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Illegal Immigration!

Started by 69_Hemi_Charger, April 29, 2006, 12:45:58 AM

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What is everybodies feelings about the Immigration protests and all the politics involved?

I personally hate it all, but it angers me so much that I am at a loss for words.  :brickwall:
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life - Muhammad Ali


deep subject, there are both pros and cons of immigration.

Chryco Psycho

I wish I could get a green card or citizenship  :-\

Big Lebowski

Who's going to fry my taco on the great Mexican walkout on Monday? Oh God I'll starve. Some loser on Fox news just said...saying the words "Illegal immigration" was a racist slur, what a load of refried beaner crap.

 They ought to pass a law that says there can only be 40 mexicans looking for work in front of McDonalds every morning instead of 65.

        *** And a disclaimer to our own (Last426) I'm 3/4 Mexican myself, so don't even give me any crap.***

 Reporting to you tonight live from San Diego where's there's more taco shops than you can shake a stick at.
"Let me explain something to you, um i am not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the dude, so that's what you call me. That or his dudeness, or duder, or you know, el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."


Quote from: Big Lebowski on April 29, 2006, 01:46:20 AM
Who's going to fry my taco on the great Mexican walkout on Monday? Oh God I'll starve. Some loser on Fox news just said...saying the words "Illegal immigration" was a racist slur, what a load of refried beaner crap.

 They ought to pass a law that says there can only be 40 mexicans looking for work in front of McDonalds every morning instead of 65.

        *** And a disclaimer to our own (Last426) I'm 3/4 Mexican myself, so don't even give me any crap.***

 Reporting to you tonight live from San Diego where's there's more taco shops than you can shake a stick at.

I will just let your racist words do the talking (refried beaner?  That's like using the term "nigger").  Interesting that the subject was about illegal immigration and you instantly went into a Mexican rant -- self hatred must be a terrible thing.  Oh, and I love that you use the term mexican for them and the term Mexican for you.  Kim


      I am going to generalize/stereotype here, but seems like the majority of the immigrants are willing to work hard for a living, and aren't trying to mooch off the country, that is good.   Deport criminals instead.    

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.


Quote from: Chryco Psycho on April 29, 2006, 01:19:04 AM
I wish I could get a green card or citizenship  :-\

Head South and find yourself an American girl to marry.

If you are already married, knock up you Wife and head South in about 8 months for a six week vacation. 

It'll cost you a bundle to have the Child born out of the country but it's the "fast track" route to getting into the United States.


I'm Pro-Immigration and think we need all the good, hard working people we can get.

But I'm against people coming illegally and jumping in front of people from India and Romania who wait years doing it right and waiting their turn. The ILLEGAL's then DEMAND to be made citizens ahead of all others. This country is built on immigrants...LEAGAL, HONEST ones.

I'll can let our Canadian and Europen friends address the language and cultural issue and what happens to National Unity when people do not assimilate.




  As long as they pay taxes like every other US citizen it doesn't matter to me. Most of us are decedents of immigrants and I will not say someone should go back to where they came from, but they should be go through the system like everyone else did.
1969 Charger RT

Living Chevy free


 Did you know that a large percentage of the prison inmate population as well as outstanding warrants for felony crimes is for illegal immigrants?  I know of an American citzen who can't put her boy through school because she's been put on a "waiting list" to receive financial aid; meanwhile, illegal immigrants get FREE EDUCATION and HEALTH CARE to go with it. 

These......"people" have no place being in our country and need to be removed immediately.  Why we continue to allow these invaders of our borders to rape our strained social and economic systems while our very own citzens suffer is stupid. 

If someone wants to be a part of this nation, they need to abide by the law and get in line like everyone else had to...


I built an addition for a lady last year. She and her husband came from Italy in 1955. She said she is horrified by todays immigrants. She and her husband learned to speak  English before they came to the states. Today's immigrants want us to learn their language,most of them make NO effort to learn ours. A friend who works for a local Sherwin Williams Paint store was told by her boss she had to learn spanish or she would be fired.
Have any of you heard the lastest version of our National Anthem? It's in spanish.
72 Charger- Base Model
68 Charger-R/T Clone
69 Charger Daytona clone
79 Lil Red Express - future money pit
88 Ramcharger 4x4- current money pit
55 Dodge Royal 2 door - wife's money pit
2014 RAM 2500HD Diesel



I came over here with my parents in 1963, legally. My parents learned the language, became citizens, raised 3 kids and are now retired. They never came looking for a handout and never accepted one.

You can thank Fat Boy Kennedy and LBJ for the state of current immigration policy. His support of the Immigration Act on 1965 opened up the flood gates.


We sold our business but if we still had it, I'd be firing anyone ass that didn't show on Monday.


I think this matter is way too complicated to discuss on such a forum. There are a lot of differences between the types of immigrants, where they go to (i.e. downtown LA or a farm in kentucky), how or if they are schooled, what kind of jobs are in their future and the like. I just don't think this is the place as things can be read differently than what you are trying to say, which will lead to discussions and than name calling and than the thread gets locked.

Striving for world domination since 1986


I was gonna start a thread about this matter when I changed my sig line a while ago...but I didn't want to seem negative. Sometimes I feel as I'm coming across too negative on certain subjects.

Yes, I do have a problem with the current "immigration" fiasco currently going on! What a lot of people are looking at as immigration, isn't really immigration at's just a bunch of cheating freeloaders who have no regard for rules or laws, who have jumped on the bandwagon for a free trip to a nicer life.
"Immigration" for most anyone in any other country, means waiting in line & applying for your turn to a nicer be a member of our country! These illegal aliens are just that...ILLEGAL! And as such, they should be deported right back to the back of the line!
It doesn't matter how long they've been here & whether or not they have made families here...they cheated the system years ago by breaking the immigration laws, and as with any other lawbreaker, one day that lawbreaker will have to pay the piper. Sure, their kids will suffer because they now have to move to a country they've never known, but gueas what...THEIR PARENTS CHEATED & THEY SHOULD LEARN FROM THAT LESSON!

Hell, we all know how bad Chrycho would like to live here, why doesn't he just pack his bags & move right on in?? Everyone from Mexico does, so why not? I can tell you why...Chryco has something called moral character & somethng called conscience! That's the main missing link embodied in the freeloader mindset currently going on with the Mexican illegals. :rotz:
Quote from: NHCharger on April 29, 2006, 07:58:53 AM

Have any of you heard the lastest version of our National Anthem? It's in spanish.
Yes, I've heard it...and they've even changed some of the words, to a more "politically correct" tone! HOW FRIGGIN REDICULOUS IS THAT!?!

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


"ALL RIGHT well i do not like them beacuse they breath and they take up space WHITE POWER!!!"  that is what i heard on the tv what the hell is wrong with the workers my wife is a mexican and damn it she is fine as hell and the workers dont work for very much anyway my old neighbors used them to pick apples every year there are diferent views on everything but i do think that the american people should have first pick at jobs and the immigrants should pay taxes too. and i also think that some of these americans need to get up off there butts and work too. and quit living off of you and me!! but that is my opinion.
The Killer Cam


Quote from: 68-70 Charger on April 29, 2006, 09:28:34 AM
I think this matter is way too complicated to discuss on such a forum. There are a lot of differences between the types of immigrants, where they go to (i.e. downtown LA or a farm in kentucky), how or if they are schooled, what kind of jobs are in their future and the like.
You're with any group of people, there are good & bad/better & worse. I'd say that at least 3/4 of them want to just come here, work hard & make a better life for themselves. The other 1/4 want only a free ride & take as much as they possibly can. I have no problem with someone wanting a better life, but they just need to follow the rules doing it.
If all those illegals followed the rules, the immigration system would have pre-screened the serious law breakers out & the jails i.e. California wouldn't currently have 16 THOUSAND (not positive on the actual # as I type this, but it's close) illegal felons locked up & we taxpayers wouldn't currently be paying for their room & board! Those losers would still be in THEIR COUNTRY today, instead of ours.

Quote from: 68-70 Charger on April 29, 2006, 09:28:34 AMI just don't think this is the place as things can be read differently than what you are trying to say, which will lead to discussions and than name calling and than the thread gets locked.
I agree, however this is a serious problem with our country & it's only gonna get worse. Hopefully we can just discuss this problem as adults & leave name calling out of it.
Quote from: 71440charger on April 29, 2006, 09:48:29 AM
"ALL RIGHT well i do not like them beacuse they breath and they take up space WHITE POWER!!!"  that is what i heard on the tv what the hell is wrong with the workers my wife is a mexican and damn it she is fine as hell and the workers dont work for very much anyway my old neighbors used them to pick apples every year there are diferent views on everything but i do think that the american people should have first pick at jobs and the immigrants should pay taxes too. and i also think that some of these americans need to get up off there butts and work too. and quit living off of you and me!! but that is my opinion.
Yep, there are certainly plenty of Americans (natural citizens) who milk the system too, no disputing that for sure. :yesnod:
To me, the "white power" thing shouldn't apply here & will only breed hate, that's not right & it's not gonna help. Like I said earlier, I have no problem with Mexican immigrants here...I DO have a problem with Mexican ILLEGALS.
To me, there's a huge difference. To others, there is no difference. :rotz:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


I heard a pretty good comparitive example on the radio the other day;

"Let's say that you come home from work one day & someone had moved into your house, started eating your food & spending some of your money? Would you be ok with that? The person could offer to clean your toilets, pull your weeds & mow your lawn in exchange...but he doesn't want to move out. You ok with that?
What's that? can clean your own toilet, pull your own weeds & mow your own lawn? But this person likes YOUR house & wants to live there, what's the problem with that??
By the way, this person's sister is sick...she's moving in tomorrow & needs to see the doctor, you need to pay for the doctor."

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Don't forget most of our families were immigrants at one time. Also with out those workers that are willing to work for far less than minimun wage, think of what you would pay for those goods that they produce? I don't know enough about the issue to know one way or the other for what I think is right or wrong, but i do know that us, "white" people don't help the matter by asking way to much to do the simple job, while a hispanic will come up do the job twice as well and for half as much and not miss a day while doing it. Just don't forget that they are helping our economy as much as they are hurting it....


It's illegal and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They call it ILLEGAL for a reason.


Don't confuse legal immigration with illegal immigrations. That's what the goal is of many. They want to make all immigration equal.
We should not reward those who break the law especially at the expense of those who did it the right way. I don't see anyone here saying anything negative about legal immigrants. It's the illegals that we're talking about.

Once you separate the two, as they should be, it gets very hard to defend the illegals.


ILLEGAL is the key word!  So many of our country's bleeding hearts try to justify this invasion from the south as just more immigrants coming to help build America and become Americans as in the past decades.  From what I've seen over the years (I'm 58), the majority of these people are not interested in being Americans and are drawn here for the intitlements we bestow on them the minute they make it across the border.  I cannot get free healthcare, I had to buy my kid's school lunches, and I've never been on welfare.  Our crooked politicians over the years have allowed this to get totally out of control.  We have hospitals having to close their doors in high immigrant areas due to the non-paying hords of illegals that they are not allowed to turn away.  If you think it's fine for these people to keep coming, then don't complain as you continue to get slowing taxed into poverty to pay for the continuing burden they are putting on our society.  The average latino family is having almost 5 kids.  The average American family produces 1.8.  Do the math.  In a few generations they WILL BE THE MAJORITY and have enough political clout to turn good ol' America into another Mexico.  Where will they immigrate to for a better life when that happens?
There are too many millions of them here now to deport them all.  How could that be accomplished?  At the very least, we should hand all the felons in our prisons back to Mexico, get the borders secured to stop the flow northward, make all able bodied Americans that live off the wellfare system take the jobs that the Mexicans are taking (earn their wellfare), jail employers that hire illegals and pay them cash, stop all access to low income intitlements to illegals and stop calling the kids they pop out while in our country citizens, with all the rights that go with that title.
Once the jobs and intitlements are gone I would bet we would see a large amount of them heading back south on their own.  But, it's probably too late.  These things should have been done 30 years ago.
13.53 @ 105.32


Quotethey should be go through the system like everyone else did.   

i also entered the country in 1963 from Cuba. so i see both side's of the argument. you know whats going on here. i live in the most densely populated county in the us. we have tons of i illegals here. the immigration is raiding alot of the Spanish resterants. they pull up with a bus and start asking all the workers for there green cards. they even stopped some of the jitney buses and asked everybody for id. then they took all the people that didn't have any.
  it looks likes they awakened the giant.  don't mess with the government . they take it very serious. Rene
I won't be wronged, I wont be Insulted and I wont be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to others, and I require the same from them.


Big Lebowski

Quote from: last426 on April 29, 2006, 02:46:54 AM
Quote from: Big Lebowski on April 29, 2006, 01:46:20 AM
Who's going to fry my taco on the great Mexican walkout on Monday? Oh God I'll starve. Some loser on Fox news just said...saying the words "Illegal immigration" was a racist slur, what a load of refried beaner crap.

 They ought to pass a law that says there can only be 40 mexicans looking for work in front of McDonalds every morning instead of 65.

        *** And a disclaimer to our own (Last426) I'm 3/4 Mexican myself, so don't even give me any crap.***

 Reporting to you tonight live from San Diego where's there's more taco shops than you can shake a stick at.

I will just let your racist words do the talking (refried beaner?  That's like using the term "nigger").  Interesting that the subject was about illegal immigration and you instantly went into a Mexican rant -- self hatred must be a terrible thing.  Oh, and I love that you use the term mexican for them and the term Mexican for you.  Kim

 So you agree the term "ILLEGAL immigrant" is now a racist slur, that proves my point. Down here ON the border, we get tired of having 46 mexicans run up to our trucks every morning at Home Depot or McDonalds. They need to set up their Rent-A-Mexican shack somewhere else, maybe closer to your house up there in liberal fantasy land.
"Let me explain something to you, um i am not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the dude, so that's what you call me. That or his dudeness, or duder, or you know, el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."


  Well, here in Seattle and surrounding cities, there aren't that many Latinos, but about a million Asians.    The Asians have a lot of GOOD jobs, no one bitches about that?  And how did so many get here legally?   The hispanics take jobs that are low pay and crappy anyways, so who cares.  
    The Asians get different treatment IMO, most of them seem to own houses and businesses and drive around in a Lexus, and their kids get A's at the University.  The Latinos getting across the border do crappy jobs and have no rights since they are illegal, they aren't getting respect.  Who is taking the good jobs?  The Asians come here with more capital is all, they can invest and know how to run a business, we welcome their money and productivity and academic qualitfications.   So no one bitches about them, they aren't on Fox news getting   "keep em down B.S."     I believe this is how the powers that be want it.

                                "Everything is the way it is because they want it that way."  

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.