i am not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the dude, so that's what you call me. That or his dudeness, or duder, or you know, el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."


i all kinda works out in a weird way.  the ones that get illegal ssn and id's, pay taxes, but at the end of the year, they cannot retrieve their tax dollars.  the government would find out what's happening and get rid of them.  now, the government ends up with extra money that goes into all sorts of different things.  like extra money for the military to have body armor.  so i thinks it all works out in the end.

Steve P.

Quote from: 70kracken on May 03, 2006, 09:02:39 PM
i all kinda works out in a weird way.  the ones that get illegal ssn and id's, pay taxes, but at the end of the year, they cannot retrieve their tax dollars.  the government would find out what's happening and get rid of them.  now, the government ends up with extra money that goes into all sorts of different things.  like extra money for the military to have body armor.  so i thinks it all works out in the end.

Far from true. That's the propaganda they want you to believe.. After taking "their" taxes, it costs Florida tax payers, over $300.00 in home taxes.  I tried to find the news station that claimed $350.00 extra tax per head of household, but I can't right now. I did find this and it is over a year old.  :scope:
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Quote from: MichaelRW on May 03, 2006, 01:57:27 PM
I'm a little late to this party but here's my 2 cents:
. . . . .
Currently, illegal aliens are demanding to be provided free medical care, free education, automatic citizenship for their children, bilingual interpreters at all hospitals and courts, insisting on bilingual government forms, demanding that the USA accept Mexican ID's and provide sanctuary cities that would ignore their multiple lawbreaking and allow them to remain free from arrest, fly Mexican flags from their homes and cars, insist on courses in Mexican culture at our local schools, demand local driver's licenses and in-state college tuition, and insist that police officers speak Spanish. We, American citizens, are forced to live with this everyday. Enough is enough and it has to stop. Poll after poll has shown that the majority of Americans want this invasion stopped. If our elected officials do not act accordingly on this, which is to do what the majority of their constituents want, I, for one, am thinking aboutl boycotting the next election or voting for those running in the Constitution Party, however, I will support the politicians that protect the rights of the majority. Protecting our borders from invasion is a constitutional law that many elected officials are ignoring. Doing so throws our country into anarchy and a loss of sovereignty.    . . . . .

  When you put it that way, that is pretty messed up there.   They want all that?   No way. 

                 Tory Spelling, ironic they spelled it wrong.   


                         Anyone seen Lucky Number Sleven?  cool movie.

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.

Vainglory, Esq.

Quote from: Steve P. on May 03, 2006, 09:26:05 PM
Quote from: 70kracken on May 03, 2006, 09:02:39 PM
i all kinda works out in a weird way.  the ones that get illegal ssn and id's, pay taxes, but at the end of the year, they cannot retrieve their tax dollars.  the government would find out what's happening and get rid of them.  now, the government ends up with extra money that goes into all sorts of different things.  like extra money for the military to have body armor.  so i thinks it all works out in the end.

Far from true. That's the propaganda they want you to believe.. After taking "their" taxes, it costs Florida tax payers, over $300.00 in home taxes.  I tried to find the news station that claimed $350.00 extra tax per head of household, but I can't right now. I did find this and it is over a year old.  :scope:

May in fact be true overall.

The federal government is sure making out well.  Either way, I'd take either one of these commentaries with a grain of salt.  If it weren't for the fact that the United States government is so willing to make slaves out of people by taking their tax money on the justification that people "need" it (their incompetence/unwillingness/inability to seek help from anywhere but the government is virtue enough to justify taking it from people who have earned it?), we wouldn't be having this discussion.

As I said before, I believe that immigration causes more benefit than harm.  If we were to do away with the welfare state, draining taxpayers' money would be a moot point. 

Mike DC

I have zero problem with Ameirca allowing further immigration if it were done right. 

But the current system is nuts.  It's some sort of half-assed "don't ask, don't tell" policy where big business is allowed to use (and often abuse) an underclass of workers without any decent oversight.  It also involves keeping our borders loose while we ostensively fight wars to stop terrorism.  And all the while, half of our poor population is out of work and living partly off gov't support.  It's all nuts on so many levels.

You can argue that the immigrants pay tax money they won't collect, or you can argue that they get infrastructure that the rest of us pay for, etc . . . personally I don't have an educated opinion on that aspect of it.


Vainglory, Esq.

QuoteYou can argue that the immigrants pay tax money they won't collect, or you can argue that they get infrastructure that the rest of us pay for, etc . . . personally I don't have an educated opinion on that aspect of it.

Both is happening.  But many Americans don't pay any net taxes either - do they have a right to the infrastructure because they were born in the "right" place?  Do they "deserve" it more?  It's one thing to say that people should have to pay for the government services they use, but what about citizens who don't pay taxes?  What about citizens who cheat on their taxes?  It's a slippery slope, and it all seems to come down to having the correct papers.

For once I agree with Mike d.  The solution is not more poorly-thought out laws or more rhetoric from Washington.  The solution is fixing the system.  Get rid of some laws, reform others, add better ones, but start at the root of the problem.  Band-aids (especially those in wall form) aren't going to cut it.

Steve P.

So you think we should continue with our openminded open boarder?

I would like to put up a wall around Florida. There was once a place called Miami here. It is now known as Little Cuba. Spanish is the first language and gangs rule the streets.
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Personally, putting the "illegalness" and "social draining" aside, I'm tired of everything around me turning Spanish.. Every where I go, business, in attempts to gain profit, cater to the ever increasing Latino population. I can't even go to my local CVS drug store and not hear Spanish music over the intercom. The social graces from South of the border infect the local community to the utmost degree. Not to place a stereotype out here, but from my vantage point, the ones with broken fences and aweful looking homes are the recent immigrants in my community. Not sure how in the world you can "legislate" assimulation, but something needs to be done.. Sure, there's "white trash" as well, but heck, at least I can go where they work and ask a question and not get, "No habla Ingles". You go down by the affordable apartments, of which the local law enforcement will acknowledge is 50% illegal, there is trash all over the ground in the drainage ditches along side the parking lot all the day laborers hang out........  Please, don't get me confused with someone who thinks all people from the South are bad, farther from the truth. But here, there is a visual truth to their presence. There's a poor lady who's parents have been here for quite sometime. The family's pretty nice and all, but, again, they didn't complete all the necessary documentation once they got here and now, in a week, her parents are being deported.......

'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection


Quote from: Steve P. on May 04, 2006, 07:43:36 AM
So you think we should continue with our openminded open boarder?

I would like to put up a wall around Florida. There was once a place called Miami here. It is now known as Little Cuba. Spanish is the first language and gangs rule the streets.

The reason my family moved from Miami to West Palm Beach back in the 70's........
'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection


Back in 1978 I bought a nice little home (with a big garage) in one of the small cities here in the valley. It was affordable, it fit my needs quite well, it was centrally located and generally worked out very well for me, at first. Then more and more hispanics moved in. Stores that had operated sucessfully for years started closing their doors. The nearby Albertsons, Penneys, Western Auto, Coronet and several other businesses became a thing of the past. The nearby post office closed up and moved further away, the same with the predominant church that closed that particuliar building and sold it while they could. Modest but nice properties became run down, single family dwellings had extended or multiple families living in them, several homes became rental properties, yards with weeds, crap cars parked in the yards and on the street, trash, loud music, the beer bottles, urinating outside, etc. etc.
I hung in there and tried to buck the trend,, but it was a losing battle. After 25 years I sold my modest but nice (and Paid for) home and moved.  Since the area was run down I didn't get much from the sale of my property, so to buy into a nicer cleaner area I had to go in debt. Yeah, I had to move and go into debt because of people that didn't seem to care about anyone but themselves.

Me work, me get food, me get beer, me piss in yard, me tick off neighbor him move away, me have neighborhood to self. Me need medical care? I go to emergency, no need money or insurance. This country good. But it not good as Mexico. No way. I still proud of heritage. I still wave Mexico flag, that is country I love.

With that said, let me say this, there are good hispanic/latino people in this country. Fine upstanding people that work hard, that are educated, that have dignity, that embrace this country as much as anyone else, they care about their homes and yards, and neighbors, and I appreciate and value those people!
I'm sure there are illegal mexican immigrants in this country that are basically good people but if they're here illegally they shouldn't be. They need to go about it the right way like so many other good people have done. 
Maybe some of our laws do need to be changed, I'm not sure about that,, but right now I'd settle for our laws to be enforced. For our laws to be effective they need to be enforced!
I'm afraid too many people in this country have become too concerned with being politically correct. Heaven forbid we step on anyones toes to any extent. Yes we need to be kind and considerate to one another!!!!  We need to treat one another fairly and squarely. But we also need to take a stand to protect our country!  And if that means stepping on the toes of people that are breaking the laws of the land then so be it.

Rant over.
1970 Sublime R/T, 440 Six Pack, Four speed, Super Track Pak


Quote from: Sublime/Sixpack on May 04, 2006, 10:53:02 AM

I'm afraid too many people in this country have become to concerned with being politically correct. Heaven forbid we step on anyones toes to any extent. Yes we need to be kind and considerate to one another!!!!  We need to treat one another fairly and squarely. But we also need to take a stand to protect our country!  And if that means stepping on the toes of people that are breaking the laws of the land then so be it.

Rant over.

Very well said. I too am tired of the PC bull$^!t.

Indiana Army National Guard 1st Battalion, 293rd Infantry. Nightfighters. Fort Wayne Indiana.

A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.
--Gerald Ford



Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection


so hemi68charger...

what should I do???  ;D

Before reading my posts please understand me by clicking


Quote from: hemi68charger on May 04, 2006, 07:48:46 AM
Quote from: Steve P. on May 04, 2006, 07:43:36 AM
So you think we should continue with our openminded open boarder?

I would like to put up a wall around Florida. There was once a place called Miami here. It is now known as Little Cuba. Spanish is the first language and gangs rule the streets.

The reason my family moved from Miami to West Palm Beach back in the 70's........
I used to have a bumper sticker that said:

"Will the last American to leave Miami please take the flag?"


Quote from: Khyron on May 04, 2006, 07:39:27 PM
so hemi68charger...

what should I do???  ;D

Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!
Write your Congessperson and Senators !!!

'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection

Steve P.

I used to have a bumper sticker that said:

"Will the last American to leave Miami please take the flag?"

I like that... I live a long way from Miami, BUT,,, not far at all from a family of illegals. 5 are legal. They own the 2 bedroom house across the road from me. The other 4-6 of them showed up one day and don't speak the lingo. The guy is ready to toss his wife and her family out on their buns..
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Even poor Billy is being changed by the "Man"

Discrimination I tell you! 

Shazam! he's a white guy.  ;D
Delete my profile


Quote from: chargerboy69 on May 04, 2006, 12:51:35 PM
Quote from: Sublime/Sixpack on May 04, 2006, 10:53:02 AM

I'm afraid too many people in this country have become to concerned with being politically correct. Heaven forbid we step on anyones toes to any extent. Yes we need to be kind and considerate to one another!!!!  We need to treat one another fairly and squarely. But we also need to take a stand to protect our country!  And if that means stepping on the toes of people that are breaking the laws of the land then so be it.

Rant over.

Very well said. I too am tired of the PC bull$^!t.

And here in lies a major problem today,Political Correctness.If you say or do anything you are labelled a racist.Time to forget about hurting someone's feelings and do what is right overall.
Lots of people talkin' , few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below
  Led Zeppelin

Mike DC

I think the P.C. problem is overblown, though.

I see a lot of people using P.C. arguments to try to make money with frivolious lawsuits, and that causes a lot of dumbass laws in reaction.  But I don't see the average American's mindset changing.


It's sorta like the recent "War on Christmas" thing: 
It gave some political talking heads a subject to get angry about.  It might have even caused a few knee-jerk changes in stores. 

But did it have anything to do with any ACTUAL  changes in the public's opinion about Christmas?  I don't think so. 
It was a fabricated problem.