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Another chapter in the saga [Long read].

Started by Cooter, August 17, 2014, 12:51:48 PM

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I've tried to live a pretty good life. I don't go looking for trouble, but I don't usually back down from it either. However, it seems I couldn't get the last female out the house without some form of drama. It would seem that she decided, unknown to me, that she would begin dayting the biggest POS in the area. This was evidently around May 24th. I didn't find out till two weeks ago. It seems she decided to borrow money from her mother, who in turn has to borrow from me, for "gas money". Next day, she's asking for more. Stating "We went out to eat". WTF? She has her own job, but has decided that going to college and furthering herself isn't something she wants to do now that she's found slim Shady. So, After finding out that she decided while I was at Carlisle this year, to have this POS in my house. Well, I had no reason to suspect anything until I found this out. After looking around, I discover I have about $1000.00 worth of Merch. Missing. I'm immediately in her sh*t about Slim Shady. I blame him, as the items have sat on this shelves for over 14 years and never "walked" anywhere.

I then Find out she had him over at here aunts house. She's missing about $20K worth of her diamond rings her mother passed down from gen. to gen.
This tears it. I confront the daughter along with wifey, about her making a decision. Your family, or that lying, thieving, POS, Slim Shady. The whole time The Daughter is on the phone yelling att we let her take him OUR CAR we let The daughter drive. Meanwhile, this Turd is a convicted Felon in possession of two handguns, Deals/does drugs, Has NO driver's license, Has two daughters he isn't taking care of, On parole, Has warrants out for his arrest, And is driving my car up and down the road doing God knows what. The Daughter's Last words to me and the wifey about two
Thurs. Ago were "F**k this family, F**k aunt Audrey, and f**k everyubody else"...
She takes off walking to Slim Shady's house. Little did I knbow, he lives in Crackhead town USA. Now this fool knows where I live. I know I'm gonna have to get nasty sooner or later. Which leads me to why I haven't been on lately.

Enter Sat. Last. I getta call from the local Next Door State cop. He asks me if I know a "David XXXX" I reply "Unfortunately". He begins to take my police report on my stolen items. I begin to infor him of my intentions should this Fool come back on my property. He starts with "Va. doesn't have the "Stand your ground" aw. You need to retreat into your house if he shows up and call 911"....I'm like "I don't think that's how this will play out, but you got it."
He asks me if I have or know about where he lives. I state no, and he states If we knew his last know addy, we can pick him up on Warrants. Ok, so I offer to little "Sting" operation for the State Police. I offer to give the car back to the daughter that we confiscated, and I'd bet a bushel of apples, she'll give it right back to Slim shady. Sure enough, here he is driving my car. They bust him, but use that old "We gotta report of a stolen car matching this description" excuse to stop the car. Well now, this just hangs me out to dry now don't it? First thing he does is contact the daughter and inform her that I ratted him out to the cops and set him up. Now, I need this.....Really, I do. So I inform the cop that he's gonna have revenge, it's just a matter of time. He tells me everythings ok, he doesn't know anything. Meanwhile, the daughter claims to not have known about ANY of the red flags popping up on Slim. I give her the benefit of the doubt and begin to tell her how she came within inches of pulling time right beside slim shady. I tell her last Thurs. is visitation at the local Jail, and she is to break it off with him and Never to have any more contact, and she can come back home. She's 19, he's 29.....So, enter this Friday night. I'm in the shop working. I hear glass breaking. I walk around front and here's Slim shady's Brothers, two sisters, and Step father in my front yard busting up my junk. They call it "rocking" nowadays. I go in the house, grab the 9 MM and proceed to confront the problem. I call 911 and report it. They say to get back in my house. I tell them, somebody better be here quick as they are destroying my cars with rocks. So I do the right thing and retreat. Sure enough, one comes down behind the house and looks as if he's gonna break the backdoor glass. As soon as he hears me state I have my piece and I'll blow a hole in his head, he begins to taunt.

He never made a move towards the door, but I could hear him outside real close. As soon as he made a move towards my truck (Daily driver), I step outside.
He picks up a rock and he keeps moving like he's gonna throw it right through my side window. I fire a warning shot into the ground. He is still coming..... I warn him the next one's gonna be closer. He drops the rock, but begins with the "You attempted to kill me" routine. After all the sh*t calms down, the cops get there. Deputy Sherriff questions me, questions he rest, and decides that We all need to go to jail and cool off. I'm pissed off by now. WTF? Why am I GOING TO JAIL?

About halfway out the driveway, the Sherriff tells me that "Reckless discharge" of my weapon calls for a "Cooling off" period. I inform him, that those pieces of sh*t are the family of another POS that my daughter brought here. I didn't ask for this, and I warned the State police that this would happen. Nobody listened until it got to this. So, I pull an overnighter. They release me the next mourning. I ask will this be held on my record? They inform me not as of this time.
So, All this BS comes down because the daughter was looking for love in all the wrong places.

I'm sure I'll be lookin for retaliation from this family in the future, as they only live about 4 miles away....I need this.....Really I do.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Geeze man... That blows, that's unfortunately the way our "Justice" system works, It don't!! 
Sold my Charger unfortunately....never got it finished.


move to SC, we had a guy about 15 years ago, cap a kid on the run in the back no less because a group of them were breaking into his shop.  no charges, never made the news.



That's BS... The people in your state need to change that law and not punish people for protecting their own property. Haven't they figured out that when seconds count, police are just minutes away?

God must love stupid people; He made so many.

Daytona R/T SE

Holy Shit !  :o

You don't deserve that kind of bullshit !  :brickwall:


Good Lord, Cooter !  That is some serious BS !   Seeing as where I live, I wouldn't have to put up with that.  Sounds like future trouble is just about assured!  What happened to all the stuff this dirtbag stole? Hard to believe your daughter is so gullible.  Check your six often !

Steve P.

I don't have a clue about the laws in your area, but a POSTED sign works wonders here and in many others places. POSTED and NO TRESPASSING. Also sounds like it's time for a new addition to the family. One maybe 2 with 4 legs and large teeth. I know that some places require chainlink fence that has to be breached. Just don't stop with Barney Fyfe. Go talk directly with the Sheriff.

Also, something I just heard of within the last several hours is, in Florida now, (maybe other places as well), all you need for a NO TRESPASSING or WTH is it called??? Crap, I can't think of it, but you use to have to go to court and pay to keep people away from you or your family or property but now all you need is a drivers license and the cops run your info and location and give a verbal warning to the person being ejected and if he/they return they go directly to jail without passing go.... No money or judge or court...  Talk to the SHERIFF .........   
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Holly crap!!  I feel your situation as I had one of my own years ago.  You are walking on broken glass that you didn't break and need to hold on and not bleed.
It sounds as though it will be touch and go for a while but if you keep yourself covered by rational actions this will pass as all storms.

I was tempted to say good luck but that will not help.  Keep your good judgment in every twist this situation takes you and ware down the opposition. :cheers:

Lord Warlock

Sorry to hear it Cooter.  Move to Florida, where you're free to shoot pretty much anywhere, on the porch, in the yard, or out while driving the car elsewhere.  One problem though, you can't shoot a warning shot or you'll get brought in for endangering others as the bullet could find its way in a neighbors house as it has to come down somewhere.  But if you feel threatened, we don't have to back down from any beligerant ahole that wraps on our door or vandalizes our cars out front. 

I can relate somewhat, I have two daughters myself, first one did things the right way and it was pretty smooth, she graduated college this summer and moved to another city in the state with her "live in boyfriend" nice guy, and he works, so won't bitch.  The second one however, was quite a bit prettier, and knew it, and has been a royal PIA for the past three years, talked to several cops face to face, toured the jail once because of her, as well as mental health facilities and counselors all because she couldn't deal with the demands we placed on her to clean her room, vacuum her carpet, dust her shelves, and be home by midnight.  Only leverage i've had for past two years was taking access to her car away.  We just dropped her off at college this weekend, and I'm so glad to see it happen.  Even though I'll probably go broke paying room and board for 4 more years.  If she can figure out how to pass a college level course,  I'm pretty sure homework and projects are necessary, not sure she knows how to turn in an assignment on time, she'll learn or she'll come home and go to a local college....I hope not.  Sometimes letting them go to learn life lessons on their own make sense in the long run,  but you can't let them get involved with ex cons and thieves, sometimes you have to save them from themselves.  Kids....who knew when you first thought about family 20 years back? 

Good luck, hide the vehicles out back if they come again, You can always do what we used to have to do, shoot em in the yard, drag them into the house in the hallway to the front door (past the threshold), put a steak knife in their hand, and then act scared when the cops come to investigate. Glad we finally passed our don't back down laws, protects us from lawsuits by the belligerant parties as well.
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.


Still no luck at pawn shops for stolen merchandise. Some of that stuff, as with most stolen property, is irreplaceable. Just sucks as I've never had to call on a favor from friends as once you do this you are in debt to the club for life, but I fear this could land everybody in prison. I made it to 42, It would suck to leave all I've worked for for this bullsh*t. But I fear I just may have to.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Where, when and how did this world get turned so upside down that an anti-social degenerate can choose to assault another person's property and threaten bodily harm, and then the victim has no choice but to go and hide inside of their home?  And if someone chooses not to be a victim, and performs their God given right to protect their goods and their own lives through whatever means necessary, they face a shameful and painfully ironic conviction from the justice system that vows to serve and protect the people in the first place?  Why does society think it is better to be a beaten, robbed, raped or murdered victim than it is to stand up in your own defense? 

Cooter I can't even begin to articulate anything that could accomodate the hell you're going through right now.  I wish you the best and hope that the worst of this situation has already passed.  As for your daughter, she's an adult, she made her choices, and now you have to protect yourself...


It makes me livid to hear you were made to look like the bad guy here.
That these parasites can do this to a mans home and property scott free,
more or less, is beyond outrageous.
Like you I'd be spitting nails Cooterman. Gawd dammit if this doesn't piss me
off to no end. The freakin' crims have all the rights! Those of us who work,
pay out taxes and be the best possible citizens and neighbors seems to mean
less and less these days. The ACLU needs to be burned to the ground along with
all the bleeding heart ultra Libs.
After all this you can't do squat to these monsters because.......yep, the cops
will come directly to you and at that point you're done.
It would be great to move to another state where you CAN protect your life
and property but to pack up and leave just isn't feasible.

I'm prolly just blowing smoke but when will the majority of us take back our
country from these low life's........lethal force used or nor.......I vote for use. It makes me
sick to hear this.
Here in the PRK we've just had to put up with the BS Andy Lopez situation.
Automatically the cops are the bad guys. Now in Ferguson the same damn
thing is going down.
I say kill them all.  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:
FLY NAVY/Marine Corps or take the bus!

dyslexic teddybear

Agree with most points above.

This......just should not be happening. There should be a balance between paranoia of shooting anything that moves in the yard.....and the reality of having to having to put up with the feces you are.

Stay safe and as was said, watch your back. No doubt, this isn't over.

Mike DC

Sucks.  Must be driving you nuts.

It's so infuriating when you can see the whole thing coming a mile away, but you can't stop any of it because everyone else is hellbent on following through with their mistakes.  


At least your daughter might have learned something.  The problem with dating Slim Shady is that he usually starts acting like Slim Shady sooner or later. 


1969 Charger 500 #232008
1972 Charger, Grand Sport #41
1973 Charger "T/A"

Drive as fast as you want to on a public road! Click here for info:


Sorry to hear this Cooter. Word of advice from someone whos been robbed,....CAMERAS, CAMERAS, CAMERAS!!! Put them everywhere, and get a good digital recorder! (put the recorder somewhere the daughter cant get to or tamper with!) God forbid something happens again, you will hopefully have proof!!!  :Twocents: keep us posted, and be safe!

Grim Jhaixus

Next time say the trespassers have guns, the cops will show up faster and with drawn arms. Between here and there (cuz I'm sure you don't need much more "next time" phrasing preluding things your own hindsight keeps pointing at) lawyer up about getting fingered by the incompetence of the officers involved with the arrest. I know in FL you can't sue the state, so some of the crooked shit that happens is hopeless, but also in this state I could've shot the lot of them because trespassing with intent to commit a crime is considered burglary and defending yourself with a firearm against a burglar falls under homestead protection and even carries over to your car as long as you are in it at the time of offense. Point is, you shouldn't be getting backlash from them capturing him. You were trying to assist the public defense in exactly the way they asked of you and so you should not be getting punished for it. Lawyer up, whatever the laws are in VA I'd hope there were a few that protected upright citizens, and damages to your property are someone's responsibility here. What if the dirtbags had hurt you or a member of your family? Where's the protection you pay so much for each year in taxes?

Until then or whenever don't forget to pick up some over the counter sleep aids and find something to do quick to get your mind off of it. I know when stuff like this happens I sit up all night asking myself "What would Dexter Morgan do?"
"Scars" 1973 Base 318/904 Originally B5

Married on November 23rd, 2009
Fried all the electricals two weeks after purchase
Set on fire ~twice~
Overheated til it would diesel a full five minutes ~twice~

Never once didn't start, never stranded me, never once did not take me where I needed to go. Daily driver of 4+ years.

Currently undergoing 413/727 swap after I finally beat the 318 til it lost a headgasket. The kicker is the 318 still cranks and runs like nothing is wrong. I love my ca


We don't want to think about what Dexter Morgan would do. 

I hope Cooter has filed the necessary restraining orders and whatnot, for whatever those will do...

Mopar Nut

Make sure to drag those POS inside AFTER you beat the F**king Sh!t out of them. Oh, make sure they can't talk or walk either.
"Dear God, my prayer for 2024 is a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did the last ten years."


Lawyering up is sage advise Cooter and well worth the money
to confer with one. Telling one everything that's gone down,
any and all contact you've had with the police, photo
documented damage to your property and like that
so the lawyer has a full picture is a strong back up.
You don't have to keep a shyster on any type of
retainer, just a visit or two so he has everything
you can give him regarding this cluster f**k.

As always Lisa has another good idea about purchasing a
multi camera/DVR system. Video doesn't lie and would
be money well spent. I've looked at them myself
on Amazon. They're reasonably price for a basic
4 camera set up......6 cameras are mo betta.

FLY NAVY/Marine Corps or take the bus!


Quote from: myk on August 18, 2014, 08:56:38 AM
Where, when and how did this world get turned so upside down that an anti-social degenerate can choose to assault another person's property and threaten bodily harm, and then the victim has no choice but to go and hide inside of their home?  And if someone chooses not to be a victim, and performs their God given right to protect their goods and their own lives through whatever means necessary, they face a shameful and painfully ironic conviction from the justice system that vows to serve and protect the people in the first place?  Why does society think it is better to be a beaten, robbed, raped or murdered victim than it is to stand up in your own defense?  

Cooter I can't even begin to articulate anything that could accomodate the hell you're going through right now.  I wish you the best and hope that the worst of this situation has already passed.  As for your daughter, she's an adult, she made her choices, and now you have to protect yourself...

Thanks Myk and everybody. Got my boys helpin me for right now. They know some guys in the clink that will get the message across to him hopefully, and I hope I'll only cost me few clutch jobs.
good to have friends I guess. Just in case. Am also looking into an 8 camera set up on Amazon as well.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


That's very serious Cooter.  Like others have said, document (video tape) everything and give your side of the story to every local....heck even Federal law enforcement agencies right NOW!!  Get a lawyer and make sure every single person in your area is aware of what's been happening to you.  There's strength in numbers so tell everyone to be on the lookout for this joker - more folks "in the know"... the better it is.  :Twocents: :Twocents:  

In the meantime ....weapon up, lawyer up, and keep your chin up.  GET A RESTRAINING ORDER ON SLIM SHADY, HIS TWO BROTHERS, SISTERS, AND STEP-DAD.

Hopefully it will end soon.    

Mytur Binsdirti

Damn Cooter, even I feel sorry for your plight. What a horrible, horrible situation! All this unnecessary aggravation, stress and slepless nights could have been avoided if only the young lass did the right thing (at least in your neck of the woods) and hooked up with her cousin.   :shruggy:


Quote from: Mytur Binsdirti on August 21, 2014, 07:56:03 PM
Damn Cooter, even I feel sorry for your plight. What a horrible, hiorrible situation! All this unnecessary aggravation, stress and slepless nights could have been avoided if only the young lass did the right thing (at least in your neck of the woods) and hooked up with her cousin.   :shruggy:

OMG....!!!  That's funny.   :smilielol: :smilielol: :smilielol:   Hey Cooter, you know he's kidding right? :scratchchin:  .... Coot?  

Mopar Nut

Quote from: Mytur Binsdirti on August 21, 2014, 07:56:03 PM
Damn Cooter, even I feel sorry for your plight. What a horrible, hiorrible situation! All this unnecessary aggravation, stress and slepless nights could have been avoided if only the young lass did the right thing (at least in your neck of the woods) and hooked up with her cousin.   :shruggy:
Hey, hey i'm from Virginia too, they don't date their cousin's, they're closer than that, they date their brother's or sister's.   :lol:
"Dear God, my prayer for 2024 is a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did the last ten years."


Coot you need to get restraint orders on all persons. You now have actionable cause, if they violate the order it's jail time. Had you videoed or photoed them in the act they would have been jailed and still be in jail. They are sucking you down to their level, don't fall for it. (Your better than that.) 

Mytur Binsdirti

Uh oh, our boy hasn't been heard from in days and that's just not like him. I hope he hasn't done anything rash.  :o



A couple claymores at the avenues of approach.. they wouldn't find anything.
'73 Cuda 340 5spd RMS
'69 Charger 383 "Luci"
'08 CRF 450r
'12.5 450SX FE

tan top

crikey Cooter ,  be carefull & try not to loose it & retaliate ,  easier said than done I know , in situations like this ,

Quote from: TUFCAT on August 20, 2014, 03:44:28 PM
That's very serious Cooter.  Like others have said, document (video tape) everything and give your side of the story to every local....heck even Federal law enforcement agencies right NOW!!  Get a lawyer and make sure every single person in your area is aware of what's been happening to you.  There's strength in numbers so tell everyone to be on the lookout for this joker - more folks "in the know"... the better it is.  :Twocents: :Twocents:  

In the meantime ....weapon up, lawyer up, and keep your chin up.  GET A RESTRAINING ORDER ON SLIM SHADY, HIS TWO BROTHERS, SISTERS, AND STEP-DAD.

Hopefully it will end soon.    

:yesnod:    what TC said
Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


Well Cooter's got internet access wherever he is  :coolgleamA:  ....last active here today (Aug 25th).  Talk to us soon!


Hopefully, the next bit of news is good news. :popcrn:  Hopefully, the daughter has learned a lesson.

Grim Jhaixus

"Scars" 1973 Base 318/904 Originally B5

Married on November 23rd, 2009
Fried all the electricals two weeks after purchase
Set on fire ~twice~
Overheated til it would diesel a full five minutes ~twice~

Never once didn't start, never stranded me, never once did not take me where I needed to go. Daily driver of 4+ years.

Currently undergoing 413/727 swap after I finally beat the 318 til it lost a headgasket. The kicker is the 318 still cranks and runs like nothing is wrong. I love my ca


We don't need to be oogling over pix of his daughter. :slap:  If she has done some sort of accomplishment, different story.  This incident isn't one of her greatest hours.


Quote from: Grim Jhaixus on August 26, 2014, 04:03:32 PM
Can we see a pick of the daughter? :popcrn:

Really guys?   ::) 

Please take that over to the Honda message boards...


QuoteCan we see a pick of the daughter? popcrn

Did you really just ask that question of an armed, pissed off, redneck?
1969 Charger 500 #232008
1972 Charger, Grand Sport #41
1973 Charger "T/A"

Drive as fast as you want to on a public road! Click here for info:

Mopar Nut

Quote from: RallyeMike on August 27, 2014, 07:36:59 PM
QuoteCan we see a pick of the daughter? popcrn

Did you really just ask that question of an armed, pissed off, redneck?
"Dear God, my prayer for 2024 is a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did the last ten years."

Grim Jhaixus

Thought it was funny at the time. I'm 27 and online dating sucks, I don't drink so bars are a no-go. Maybe she needs a boyfriend that owns his own car, for one, and et cetera.

Do we really need 3 posts telling me my comment was inappropriate? Like I didn't get it the first time?
"Scars" 1973 Base 318/904 Originally B5

Married on November 23rd, 2009
Fried all the electricals two weeks after purchase
Set on fire ~twice~
Overheated til it would diesel a full five minutes ~twice~

Never once didn't start, never stranded me, never once did not take me where I needed to go. Daily driver of 4+ years.

Currently undergoing 413/727 swap after I finally beat the 318 til it lost a headgasket. The kicker is the 318 still cranks and runs like nothing is wrong. I love my ca


Quote from: Grim Jhaixus on August 27, 2014, 07:49:00 PM
Thought it was funny at the time. I'm 27 and online dating sucks, I don't drink so bars are a no-go. Maybe she needs a boyfriend that owns his own car, for one, and et cetera.

Do we really need 3 posts telling me my comment was inappropriate? Like I didn't get it the first time?

Responding to public posts is not the same as email or texting. 

Grim Jhaixus

I understand why it's not funny. Sorry everybody I'll keep a lid on it.
"Scars" 1973 Base 318/904 Originally B5

Married on November 23rd, 2009
Fried all the electricals two weeks after purchase
Set on fire ~twice~
Overheated til it would diesel a full five minutes ~twice~

Never once didn't start, never stranded me, never once did not take me where I needed to go. Daily driver of 4+ years.

Currently undergoing 413/727 swap after I finally beat the 318 til it lost a headgasket. The kicker is the 318 still cranks and runs like nothing is wrong. I love my ca

Mytur Binsdirti

Quote from: Grim Jhaixus on August 27, 2014, 07:49:00 PM
Thought it was funny at the time. I'm 27 and online dating sucks, I don't drink so bars are a no-go. Maybe she needs a boyfriend that owns his own car, for one, and et cetera.

Do we really need 3 posts telling me my comment was inappropriate? Like I didn't get it the first time?

Sometimes it's best to leave levity to the professional.


FLY NAVY/Marine Corps or take the bus!


Turbin must be a professional...he knew to leave that one alone! :icon_smile_big:   By the way smelly turbin head, your inbox is full!!  :D

dual fours

 If a person does not post, chat, text or anyway consort with anybody, that could make it difficult to prove what happen was premeditated. Sleep lightly my friend, and be ready.   
1970 Dodge Charger SE, 383 Magnum, dual fours, Winter's shifter and racing transmission.

26 END
J25 L31 M21 M31 N85 R22
VX1 AO1 A31 A47 C16 C55
E63 D32 XP29 NOG


Cooter, when you get a moment please pick up the courtesy phone and check-in with us.  :icon_smile_wink:


Mopar Nut

"Dear God, my prayer for 2024 is a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did the last ten years."


Last Active:  September 08, 2014, 07:05:54 PM   :shruggy:


No reply from any messages either :P

Correction:  He's a o.k. :2thumbs:

dyslexic teddybear

Most likely just busy......

But with the subject of this thread going on.....can't help but wonder.....

Hoping everything's OK.


Well, as with many things in my life, BS seems to just show up. Confrontation. Guns are present. Cops got called. Managed to stay out of jail. Hopefully, it stays that way. Slim shady goes in for at least a year on warrants.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"



For now. Gotta buddy who's a state cop. Told him to threaten her with possible jail time if she's caught "aiding and abetting" this turd again. Seems to have worked.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Quote from: Cooter on September 21, 2014, 09:49:40 PM
For now. Gotta buddy who's a state cop. Told him to threaten her with possible jail time if she's caught "aiding and abetting" this turd again. Seems to have worked.

That's great!  I hope you got her thinking the right way again bud :2thumbs: