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ebay/confederate flag ban

Started by jar1292, June 23, 2015, 08:45:38 PM

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Mike DC

QuoteThe flag has never been down since raised.  Even if they thought about it, there was no way for the legislature to meet and pass a vote to lower it on time.

"By law, it must fly at a height of 30 feet," she said. "Any changes — taken down, or even at half-staff, if that can be done — must be passed by a supermajority of the General Assembly."

South Carolina's Code of Laws allows the governor to order the lowering of the state and U.S. flags flying atop the capitol building to half-staff, which Gov. Nikki Haley has done. But according to her spokesperson, it's the Legislature, not the governor, who has the legal authority to alter the Confederate flag. Title 1 Chapter 10 of state law spells it out:

"The flag authorized to be flown at a designated location on the grounds of the Capitol Complex is the South Carolina Infantry Battle Flag of the Confederate States of America. This flag must be flown on a flagpole located at a point on the south side of the Confederate Soldier Monument, centered on the monument, 10 feet from the base of the monument at a height of 30 feet."

"The provisions of this section may only be amended or repealed upon passage of an act which has received a two-thirds vote on the third reading of the bill in each branch of the General Assembly."

The two-thirds vote applies to both permanent changes and temporary adjustments alike, according to the Democratic State Rep. James E. Smith.

The Confederate flag has been displayed at its current location since 2000, when the state passed the Heritage Act, a compromise that removed the flag from its place of sovereignty atop the capitol but allowed it to remain on the grounds. (The same piece of legislation also requires a two-third's vote by the General Assembly to make changes to Civil Rights monuments.)

While the flag can be lowered physically, no one we spoke to could recall a time -- be it Memorial Day or 9/11 -- when it wasn't flying at full-staff.

Yeah I know there was a law keeping it up in the general sense.  

Okay, so they wrote themselves a law saying they don't/can't take it down.  Good for them.  And now it's caused such a ruckus that it's likely gonna come down permanently.  Real smart.  

And it won't be coming down because the damn Yankees forced it on them either, it will be because enough of their own citizens may call for it now.

It's just common sense & sensitivity.  They should have lowered it for this incident.  I don't care what their law said.  If nothing else, it would have been a nice gesture that might have won a few points for the flag instead of making the situation worse.  



Thanks for the info  :2thumbs:  Now I understand the majority part.   The cavers.
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


We are on page 4 here, and yet another thread we all can't agree on.. Why do we even bother. Too many Right vs. Left.  I  don't get it. :shruggy:


Down here there is a difference between Yankees and damn Yankees.  Yankees come to visit all the time.  Damn Yankees are the ones that actually decide to stay so they would have a say as a resident  :smilielol:  And in the UK, we're all Yankees.  It's a matter of perspective


Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning. - Erwin Rommel

Old Moparz

Distractions plain & simple.

So things like this can happen while you are out fighting over flag shopping.....

House votes to repeal country-of-origin labeling on meat

Better start stocking up on them soy hot dogs once all the Chinese frozen meats from the 1970's starts showing up in your local supermarket.

In China, Stomachs Turn at News of 40-Year-Old Meat Peddled by Traders

              Going Nowhere In A Hurry


Here's a change for the better.     

skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Quote from: skip68 on June 27, 2015, 12:27:26 PM
Here's a change for the better.    

I think you have it skip. :2thumbs:   Just add a unicorn and a pot of gold--- :scratchchin: :icon_smile_wink:

All we need to do is watch the news and change what the rising sun brings us.  :smilielol:


And Cooter's place is still selling rebel flag's too!!


So the Confederate Flag represents treason according to some people. Do they remember how this country started?


This is total BS.

Sadly the Dukes of Hazzard re-runs have also been taken off air and Warner Brothers have stopped licensing toys. Removing the flag will not solve underlying issues and will only further cut and divide the country.

All I can do is shake my head in disbelief.


 :rofl:   Dozens of African Americans, the very people Wal-Mart doesn't want to offend just raided one store in Georgia and trashed the store.   :rofl: :smilielol: :smilielol: :smilielol:  
Priceless fail.   I love it.    :hah: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :2thumbs: 
It was just on the news. 
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!

Daytona R/T SE



Not the only one Skip....the EBT system failed for 3 hours in Louisiana and look what happened....imagine if it had been down for 3 or 4 days or a week.....


skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!



Quote from: ACUDANUT on July 02, 2015, 01:40:48 PM

Why do you need a flag for peace. ?
Why do they need no flag for peace?  There was already a compromise agreed upon for the way it was.

Old Moparz

Here is an interesting read, but it's too long to copy & paste so only the beginning is here. If you want to read the rest, click on the link....

I used to lead tours at a plantation. You won't believe the questions I got about slavery.

Up until a few weeks ago, I worked at a historic site in the South that included an old house and a nearby plantation. My job was to lead tours and tell guests about the people who made plantations possible: the slaves.

The site I worked at most frequently had more than 100 enslaved workers associated with it— 27 people serving the household alone, outnumbering the home's three white residents by a factor of nine. Yet many guests who visited the house and took the tour reacted with hostility to hearing a presentation that focused more on the slaves than on the owners.

The first time it happened, I had just finished a tour of the home. People were filing out of their seats, and one man stayed behind to talk to me. He said, "Listen, I just wanted to say that dragging all this slavery stuff up again is bringing down America."

I started to protest, but he interrupted me. "You didn't know. You're young. But America is the greatest country in the world, and these people out there, they'd do anything to make America less great." He was loud and confusing, and I was 22 years old and he seemed like a million feet tall.

Lots of folks who visit historic sites and plantations don't expect to hear too much about slavery while they're there. Their surprise isn't unjustified: Relatively speaking, the move toward inclusive history in museums is fairly recent, and still underway. And as the recent debates over the Confederate flag have shown, as a country we're still working through our response to the horrors of slavery, even a century and a half after the end of the Civil War.

The majority of interactions I had with museum guests were positive, and most visitors I encountered weren't as outwardly angry as that man who confronted me early on. (Though some were. One favorite: a 60-ish guy in a black tank top who, annoyed both at having to wait for a tour and at the fact that the next tour focused on slaves, came back at me with, "Yeah, well, Egyptians enslaved the Israelites, so I guess what goes around comes around!")

Still, I'd often meet visitors who had earnest but deep misunderstandings about the nature of American slavery. These folks were usually, but not always, a little older, and almost invariably white. I was often asked if the slaves there got paid, or (less often) whether they had signed up to work there. You could tell from the questions — and, not less importantly, from the body language — that the people asking were genuinely ignorant of this part of the country's history.

The more overtly negative reactions to hearing about slave history were varied in their levels of subtlety. Sometimes it was as simple as watching a guest's body language go from warm to cold at the mention of slavery in the midst of the historic home tour. I also met guests from all over the country who, by means of suggestive questioning of the "Wouldn't you agree that..." variety, would try to lead me to admit that slavery and slaveholders weren't as bad as they've been made out to be.

1) People think slaveholders "took care" of their slaves out of the goodness of their hearts, rather than out of economic interest.
2) People know that field slavery was bad but think household slavery was pretty all right, if not an outright sweet deal.
3) People think slavery and poverty are interchangeable.
4) People don't understand how prejudice influenced slaveholders' actions beyond mere economic interest.
5) People think "loyalty" is a fair term to apply to people held in bondage.


              Going Nowhere In A Hurry


Quote from: Old Moparz on July 02, 2015, 03:01:42 PM
Here is an interesting read, but it's too long to copy & paste so only the beginning is here. If you want to read the rest, click on the link....

Indeed, a horrible institution. The current media frenzy continues to look south, but conveniently overlooks that the north was equally culpable and guilty of promoting the trade and supply of slaves.

Slavery in the north? See:
Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning. - Erwin Rommel


Roof wins!!!   One man accomplished what NAACP, gov. people, and lots of protesters could not.  I give him less than a year of staying alive in prison but believe he'll get his share of prison love in the meantime.