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**UPDATE** To my HLPAG woes

Started by AirborneSilva, April 11, 2006, 08:44:58 PM

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Finally heard back from the AG today, well we actually called them, and all I can say is THE AG IS A F*CKING JOKE!!  what a waste of time, energy and agravation that was, they are nothing more then a bureacracy to collect our tax dollars.  Here is the letter they faxed us today.

"Dear Mrs. Silva:

I have reviewed all of the information and correspondence concerning your complaint.  The matter has not been resolved and attempts at informal mediation have failed.  Since formal enforcement action by this office is not warranted, we are closing your file at this time.  Your file will be retained by this office.  One of the most valuable ways we can learn of problems existing in the market place is by receiving complaints from concerned citizens. 

If you wish to pursue this matter further, the following alternatives are suggested:
a)  Discuss the matter with a private attorney.
b)  Taking the matter to small claims court.

Thank you for taking the time to express your concerns."

What a joke!  they are worthless!  HLPAG said that they would allow us to order parts through them and pay their cost for the part plus shipping, that is their offer to make things right - another joke.  They (HLPAG) further said that they sold the car as is and that it is a 30 year old car and that I knew it would need restoring - yeah no shit, but IT DID NOT MATCH THE DESCRIPTION THEY POSTED ON E-BAY!!!

Here is a link to my original posting about my charger I bought from them...,3692.0.html

thanks for your time and allowing me to vent - I feel like twisting someones head off right about now  :flame:


dude i feel for you...  so what is your next move?
67 Plymouth Barracuda, 69 Plymouth Barracuda, 73 Charger SE, 75 D100, 80 Sno-Commander


We are trying to figure that out now.  It seems as though if we hire and attorney it would be throwing good money after bad, so we are not sure - I am up for suggestions here  ???

Brock Samson


I would go civil and get extra money from them. Sorry to hear of this and I wish you the best.


lets go set them on fire....  :flame: hahaha

later  :icon_smile_cool:
Daddy ran whiskey in a big black dodge
bought it at an auction at the masons lodge,
Johnson County Sherriff painted on the side,
just shot a coat of primer then he looked inside,
well him and my uncle tore that engine down,
I still remember that rumblin' sound.....


Sorry to say but when you involve lawyers for a case like this, when the dust settles you will be out more than the cost of the car in legal fees and no guarantee that you will win. The "trunk cut out and typical rust in quarters" is open to interpetation to different people. Yes all us here know exactly what it should be, but the courts will go to the broadest and easiest to understand for the most amount of  average people. And in that vein it is completely subjective and you could lose there but be stuck with the bill.
I'm not trying to throw rocks at you, just be aware hat the courts don't always work in a logical manner. The trunk is gone and there is rust in the quarters. This is a 30 plus year old car. That's the facts they will work with. See if you can get an attorney to give you advise on the case before the meter starts running.

terrible one

Quote from: AirborneSilva on April 11, 2006, 08:58:19 PM
We are trying to figure that out now.  It seems as though if we hire and attorney it would be throwing good money after bad, so we are not sure - I am up for suggestions here  ???

And sadly, that is one of the reasons HLPAG hasn't been taken down yet. You are probably right.

If you decide not to take any further action, I would suggest parting this car out, and then buying another in much better, restorable condition.


The only way they can be taken down is by entrapment, for lack of a better word. They need to be set up. Someone needs to hire an attorney and figure out all the angles beforehand, then buy a car from them and document every step of the process with the intention of catching them breaking the law.

472 R/T SE

You have other choices.

Bad publicity is gonna hurt their pocket book.  Build a website. or something detailing your problems and other people's experiences.  You know they sell a lot of stuff sight unseen over the 'net.  You'd think a person doing that, might search their reputation on the 'net as well?  It couldn't hurt!
IMO, you have to think long term and what you can do to make their life miserable.


Quote from: AllBlueRT on April 11, 2006, 11:08:09 PM
You have other choices.

Bad publicity is gonna hurt their pocket book.  Build a website. or something detailing your problems and other people's experiences.  You know they sell a lot of stuff sight unseen over the 'net.  You'd think a person doing that, might search their reputation on the 'net as well?  It couldn't hurt!
IMO, you have to think long term and what you can do to make their life miserable.

Trust me, I am thinking, or trying to think, of ways to screw them over.  I have thought of selling on e-bay (for $.01), info on how they screwed me over but I don't think e-bay would like that too much and would shut me down.  A website might get me sued if I don't do that right but it is a good idea.   


thats really too bad.i dont think that it makes financial sense to go through the courts.i think your best bet is to learn to weld,or part it out and move on.its sad to see a charger in this shape.just think,this was somebodies brand new charger at one time.such a sad life it led.



Sadly, I would say consult with an lawyer.  I will say though by the time you get to court.  Well time money and effort are wasted on this.  What is posted in the add as said prior would be left to interpretation.

Now, if you want to toy with them.  Sure file a suit in small claims and go after what you can.  Cost of the car. Reasonable amount to bring the car to what the standard of the add on ebay was.  NOT excessive.  Most small claims have a limit of $3,000 or $5,000.  Spend the $80 have them served with papers.  That ought to get them in a tiff.   However, do not ask for more than resonable.  Judges can be pricks.  Get some estimates of parts,  Rear frame rails in writing, cost of replacement.  State that you understood the need for 1/4 pannel replacement conceede that.   Just state facts.

Anyway best of luck with what ever you do.  AGAIN as said before do not let good money chase after bad.



Wow that sure sucks. Up until two weeks ago, I was stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base which is only about 20 minutes away from HLPAG; I could have easily warned anyone about the real condition of any of his cars. I've seen his ads and then went and looked at the actual cars. I can tell you that they only post a shot of the car from the best angle. Any of his 5000 dollar cars are pretty well trashed and his 20,000 dollar cars have crappy paint jobs and are always missing lots of parts.
68 Charger
70 Super Bee
11 SRT8 Challenger
30 Chevy Universal


Quote from: RD on April 11, 2006, 08:54:54 PM
dude i feel for you...  so what is your next move?

Firebombing their main office comes to mind...  Unfortunatly, that's out of the question. :-\

Frankly, I'd contact a lawyer, AND, at the same time, due everything possible to drive their business down.  Hit them in the only place that they feel pain:  Their pocket books.  When you spot an ebay auction of theirs, warn any and all bidders about them, linking them to your threads, and other threads about them.  The website idea is also a pretty good one, I know I'd be willing to carry the link to that website in my signature on every forum I'm a member of.  And, I don't see any way that you could be sued by halpag for creating that website, if you ONLY state facts.  It's not defemation of charactor, nor is it slander, if it's true.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


Quote from: bullit68 on April 11, 2006, 11:59:11 PM
thats really too bad.i dont think that it makes financial sense to go through the courts.i think your best bet is to learn to weld,or part it out and move on.its sad to see a charger in this shape.just think,this was somebodies brand new charger at one time.such a sad life it led.

I have a welder and have always planned on doing my own work on it, but I did not plan on such a large expensive job. 


Quote from: AllBlueRT on April 11, 2006, 11:08:09 PM
You have other choices.

Bad publicity is gonna hurt their pocket book.  Build a website. or something detailing your problems and other people's experiences.  You know they sell a lot of stuff sight unseen over the 'net.  You'd think a person doing that, might search their reputation on the 'net as well?  It couldn't hurt!
IMO, you have to think long term and what you can do to make their life miserable.

Be careful if you go this route with a possible "slandering and commercial assault" law suit from HLPAG to you. They could tie you up in a law suit demanding loss of business and livelihood - big $$$, especially if HLPAG gets a hold of a letter floating around from the AG stating that the case has no further warrant and your actions can be interpret by a court as simply doing this to be vindictive and cause damage. Your better alternative that I would choose would be to tie them up in small claims court. I don't believe you need a lawyer and you are basically becoming a pain in the ass and a thorn of their back to them. Use the small court system and legal system to your advantage - think with your brain and not your emotions. I would be extremely pissed like you (probably more) but the only way I see that you can beat them is with the system on your side.  :yesnod:
"Mother should I trust the government?........... Pink Floyd "Mother"


We will be filling a complaint with the better business bureua, not that it will do any good but it will give them a black mark incase anyone checks with the BBB prior to buying one of their junk cars.  We will also be looking into filling a small claims case against them.  At this point I think that is the only thing we can do.


Quote from: AirborneSilva on April 11, 2006, 11:13:24 PM
Quote from: AllBlueRT on April 11, 2006, 11:08:09 PM
You have other choices.

Bad publicity is gonna hurt their pocket book.  Build a website. or something detailing your problems and other people's experiences.  You know they sell a lot of stuff sight unseen over the 'net.  You'd think a person doing that, might search their reputation on the 'net as well?  It couldn't hurt!
IMO, you have to think long term and what you can do to make their life miserable.

Trust me, I am thinking, or trying to think, of ways to screw them over.  I have thought of selling on e-bay (for $.01), info on how they screwed me over but I don't think e-bay would like that too much and would shut me down.  A website might get me sued if I don't do that right but it is a good idea.   

I think a website like that would get you sued. They would call it slander. Your best bet is to get 4 or 5 or more people that are not happy with Halpeg, and then you all go in on one law suit together.  That will get more attention if there are several sueing them. What happened to the lady on here that got burned by them?

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P


Quote from: Blown70 on April 12, 2006, 12:08:52 AM

Sadly, I would say consult with an lawyer.  I will say though by the time you get to court.  Well time money and effort are wasted on this.  What is posted in the add as said prior would be left to interpretation.

Now, if you want to toy with them.  Sure file a suit in small claims and go after what you can.  Cost of the car. Reasonable amount to bring the car to what the standard of the add on ebay was.  NOT excessive.  Most small claims have a limit of $3,000 or $5,000.  Spend the $80 have them served with papers.  That ought to get them in a tiff.   However, do not ask for more than resonable.  Judges can be pricks.  Get some estimates of parts,  Rear frame rails in writing, cost of replacement.  State that you understood the need for 1/4 pannel replacement conceede that.   Just state facts.

Anyway best of luck with what ever you do.  AGAIN as said before do not let good money chase after bad.


This advice makes lots of sense. It's a relatively inexpensize way to get your situation recorded. It causes them to give up some of their time and that will cost them one way or another.
In the end, if you get something out of the process, consider it a win.

Document everything that you've done with regards to this matter, but keep expenses separate from the amounts that are part of the original transaction.
Have it all organized. Have a TON of information but don't just haul in a wheelbarrow and dump it and say, Here. You fogure it out." (I'm sure you know this, I'm just trying to get my thoughts into words here.)
If you just ask for a big lump sum, the judge will get pissed. If you ask for X dollars in reparqations and X dollars in expenses, you have set things up for discussion. The judge might not reward every last bit, but if you state that you were not sure what needed to be itmeized, so you covereed everything and have good organized docs to back it up, it might help.
Make his job easy.
He doesn't really give a crap about what you've gone through. He working his way through a list of cases to get to the end of his day.

The AG may not see enough of a case to do anything now, but if HLPAG racks up a few small claims, BBB reports, and other complaints to the AG, the AG may come back to you sometime in the future.
Unfortunately, I think the AG is likely looking for one of two things in a case: easy win or politically charged. Either of those makes then look good. A tough fight for something with no public interest is a waste of time in their mind. That's my opinion, anyway.

It sucks that you have to deal with this at all. If you ever do end up working on the car, I think I offered my lower fender patches to you before. That offer still stands. I have some other parts that I won't need too, but nothing of great significance I think. Still, if I have it and I don't need it but you do, it's yours.

Best of luck and keep us posted.


I had to have a lawyer review an employment contract and since I didn't know how to pick one, I call the Massachusetts BAR association and they referred me to a lawyer.  Because I got a referral from the Mass. BAR Assoc., the lawyer could only charge me a nominal fee for the initial consultation which was like $25 or $50.  See if your Stat has any program like that, at least you could find out your options for a small charge that way.

472 R/T SE

Why is it that it's OK for the variety of sites then?  There's other websites out there doing just this.  :icon_smile_question:

I wouldn't suggest it if I hadn't already seen other people doing it.  ???


well, the good news is that charger prices have gone way up on ebay, even rusty ones.Rene
I won't be wronged, I wont be Insulted and I wont be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to others, and I require the same from them.



Man, where to start....that fcuken rips MY undies. HLPAG are shlte, absolute scum of the earth. What comes around goes around so I hope when they get their own it's with baseball bats, a BIG trunk, river stones and a lone country river.  :yesnod:

What else can we do?

Wingnut, plonker rednecks......... :icon_smile_angry: Hope it works out for you mate, keep us posted.  :icon_smile_wink:

Steve P.

I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but,,,, I don't think anyone in this country can go after someone in another country for slander.  You follow?? Lets say someone in Mexico starts a anti-HLPAG site. I'm not sure, but I don't think anyone from the U.S. is going down there to twist any arms!!

Ever since my first screwing on Ebay I Google search every name before I think about buying a damn thing.. Can you imagine what would come up if someone started a (ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST OF SCREWED CUSTOMERS HERE) site??

HLPAG.WOES.COM   Add your name and terror story HERE .
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Man that sucks. I too feel that the small claims court option is probably your best option. Unless you have a lawyer in the family.
Indiana Army National Guard 1st Battalion, 293rd Infantry. Nightfighters. Fort Wayne Indiana.

A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.
--Gerald Ford



Quote from: dodgecharger-fan on April 12, 2006, 07:30:52 AM

This advice makes lots of sense. It's a relatively inexpensize way to get your situation recorded. It causes them to give up some of their time and that will cost them one way or another.
In the end, if you get something out of the process, consider it a win.

Document everything that you've done with regards to this matter, but keep expenses separate from the amounts that are part of the original transaction.
Have it all organized. Have a TON of information but don't just haul in a wheelbarrow and dump it and say, Here. You fogure it out." (I'm sure you know this, I'm just trying to get my thoughts into words here.)
If you just ask for a big lump sum, the judge will get pissed. If you ask for X dollars in reparqations and X dollars in expenses, you have set things up for discussion. The judge might not reward every last bit, but if you state that you were not sure what needed to be itmeized, so you covereed everything and have good organized docs to back it up, it might help.
Make his job easy.
He doesn't really give a crap about what you've gone through. He working his way through a list of cases to get to the end of his day.

The AG may not see enough of a case to do anything now, but if HLPAG racks up a few small claims, BBB reports, and other complaints to the AG, the AG may come back to you sometime in the future.
Unfortunately, I think the AG is likely looking for one of two things in a case: easy win or politically charged. Either of those makes then look good. A tough fight for something with no public interest is a waste of time in their mind. That's my opinion, anyway.

It sucks that you have to deal with this at all. If you ever do end up working on the car, I think I offered my lower fender patches to you before. That offer still stands. I have some other parts that I won't need too, but nothing of great significance I think. Still, if I have it and I don't need it but you do, it's yours.

Best of luck and keep us posted.


I will be looking into filing a small claims here in Arizona.  I hope this can be done, then if nothing else I force them to come here at their expense so even if I should happen to lose at least they are out the cost of traveling from Illinois to Arizona.  I really want to start working on the car as soon as I can but I am not too sure when that will be.  The wife also offered to give me $2500 when her retirement comes in (she is medically retireing from civial service and will get some retro pay since she can't work while the paper work is in process), so with that money I will probably look for another Charger R/T (I may have a line on one from a member here), and either work on this one when I can or just let it sit until it is cost effective to work on it, I don't know!


You shouldn't have an issue filing there in small claims. Chances are, they won't show and you'll get a default judgement. After that, the fun starts. They will notify them that they've lost and there is a judgement against them and they must pay in a certain time. When they don't pay, you'll have to go back again. At this point, in NH, they issued an arrest warrant for the deadbeat that I sued.

When he posted bail, they gave me the cash. The judge was good enough post set the bail pretty close to what he owed me so I was happy.

I'm not sure how it will work when you're dealing with separate states. In my mind, that'll be the key. If you can get someone in ILL to move on the arrest warrant, you move the process along. If you can't, you may still never collect on your judgement.

But, with a judgement, you can then place a lien on them, I think.


Sorry to hear about your problems with HLPAG. Too bad a lot of the good honest sellers are gone. Anyway you are not the only one going after them for selling a lemon. I sold my copper color 69 Charger SE to a guy in New Mexico through Ebay. He was telling me that he had bought a General Lee from them for $21,000 and it wasn't even close to what the pictures looked like. He said the interior was new in the picture and ripped up when he got the car. Also the transmission was completely shot so he couldn't even drive the car. All bondoed up of course. He said he was in the process of suing them to get his money back. I don't know any other details or what happened with the suit but just thought I would pass that along to you.


Quote from: Steve P. on April 12, 2006, 01:17:44 PM
I may be barking up the wrong tree here, but,,,, I don't think anyone in this country can go after someone in another country for slander.  You follow?? Lets say someone in Mexico starts a anti-HLPAG site. I'm not sure, but I don't think anyone from the U.S. is going down there to twist any arms!!

I was merely stating a site for those people who are against them regardless of if they are in Africa or mars.
(www) Worldwide web is a marvelous thing.  ^-^ Starting a cult on the other hand, then your post would be correct........



QuoteWe will also be looking into filling a small claims case against them.  At this point I think that is the only thing we can do.

Right, I doubt getting a lawyer will net any more money after the fee.

Ebay will cancel your auction if you slander a member, regardless if they deserve it.

Allblues idea sounded good, build a website that slams them and visit as many Mopar and Mustang web sites as possible and let them know what happened.

Print up a shirt saying hlpag screwed me and wear it to any automotive event you go to.
1969 Charger RT

Living Chevy free

Mike DC

I agree to go after them for ONLY what you've got an airtight case for.

Maybe they did screw you outta $5000, but I think it's better to go to small claims court & politely nail them to the wall for half that.  Angrily push for all of it, and you might lose the case if the judge doesn't understand bodywork and the old car hobby.
(I'm not saying to under-cut what they really did.  I'm saying tell the judge that you know you got screwed royally, but you're not gonna waste his time and you're only asking for what's airtight in your favor.)

Once that's done, you're also much safer if you wanna go after them in more public ways.  They're gonna have a hard time claiming slander if the only "slandering" you're doing is telling some raw facts.  You sued them - and won - for fraudulent misrepresentation of a car they sold.

And realistically, is HLPAG gonna go after you?  I doubt it.
I really doubt that HLPAG is gonna want to do anything that might enourage official attention to their business's habits in this area.


We don't need to convince potential customers that HPLAG is dishonest.  Any digging into that business's history will make that point clear.

We just need to get to them first.  All it takes is to tell them SOMETHING, ANYTHING that will raise an eyebrow before they send money.



The whole thing sounds like a big f^<k story to me. But can somebody tell me who these guys are  :icon_smile_question: Pardon my ignorance
Never too many! 70 Chally R/T Convert-70 GTX-68-69-74 Charger-68 Dart GTS


Quote from: adauto on April 13, 2006, 09:16:41 PM
The whole thing sounds like a big f^<k story to me. But can somebody tell me who these guys are  :icon_smile_question: Pardon my ignorance

Perhaps I am misunderstanding your post, but are you saying that I'm making this up?


Quote from: Mike DC (formerly miked) on April 13, 2006, 04:56:08 PM
I agree to go after them for ONLY what you've got an airtight case for.

Maybe they did screw you outta $5000, but I think it's better to go to small claims court & politely nail them to the wall for half that.  Angrily push for all of it, and you might lose the case if the judge doesn't understand bodywork and the old car hobby.
(I'm not saying to under-cut what they really did.  I'm saying tell the judge that you know you got screwed royally, but you're not gonna waste his time and you're only asking for what's airtight in your favor.)

Once that's done, you're also much safer if you wanna go after them in more public ways.  They're gonna have a hard time claiming slander if the only "slandering" you're doing is telling some raw facts.  You sued them - and won - for fraudulent misrepresentation of a car they sold.

And realistically, is HLPAG gonna go after you?  I doubt it.
I really doubt that HLPAG is gonna want to do anything that might enourage official attention to their business's habits in this area.


We don't need to convince potential customers that HPLAG is dishonest.  Any digging into that business's history will make that point clear.

We just need to get to them first.  All it takes is to tell them SOMETHING, ANYTHING that will raise an eyebrow before they send money.


$2500 is all I have ever been asking for from them but they think $.01 is too much and that they gave me a fair deal.  If I could get $2500 I would be satisified.  I know that it will take much more then that to get it to the point where they said it was but I'm not an unreasonable person.

Mike DC

This thread is not a bullsh*t story.

HLPAG is an old car dealership in Illinios.  They're well-known to be crooked.  They sell GL clones, usually hastily thrown together cars with major problems that you can't see in the photos.  They're basically a worst-case scenario for ripping off enthusiastic "Dukes" fans who don't know much about cars but want to buy a General Lee right away.



Sooner or later, [hopefully sooner] his screwing people is going to catch up with him. It truly sucks bro, but it sounds like your gonna have to take the hit and keep on steppin'. Even when you are righteous, the law fails you.  :rotz:

It sounds like this guy, and for that matter his whole crew need a good old fashioned ass-woopin'!   :yesnod: :icon_smile_big:
"Its better to live one day as a Lion than a Lifetime as a Lamb".

      "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on."

Proud Owner of:
1970 Dodge Charger R/T
1993 Dodge Ram Charger
1998 Freightliner Classic XL



Honestly your only option is small claims court. you can pick up a book on the proper way to do it at any book store. Sue for whatever the max small claims amount is in your state, and with the e-bay add description and photos + your real photos, you will win hands down. I will stake my life on the fact that they won't show up for the court date.

The only problem is that you will never collect a dime from them, I hope you realize that. On the plus side, you will then be able to deduct the loss from your taxes, and you may be able at least cause them a minor annoyance with the lien.

I can't tell you how bad I feel for your situation, or how disgusting it is that this country has come to the point that the rip off artists and criminals are coddled, while decent people are reduced to totally powerless patsies. I wish it wasn't that way, but the e-bays, HLPAGS, and any other business or entity is totally immune to social responsibilities or legalities, while the rest of us are held to impossible standards. I wonder what the founding fathers would think of this.

My suggestion to you would be to part out the Charger so that you can recoup some of your money, then start looking again. I'm afraid that if you try to save it, it will only leave a bitter taste in your mouth every time you try to work on it, as well as consume far more money than you can afford.

Good luck in whatever way you chose to go.


Quote from: adauto on April 13, 2006, 09:16:41 PM
The whole thing sounds like a big f^<k story to me. But can somebody tell me who these guys are  :icon_smile_question: Pardon my ignorance
At the top of the page directly under your user information is a field for typing in search terms. If you type in HLPAG and then hit the "Search" button you'll find things like this:,6717.0.html,8091.0.html,5382.0.html,1924.0.html

Airborne Silva's Story:,6464.0.html

And if you're really bored, you can get an idea of the people you get to deal with here:

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


Mike and Silva, I was not aware of who these guys are. So it was a straight bullshit intennded. seeing I am in Wisconsin I'm surprised I never heard of them before.  But I'm glad I know about them now!!! Thanks
Never too many! 70 Chally R/T Convert-70 GTX-68-69-74 Charger-68 Dart GTS


Silva and Mike...another stupid question. Do they go by another name also?? Are they in northern Il. or elsewhere I though I knew who all the northern classic dealers were. It's good to know who to STAY AWAY from. Troy your imput is also helpful. Thanks
Never too many! 70 Chally R/T Convert-70 GTX-68-69-74 Charger-68 Dart GTS


Hans Leudtke Performance Auto Group. They also have several eBay IDs and most of the accounts have hidden feedback.

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


O OK "Them Luedkte Boys" Ya I know of these guys, just was not aware of trhe other name. Thanks
Never too many! 70 Chally R/T Convert-70 GTX-68-69-74 Charger-68 Dart GTS


Quote from: Troy on April 14, 2006, 07:16:03 AM

And if you're really bored, you can get an idea of the people you get to deal with here:


Ahhh, the good 'ol days, eh Troy? I still get a kick out of that thread.


Quote from: adauto on April 14, 2006, 10:54:40 AM
Mike and Silva, I was not aware of who these guys are. So it was a straight bullshit intennded. seeing I am in Wisconsin I'm surprised I never heard of them before.  But I'm glad I know about them now!!! Thanks

I'm sure there was an apology in there somewhere, I'll see if I can find it later when I have more time  ::)


life's to short have a blast before its gone.


Quote from: Troy on April 14, 2006, 07:16:03 AM

And if you're really bored, you can get an idea of the people you get to deal with here:


Wow. That is a classic. I cannot believe that guy. . .
Indiana Army National Guard 1st Battalion, 293rd Infantry. Nightfighters. Fort Wayne Indiana.

A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.
--Gerald Ford



Im not a lawyer so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Slander -

The oral utterance or spreading of a falsehood harmful to another's reputation.

Untrue spoken statement which damages someone's character.

words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another.

As long as you are not speading lies and you beliieve your version of what happened is true and not malicious,
you are not in danger of being slanderous.

And if websites such as these exist, I would say a little old car website might (hopefully :) ) ruffle some feathers,
but not be legal troble for you.

If you can screw with the president of the United States and worse yet Microsoft, I think you are pretty safe.
And just to be extra safe, register and host the server in China :).

Anyway procede with caution, but I think we would all love to see an anti Hlpag website. And please make sure the name is close
so ya get some google action.

rt green

one of these days their going to piss off the wrong people. and when that happens, they will get theres, legal or illegally!
third string oil changer


Quote from: rt green on April 15, 2006, 09:08:49 AM
one of these days their going to piss off the wrong people. and when that happens, they will get theres, legal or illegally!

I agree.  :yesnod: Hopefully they sell a rusty heap to the Russian Mafia.  :icon_smile_approve:

What comes around goes around........... :icon_smile_evil:

Mike DC

I wish they would sell a car to a Russian mobster.  But I'm not gonna be the one to send that Russain mobster in their direction.

HLPAG actually sold 6 cars to Warner Bros for the DOH movie (used for big ugly jumps).  Too bad WB didn't get after them.  They've actually got the kind of clout it would take to get HLPAG stomped outta business.



Quote from: Mike DC (formerly miked) on April 16, 2006, 01:22:12 AM
I wish they would sell a car to a Russian mobster.  But I'm not gonna be the one to send that Russain mobster in their direction.

HLPAG actually sold 6 cars to Warner Bros for the DOH movie (used for big ugly jumps).  Too bad WB didn't get after them.  They've actually got the kind of clout it would take to get HLPAG stomped outta business.


Yeah I had wondered what shape those cars were in when they delivered them to WB.  I'm betting that they got the cream of hlpag's crop and if they were just going to use them for jumping and what not then they probably didn't care a heck of a lot if they had some rust.  I had heard somewhere that hlpag made a GL for Chrysler, don't know if that's true or not though...


Did you guys also see that HLPAG has the movie General Lee there?  :-X
$150,000 and it's yours, I guess that's what they got for giving Warner Brothers heaps of piles of crap.

30+ rusty bondo turds = 1 solid real General Lee.  ::)


Found out that I can file small claims here in Arizona and make them appear here, the max I can file for is $2,500, which is what I was asking them for in the first place.

472 R/T SE

Quote from: rollingthunder on April 14, 2006, 07:43:03 PM
go here and write a review about them

Zackly what I was talkin' 'bout!!!! 
How on earth would you get in trouble for detailing your honest description and what happened.


If Hitler were alive he'd approve of their business practices!

Brock Samson

So, why is it pay-pal and e-bay protect these scammers and hackers yet attack and block the accounts of people who have been scammed and hacked like me?..


Quote from: Harvey Birdman on May 21, 2006, 09:23:56 PM
So, why is it pay-pal and e-bay protect these scammers and hackers yet attack and block the accounts of people who have been scammed and hacked like me?..

Because you haven't posted pics of that RR yet. :P
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.