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can I get a change of genneration???

Started by The Ghoul, March 31, 2006, 08:50:20 AM

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And where does all the high cost come from? The Babyboomers and their love of Money above all.If one person raises their price on an item it has a trickle down effect to everything.And everyone wants to make a million dollars profit just as fast as they can.
Lots of people talkin' , few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below
  Led Zeppelin

The Ghoul

Quote from: hemihead on April 05, 2006, 07:01:25 AM
And where does all the high cost come from? The Babyboomers and their love of Money above all.If one person raises their price on an item it has a trickle down effect to everything.And everyone wants to make a million dollars profit just as fast as they can.
I'm going through an echon class right now and my prof speculates that what we are seeing now is the beginning of a 'correction'.
He speculates that because the baby boomers specilized so much, and compeeted so much, wages artifically rose.
Easy explantation; people demanded more money for what they did and the employers gave it to them.
so in essance we have had it too good for too long.
What that did was rase wages across the board, wich drove prices of products up as well. Which is just fine and good if you think of the US as a closed system, but with out side compatition, both product and outsorcing labor it all falls appart.
The forgen manufactures are killing us because they can produce the product ceaper and not just because over seas wages are lower but because the wages they pay in the US are lower to!!
Why you ask?
- The US gives tax breaks to forgen manufacturers setting up shop here.
- Forgen manufacturers are not required to have a workers union in place; The offer the same bennifits so the workers dont complaine but they can cut the slackers out of the system and they dont have to put out for union fees or any cost associated with that.
- Standard of living is such that outside countrys population views it as a good life and comes into the states Illegualy to do the jobs americans are too spoild to take, and undercuts citizens on wages because they dont have to pay taxes.

Whole big ball of wax.
If his theory is right we are just seeing the beginning of all of this. Eventually there will be a big slump where people dont have jobs and thigs still cost alot. What has to happen to pull us out of the can is shifting manufacturing back to the US and getting wages and there for prices back to reasonable levels.

Trust me the state gov. dosent like this one bit. They make there money from taxes right?
They are loosing so much money to Illeguals working 'under the table' and not paying taxes and to jobs moving out...
I just thing elections have become too much of a pablisity game than if they are smart enough to do a good job.
I say elect less law degrees into office and start voting for people with busness degreese. Lets face it government is more of a busness than a court setting.
Im not saying that lawyers arnt smart. Im just saying were in big trouble here and I dont see many efforts to turn it around.

but then again Im just a first samester echon student going for an engineering degree  :icon_smile_big:

Dale The Bold

I think spellcheck is responsible for the generation of poor spellers.  Just like automatic everything has created a bunch of bad drivers.  Computers make bad thinkers.  And so on.
Matt. 14:8 (KJV) "And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, 'give me here John Baptist's head in a Charger.'"

The Ghoul

Quote from: Dale The Bold on April 05, 2006, 11:09:23 AM
I think spellcheck is responsible for the generation of poor spellers.  Just like automatic everything has created a bunch of bad drivers.  Computers make bad thinkers.  And so on.
sort of,
My spelling issues started in 3rd grade when my hippy teacher said to my mom "dont worrie about his spelling, one day he will correct it and learn on his own because he will want to spell correctly"
it continued through out my public schooling with teacher after teacher that did not give spelling tests, and any written reports were to be done on the computer.
I still dont care how I spell in this context or email to friends or family. Any offical email, or work type subject is always done on the computer so I have ms word oppen on my desk top at all times.

the reason I dont care in the contexts stated above is because I have to be so carefull about it at work that I dont care to think about it in my spare time.

Its like putting the toilet seat down after your done. Yeah its a simple request, and not that much work when you think about it. It's just irratating to have to remember all the time.

pure lazy-ness.

as far as the driving thing....
people are just impatent and jurks. Catch them in a crowded supermarket and they walk the same way they drive.
dont believe me?
just remember this the next time your walking behind an old couple and for no reasion they will suddenly stop in the middle of the isle!

Mike DC

I'm not sure whether Spell-Check really made the bad spellers, or if modern society & the internet just made the bad spellers do more writing every day so we see them more.  Spell-Check probably didn't help the problem any.

I think some people's memory patterns lend themselves to being naturally better at it than others.  Teaching the subject isn't a really a BAD idea, but I don't think it's ever gonna make a huge difference to anyone's naturaly ability that they walked into the classroom with.


But hey, it always happens when a new technology gets introduced.
I think it was the ancient Greek writer Sophocles who moaned about widespread reading & writing in his time: "it's going to ruin people's oral traditions and good memory skills."



Wait a minute. Did "The Ghoul" just admit to be being purely lazy? I mean he stated he doesn't want to put down the seat after each time, or use spell check due to pure laziness? Isn't that one of the things he was complaining about in his generation?

Technology is nothing to be ashamed of. Why do you think it makes you a better person if you still have a record player instead of an Ipod? To me all it says is that your not capable of adapting. Do you still use a typewritter instead of a computer? Or a 16 pin printer instead of a laser printer? Do you still go to the Xerox store instead of scanning your own documents? Still saving up the money to get a fax machine?

Minimum wage is a national standard by the way too. $10 an hour is a good paying job in many area's of this country. I would venture to say it is actually cheaper now to afford a car than it was back in 1966-1972, proportionally to the income levels. I know that the sticker on my 69 500 was $4,200 brand new. Now consider that in 1969 my grandfather worked at Chrysler and was bringing home a paycheck for $54 a week on 40 hours. Factor in if my car was a HEMI it would have been around $4,800 and that is a big price gap on $50 a week. Same goes now, a kid making $10 an hour can afford a new 2006 Charger, he just can't afford the SRT-8, but he can save a bit and still get the R/T or Daytona model.

Mike DC

That's kinda my point.  $10 is good money in a lot of places now, and it's not really buying that much. 

Minimum wage isn't much over $5 now, whereas it was more like $8-11 in the musclecar era. (The exact amount depends which years you compare & whose statistics you believe.  But the sources all tend to agree that the current rate is in the toilet compared to 40 years ago.)


Car prices (when inflation-adjusted) haven't gone up drastically compared to where they were in the 1960s, but they definitely have gone up to some extent.  I think it's something like $4K in the 60s would be $20K now.  But to buy the comparative level of car that $4k bought in the 60s, you're probably paying more like $26-30K now. 

By "Comparative" I mean the same place in the market.  Like, a 2006 Hemi car is not in the same place in the market as a 1968 Hemi was.  A Hemi car in the 1960s was closer to a Saleen Mustang or something, whereas a 2006 Hemi is ordinary enough to be compared with a 440 4-barrel.