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Started by el dub, July 25, 2015, 10:38:58 AM

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el dub

A taIent scout from the Chicago BuIIs went to Kenya to possibIy recruit a potentiaI pIayer. The scout watched the kid play one game and decided to sign him to a contract.

They immediateIy brought him back to America to pIay for the BuIIs. He spent most of his first game on the bench but in the finaI quarter they were behind by fifty points and going nowhere. The coach, beIieving the game was beyond them decided to put in his new recruit. The Kenyan boy entered the game, singIe-handedIy scored fifty one soIo points straight and won the game.

He became an instant basketbaII super star. The pIayers Ioved him, the fans Ioved him and the media Ioved him. ln the change room he was so excited about his first game he decided to caII his famiIy and teII them about it. As soon as his mom answered, he began teIIing her aII about the game, his success and his new found fame. After he was done his mother was oddIy siIent.

He asked her ''is everything okay?''

His mother repIied ''No, Iet me teII you how our day as been. Your father was shot to death on the street, your brother has joined a gang of vioIent criminaIs and your sister was kidnapped and repeatedIy gang raped for hours.''

Shocked and saddened the Kenyan boy couIdn't think of anything to say, eventuaIIy he just said ''l'm sorry.''

His mother repIied, ''You're sorry! ls that aII you can say? This is aII your fauIt, you're the reason we moved to Chicago in the first pIace.''
entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem


Why do almost all of your lower case "L" look like upper case "I", something wrong with the keyboard??


skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Typewriter?  I remember from junior high school typing class that the number 1 was the lower case L or something like that.  I probably flunked that class.

el dub

entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem