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Started by skip68, November 14, 2015, 09:53:23 AM

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Dear Mr president, our friend here on (drache) said that he and his fellow Canadians would be more than happy to welcome any and all Syrian refugees.   :nana:  
On behalf of us here at and America, we thank you drache.  
You are a better American than we are.     :cheers: :2thumbs:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Quote from: skip68 on November 18, 2015, 12:38:16 PM
Dear Mr president, our friend here on (drache) said that he and his fellow Canadians would be more than happy to welcome any and all Syrian refugees.   :nana:  
On behalf of us here at and America, we thank you drache.  
You are a better American than we are.     :cheers: :2thumbs:

Don't remind me, our PM already states he wants to bring in 25,000 refugees into Canada BEFORE the end of 2015....

5 out of 7 of the terrorists in Paris had fake documents and weren't "real refugees". How can be do background checks on 25,000 people?


According the MailOnline, official travel documents, complete with identifies of many who have been slaughtered in Syria and Iraq, can be purchased from forgers for as little as $2,000.00. In fact, a MailOnline reporter, Nick Fagge, having learned of the scam, checked it out, and in less than 4 days acquired himself a Syrian passport, Turkish driver's license, and official identification cards in the name of a dead man.

These documents are not being forged out of compassion for a refugee. They are being forged by skilled criminals who don't care who wants the fake documents, they just want the $2,000.


Quote from: skip68 on November 14, 2015, 09:53:23 AM
Are we past the point to save the world from the middle east?   If not, my fear is 5 to 10 years from now we'll be wishing we'd leveled the middle east.   It's the heart of the cancer that's spreading and threatening all man kind and sooner or later it will be to late.   It should have been done years ago.  I can only hope that every country in the world unites and concludes that we must exterminate that region for the safety and future of man kind.   They have no intention on becoming part of this world and only wish to destroy it.   We've been fighting a fight we can never win.   EVER.     

You have answered your  own question. Recent events are the ramping-up of the beginning of WW111. There is no strategy to fight with , as there ate no geographical area of conflict . I t is ,and will continue to be world-wide.


Scary as hell.  If I'm understanding the original post correctly....................................and I think I am.  You are proposing genocide. 

It's probably the safest way to go, but that won't officially happen.  It would take the form of another world war.  IMHO.  Who the hell wants history to label a group responsible for genocide?


Not necessarily to that extreme.  What's happening in France right now with the raids is what's needed but on a large scale. 
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Am I reading correctly Skip that you think the only good muslim is a dead muslim?  :shruggy:


Not at all.  The radicals.  They for some reason just happen to usually be Muslim.   Don't know why that is.   
I tell you what, if for some reason the Christian community was having problems with Christians becoming radicalized and killing in the name of Christ I'd be expecting the christian community to help.   
If the Muslim community is helping, great.  If not, then why not? 
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Quote from: skip68 on November 18, 2015, 02:19:03 PM
Not at all.  The radicals.  They for some reason just happen to usually be Muslim.   Don't know why that is.   
I tell you what, if for some reason the Christian community was having problems with Christians becoming radicalized and killing in the name of Christ I'd be expecting the christian community to help.   
If the Muslim community is helping, great.  If not, then why not? 

There have been many Christian and Catholic radical groups throughout history. Like I joked about before, look what the Crusades did the Muslims.

This is what organized religion does to people. There are radicals and non radicals in every organized religion.


I know, just not to this level.  Bad people that do evil things like this need to be exterminated no matter what name they do it under.   :cheers:  
When you can't tell the good for the bad it becomes a big problem.  For some unknown reason we have a tremendous number of Muslims becoming radicalized.  And these radicalized Muslims are radicalizing others from all backgrounds.   There's millions of Muslims in the world and I don't believe they want anything other than peace and I'm sorry that these radicals give them a bad name.   But it is what it is and this is where we are.    :cheers:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Quote from: skip68 on November 18, 2015, 02:19:03 PM
Not at all.  The radicals.  They for some reason just happen to usually be Muslim.   Don't know why that is.  
I tell you what, if for some reason the Christian community was having problems with Christians becoming radicalized and killing in the name of Christ I'd be expecting the christian community to help.  
If the Muslim community is helping, great.  If not, then why not?  

So the fact that the Vatican and English Royal Family did not step in to stop the terrorism and bloodshed in Northern Ireland at the later half of the last century means they were endorsing radicalism in that conflict? I think you painting a slippery slope here.

You do realize that 60% of the worlds Muslims DO NOT live in the middle east, correct? Yet, we do not see similar radicalization coming out of the Asia-Pacific area. Similarly, while Boko-Harem has made some news lately, there are almost as many Muslin in sub-Sahara Africa as the Mid East. You are painting with an awfully broad brush that is no different than the radicals saying all westerns want is to make the middle east bankrupt of religious ideals they hold dear.

How do we know that the reason we aren't hearing a larger, wider condemnation from other middle eastern countries is so they can feed us more and improved intel? With over a billion Muslims, it is a very large and widely spread religion and I doubt that as a whole, a large % of them agree with the philosophy of the radicals. Additionally, Islam is not a highly centralized religion, unlike Catholicism. There is no Pope to produce a rallying cry of condemnation of these actions.


Quote from: skip68 on November 18, 2015, 02:45:35 PM
I know, just not to this level.

How so? If we include the crusades the numbers are pretty high.

King Richard The Lionheart put 3000 muslim prisoners (men, women, and children) to the sword because he believed Saladin was stalling their prisoner exchange. That is one of many. It's estimated that tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of "innocent muslims" were massacred during the 200 years of the crusades.

I'm certainly not defending the radicals of any religion.

But if you want to get rid of radicals 100%, ban organized religion world wide.


NO.   :rotz:  I'm not blaming or condemning Muslims.  I'm also not saying we should watch the Muslims that are here already.  Just saying we don't let anyone in from the middle east.  I don't care what flavor they are.   We need to flush the bad ones out and everybody worldwide should help any way they can.    :icon_smile_wink:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


I'm talking modern times drache.   In a somewhat civilized time.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Read your history- there has has been MORE blood shed in the name of religion , than any other. Me, call me an atheist or whatever you want to-IDGAD! I have no use whatsoever for for ANY religion, it;s all peoples concept of what they want to believe, and that's fine with me.


Quote from: skip68 on November 18, 2015, 03:18:01 PM
I'm talking modern times drache.   In a somewhat civilized time.   

The Christan Radical murders I can think of off the top of my head:

Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012
The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008
The murder of Barnett Slepian byJames Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998
The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996
Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995
The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994
Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994

Anything by the Klu Klux Klan

Sabra and Shatila massacre - 1982

National Socialist Council of Nagaland Ethnic Cleansing - 1992

National Liberation Front of Tripura Temple Massacre - 2000

Lord's Resistance Army (Joseph Kony ring a bell?)

Anti-balaka Massacres



Bad indeed but I don't compare any of those to Isis.    I've honestly not heard of some of those.   My bad.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


I'm not one that can bring up (or quote from) history to compare it with what we see going on today. It may very well be similar to something that has happened before. :shruggy:

I say so what if this can be shown to be common. :slap:

What is scary and effective as a way to cause terror is the perps are suicidal.  They expect to die. What kind of response can compete with that??

What seems to be the -result- of their actions is to paint a target on the back of Muslims as a group. This is a part of what I see as the elephant in the room.
The Muslim community in the whole world is becoming a target.  Is that the intent?  Or is this just another kind of collateral damage these suicidal killers are enduring (like the rest of us) in their quest??


What is happening today has happened MANY times in the past- think the Crusades, the inquisition, the Holocaust, Jim Jones, etc. Just different tactics and  players. More reason to realize tht we will HAVE to play by our enemies rules, knowing full well this will cause untold suffering to many innocent victims.


Quote from: beedees on November 18, 2015, 04:50:24 PM
What is happening today has happened MANY times in the past- think the Crusades, the inquisition, the Holocaust, Jim Jones, etc. Just different tactics and  players. More reason to realize tht we will HAVE to play by our enemies rules, knowing full well this will cause untold suffering to many innocent victims.

I'm aware of the many examples of humans doing sick and less than rational things to each other. We can refer to history all day long. We can pick analogous situations apart and speculate about them endlessly.

My question is--what is the value of bringing it up?  Is it to somehow make what's happening now seem less bad or ok?  Every example that can be given has it's own set of unique factors involved. Time,place,culture and let's not forget --individual minds that have great influence on many.

Dismissing history is not my intent or my point. We are all hurting from a threat. We can analyze how it fits into history (and will do so without doubt) but  moving on from this calls for action that uses current thinking about the current problem. :Twocents:


Ok, not, I repeat NOT wanting to start a fight with anyone.  
Here's the way I see it on Muslims or any old religion.  

Instead, let's make up a religion that's just as old.  Let's call it Bob's church.  
Bob's church has been around forever and has millions and millions of members.  
Somewhere along the line members from Bob's church start becoming radicals and perverting and twisting the teachings of Bob's church.   They still attend Bob's church and call themselves Bob's but are also recruiting from the church.  
They grow larger and larger and become more dangerous to a point that they want to kill all westerners and do so in barbaric ways.   Over time more and more people around the world are getting more and more nervous about Bob's.   Every time these killers make attacks we (the world) find out that these killers are Bob's, claim to be Bob's or were Bob's.   Of course the bad Bob's are now recruiting outsiders to join them.   Now the world is threatened by these radicals and has had enough.  
Well guess what, Bob's church has a problem.   Is it Bob's fault? Is Bob's church responsible?   I don't think so.   But I do think that Bob's church should step up and stand with us.   If we don't ever hear about Bob's church trying to keep a good name by helping us find these radicals then how can we feel very trusting in Bob's?    Especially when it turns out that these terrorists attended Bob's church.  
Now, forgive me Bob's church if I board an airplane and don't feel comfortable sitting next to a bob.  
Now, is it fair to treat all Bob's like potential killers?  Of course not.  But does that mean that I'm going to open my home to Bob's?  Of course not.   Should Bob's understand why I feel this way.   Of course.  

Bottom line is there are peaceful Bob's and some that aren't and it's a big problem that the world knows about.   I have NO interest in becoming a bob and don't want Bob's from terrorist territories coming into my country.  I'm not interested in trying or worrying about how to find the bad from the good Bob's.  
Bob's around the world need to unite and help us infidels flush out these bad apples.   If not then don't ask for my help protecting your families.  

Back to Muslims, I just saw a Muslim refugee man with a sign that said something like "I'm Muslim, I won't kill you"  
That's sad and messed up.   I truly feel bad for that man.   They need to blame their own people (and I'm sure they do) for making us not trust them.    
I don't want these good people to suffer but I'm just not comfortable bringing them here.  
Hope this makes sense.  
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


^^ :2thumbs: You make good rational sense.

I would like to add.--Your use of (Bob) is in no way offensive to me. My best friend from high school days (he has passed) was named Bob. :cheers: He would have no problem using the term/ name involved in any problematic issue. I have grown up with the name Bruce and endured --much-- back in the playground days about it. :shruggy:

That you used "Bob" as a way to express a point speaks to our current skittishness these days when we speak. The entire political correctness speech we use is a part of a need to communicate without unintentional offense. It is a cumbersome way to get speaking done. :shruggy:

The word Muslim is soon to be added to words to be used with great care. ---So far they seem to be "terrorist impaired"---I don't intend this to be funny--It is sad.


Honesty, I think we are being played by the terrorists, by the politicians, and by the media.  I think the governors are over reacting. Yes we will probably have a terrorist attack as a result of almost anything we do, but I think there are things we have to do to be a part of this world.  So do I trust the government to tell all?  No, but it is what we have got.  Are the conservatives blameless or the liberals completely at fault, no.  
Who in their right mind would say

"The science should not stand in the way of this."? 

Science is just observation and hypothesis.  Policy stands in the way.........

Or maybe it protects us. 

I suppose it depends on the specific case.....


How long before the phrase "Muslim lives matter" comes up on the news?  Will they be just protesting their treatment as a group? Or will they be fighting what is bringing them into the spotlight?