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LEE1 video...where is it?

Started by Dreamcar, February 09, 2014, 08:41:54 AM

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Mike DC

This has become a fairly common conversation over the years:  


GL replica builders:  "What is the exact color on the early General Lees?"

GL trivia diehards: "Just paint the car the Corvette Orange color.  It looks like most of the surviving cars.  It's basically what they were intending to use for almost the entire series.  It looks like people expect the GL to look."

GL replica builders:  "I know the Corvette orange color looks fine.  But I want to know the EXACT, REAL COLOR on the first ones."  

GL trivia diehards:  (They start explaining about hastily repainted TV cars, cheap custom-mixed paint, major fading problems, etc.)

GL replica builders: "Gee  . . .  all that trouble.  It's hard to pin down just what it was.  And hard to be sure you duplicated it right after that.  And it looks so similar to the Corvette color . . .  couldn't you guys just call it the Corvette color and be done with it?"


I know I know. But its something only a dukes fan would understand. Or at least LEE 1 accuracy obsessed ones like myself. Sure I am being a bit to OCD with wanting it to be 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame with more red and black. Even though in a few months time it will fade to normal 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame anyways. But hey I am just trying to be as detailed and accurate as possible for making a LEE 1 replica.

Plus I am as I said obsessed with LEE 1 and I am OCD over accuracy and being as detailed as I can be. So please forgive me for trying to be as thorough as I can be on this subject. Anyways enough about the color. We all know what it is now at least for the most part. Its up to the individual to use 1975 corvette flame red/orange with more red and black or not. So lets let the color issue be. Until Jim Shine does what he said to me in PM and scans his LEE 1 items with the original color on it for making a color code at least. Then I can finally put this mystery to bed.

Thank you and Peace.

Mike DC

Oh, I myself have NO room to criticize anyone about taking GL details too seriously.  Believe me, I understand that urge.   ::)

The subject of Georgia orange shades is just a pretty worn out one, that's all.  And I think some people have a tendency to want a more exotic & interesting answer than the question really has.


I agree with you on that completely. The general lee color has been debated time and time again be it LEE 1 like this topic and my posts or another general lee. And yes the answer isn't going to be that big of a deal so to speak. I mean what is a color code other then some numbers a computer uses to mix the correct paints to get the correct shade of color. That's it pretty much. No different then buying paint at Lowe's or Home Depot or anywhere else that you can buy and mix paints from.

You pick a color code or swatch as it is called. Give it to the paint mixer. They feed it into the computer and they select the colors needed and how much of each to make your specific shade of color. So in all fairness LEE 1 with its 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame with more red and black is nothing more then another shade of orange that is similar and in the same color family as 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame. No different then as I said picking a color code swatch from Lowe's or Home Depot or elsewhere. Giving it to the paint mixer. Feeding it into a computer. Getting the colors and mixing them in the correct amount to get the color you choose on a swatch.

In other words there's nothing exotic or awe inspiring about it. Its simple stuff that is so commonplace today no one even notices. I mean when was the last time you ever stopped to think about something like this. All you do is pick a color code swatch and the paint mixer and computer do the rest. Its not rocket science its something that happens every time you buy paint. Anyways enough of the history lessons. I have made my point. there is nothing special about this. The only thing I consider important or special is what the real color code is and if we will ever find out. And if not then all we can do is get the best match we can.

Thank you and Peace.


I think if you want the exact color for Lee 1, you'd have to go to a paint shop that was around at that time, with the same employees from back then, and give that person the color code to mix it using the same equipment.  Unfortunately, this is going to be one of those times where close enough is good enough.

Mike DC

Yeah, the whole topic will never have a firm answer.

Orange in particular is a very difficult color to sort out, in terms of movie cars.  

It's on the bright side and it also has too much in common with human skin tones.  Film printers always have to give priority to getting the skin tones looking as natural as possible because even a mild error on that looks very obvious & bothersome to human viewers.   So the color on a bright orange car can end up being inconsistently printed depending on the film stock and the lighting conditions when they shot it.  


I agree with you both. We will never be able to ask those who made LEE 1 what the paint color was. Nor will we be able to get the exact color as they mixed it by eye and not with machines back then. And yes it is a difficult color to deal with especially in images or videos. As I said before the only way we will ever know what color LEE 1 really is and get a color code is if Jim Shine gets his LEE 1 parts scanned and a color code made from that as he said he would do someday.

Other then that the best we can do is like I said. Match it up the best we can or just use normal 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame without any added red or black. But either way I will always want to know the exact color until it is shown. Hopefully Jim will do what he said and then we can finally have a definitive answer. But if not then oh well. But I will always want to know. Whether I ever find out for sure or not.

Thank you and Peace


Personally speaking I like the "thank you and peace" salutations from knightprowl.   :yesnod:

Its a small thing, but it shows class and good natured friendliness. I've seen SO MANY people get sideways and bent out of shape over General Lee topics.  :eek2:


Yeah and to think I used to be the "deleted" guy all over the internet not to long ago. But yeah I have been doing it for years. The thank you and peace I mean. Well the deleted too but that's a different story. Its just my own personal signature so to speak. The thank you and peace I mean. And yes I am much nicer in person in real life then I am online sometimes. Though as I said before I am no longer the deleted guy and I am trying my best to fit in and do my part here and help those with with dukes related questions or to just shoot the shit and have fun and not be a total asshole all the time. Unless of course there is proper reason to be and the its own like donkey kong!!(No Pun Interned). Just kidding :icon_smile_tongue:.

Either way is fine with me. Anyways I do agree that many people don't like to talk dukes of hazzard or general lee on this site. I know many people disagree with us dukes fans making so many chargers into general lees. But hey as we always say. Would you rather it be saved and restored as a general lee? Or sitting in a junkyard rusting away or worse. Being crushed!!!(Seriously No Pun Intended ;D). I myself vote for option one. And besides there isn't that many general lees out there. They made like what? over 500,000 1968 to 1970 dodge chargers.

And there's what? Maybe 10,000 or so general lees around the world? And only about 1/3 if that of 1968 to 1970 dodge chargers in junkyards or that have been crushed. And most of which are being found and restored everyday? Not to mention it can always be converted back into a normal dodge charger? Plus all the reproduction parts and accessories. Enough to almost make a 1968 to 1970 dodge charger from scratch using almost no original parts and only reproduction ones? I don't see what the big issue is here. These numbers? They just don't justify the means so to speak. But oh well to each his own. They can gripe about us dukes fans making to many general lees all they want. But seriously. Would you rather see it rusting away in a junkyard or being crushed? I don't think I would. Anyways enough dukes talk for me tonight.

Thank you and Peace.

Mike DC

The number of 2nd-gen Chargers produced is more like 250,000 than 500,000 total.


I can 100% understand how people are sick of seeing GLs built these days.  

But it is what it is.  Take the good with the bad.  The cars wrecked because of DOH . . . it sucks but that is mostly old news.  Almost all that stuff happened back when the Challenger space shuttle was still flying missions.  

These days the show has gotten a lot of raggedy 318 & 383 cars restored that otherwise would be gone.  And the final resulting cars can be pretty easy returned back to stock in the future.  How awful can that really be?  


Yeah I figured my numbers where a bit to high. And yes your right they did destroy a few hundred chargers on the show. Plus the 50 or so used in the reunion and 2005 and 2007 movies. Some of which where reused from the show itself. Which considering the amount of 1968 to 1970 chargers made is a small number. And exactly as I said. These cars are being found and restored and some are converted into a general lee replica rather then sitting in a junkyard rusting away or being crushed.

And it is pretty easy as you said to convert them back to stock later on if you want to. So really it isn't a bad thing. Sure it would be one more general lee replica out there. But you have to remember something. The general lee is nothing more then a cosmetic change. That's pretty much it. I mean what is the general lee after all? orange paint, decals, a push bar, a roll bar or roll cage, a cb radio and cb antenna, a tan interior, different wheels and tires and etc. A general lee is still a dodge charger.

It is still possible to see that if you look beyond the cosmetic stuff that makes it a general lee. You just have to focus on that and then you will realize that it is still a 1969 dodge charger but with some custom parts and accessories and cosmetic work. And is this not something everyone does or plans to do? Do you see what I am trying to say? Making a charger into a general lee is no different then changing things on a normal dodge charger that isn't a general lee. It is purely a personal perspective and state of mind so to speak.

Now that I have explained it better maybe everyone will begin to understand what I am saying and will come to realize that a general lee is like any charger that has been modified. It is simply no longer bone stock. Even if only OEM, OER and or NOS parts and accessories are used. Anyways I cannot explain it much more then that. It is up to you personally to decide if you like the general lee or approve of changing a charger into one. To each his own really comes into play here. I just hope others will understand this controversy better now.

Thank you and Peace.


Quote from: knightprowl on September 19, 2014, 02:54:36 PM
I know I know. But its something only a dukes fan would understand. Or at least LEE 1 accuracy obsessed ones like myself. Sure I am being a bit to OCD with wanting it to be 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame with more red and black. Even though in a few months time it will fade to normal 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame anyways. But hey I am just trying to be as detailed and accurate as possible for making a LEE 1 replica.

Plus I am as I said obsessed with LEE 1 and I am OCD over accuracy and being as detailed as I can be. So please forgive me for trying to be as thorough as I can be on this subject. Anyways enough about the color. We all know what it is now at least for the most part. Its up to the individual to use 1975 corvette flame red/orange with more red and black or not. So lets let the color issue be. Until Jim Shine does what he said to me in PM and scans his LEE 1 items with the original color on it for making a color code at least. Then I can finally put this mystery to bed.

Thank you and Peace.

Hi LEE 1 Was HEMI!! V2 Mopar Color.. The Rest was Corvett Flame.. Yes I'am a Dukes Fan

1966 Dodge Charger 383 CI


Quote from: knightprowl on September 20, 2014, 02:54:40 AM
Yeah I figured my numbers where a bit to high. And yes your right they did destroy a few hundred chargers on the show. Plus the 50 or so used in the reunion and 2005 and 2007 movies. Some of which where reused from the show itself. Which considering the amount of 1968 to 1970 chargers made is a small number. And exactly as I said. These cars are being found and restored and some are converted into a general lee replica rather then sitting in a junkyard rusting away or being crushed.

And it is pretty easy as you said to convert them back to stock later on if you want to. So really it isn't a bad thing. Sure it would be one more general lee replica out there. But you have to remember something. The general lee is nothing more then a cosmetic change. That's pretty much it. I mean what is the general lee after all? orange paint, decals, a push bar, a roll bar or roll cage, a cb radio and cb antenna, a tan interior, different wheels and tires and etc. A general lee is still a dodge charger.

It is still possible to see that if you look beyond the cosmetic stuff that makes it a general lee. You just have to focus on that and then you will realize that it is still a 1969 dodge charger but with some custom parts and accessories and cosmetic work. And is this not something everyone does or plans to do? Do you see what I am trying to say? Making a charger into a general lee is no different then changing things on a normal dodge charger that isn't a general lee. It is purely a personal perspective and state of mind so to speak.

Now that I have explained it better maybe everyone will begin to understand what I am saying and will come to realize that a general lee is like any charger that has been modified. It is simply no longer bone stock. Even if only OEM, OER and or NOS parts and accessories are used. Anyways I cannot explain it much more then that. It is up to you personally to decide if you like the general lee or approve of changing a charger into one. To each his own really comes into play here. I just hope others will understand this controversy better now.

Thank you and Peace.

Men you make a big deal out of nothing.. Owners can do what they want with a 69 charger.. Everybody loves the GL's It is the Number 1 car in the world!! So because of the show it is a famous car.. With out it.. a little less. They did a good job with the cars.. The rare ones are still out there.. LEE 3 was only a R/T SE car That got JUMPED The rest where 318 and 383 cars..  I would make a LEE 3 my self.. A Stock 69 is cool.. But a GL is better.. you can make money out of it.. etc.. Everybody wants you ad there event. So there is a reason why people make then.. First Real FAN's Second Money makers! You can ask more for a GL then A Stock Charger. (This is for NON RT models only)

1966 Dodge Charger 383 CI


Everybody loves GL's?  I don't.


Quote from: Mikesmoparperformance on September 20, 2014, 06:04:42 AM
Quote from: knightprowl on September 19, 2014, 02:54:36 PM
I know I know. But its something only a dukes fan would understand. Or at least LEE 1 accuracy obsessed ones like myself. Sure I am being a bit to OCD with wanting it to be 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame with more red and black. Even though in a few months time it will fade to normal 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame anyways. But hey I am just trying to be as detailed and accurate as possible for making a LEE 1 replica.

Plus I am as I said obsessed with LEE 1 and I am OCD over accuracy and being as detailed as I can be. So please forgive me for trying to be as thorough as I can be on this subject. Anyways enough about the color. We all know what it is now at least for the most part. Its up to the individual to use 1975 corvette flame red/orange with more red and black or not. So lets let the color issue be. Until Jim Shine does what he said to me in PM and scans his LEE 1 items with the original color on it for making a color code at least. Then I can finally put this mystery to bed.

Thank you and Peace.

Hi LEE 1 Was HEMI!! V2 Mopar Color.. The Rest was Corvett Flame.. Yes I'am a Dukes Fan

According to Jim Shine on the Barrett Jackson vid on youtube, no it wasnt V2 orange
"And another thing, when I gun the motor, I want people to think the world is coming to an end." - Homer Simpson

1969 Charger, 383, Q5/V1W, A35, H51, N88,  numbers match (under restoration)



As for me and im sure a lot of other people if it wasn't for DOH and the General lee i would not of even known the 68-70 charger existed. I can remember asking a kid i knew in school  in 78" what type of car is the general lee in the DOH" And that is when my interest in cars started! And today a have a Orange 69 with general lee accents that will never see the bone yard and is a big hit at shows and cruises. :Twocents: :2thumbs:
1969 Charger  Orange /black top  (1989) 360 engine stock with added xtreme comp cam and a 4 bbl  , 904 trans/shift kit , 8-1/4 rear.. with general lee accents.


Quote from: Ghoste on September 20, 2014, 07:13:51 AM
Everybody loves GL's?  I don't.
You're not everybody, just somebody.


I LOVED the TV show as a kid....and basically lived for it every Friday night!  I've always loved mopars, and at the time there was nothing out there showcasing mopars like the DOH series.

It was an absolute perfect storm for any mopar-luvin young teen like me.  :2thumbs:

Having said that, do I love General Lee's? .....not really, but they're fine because they fall into the TV/movie car replica category which I dig.  

Do I get all googly moogly when I see one?  Not at all...for me that ship sailed over 30 years ago.


Quote from: JB400 on September 20, 2014, 09:01:02 AM
Quote from: Ghoste on September 20, 2014, 07:13:51 AM
Everybody loves GL's?  I don't.
You're not everybody, just somebody.

Somebody is part of everybody and if a single somebody splits from the herd, there is no longer an everybody.


The thing about LEE 1 was that it was painted in california, the guy's at H&H body shop said that one charger came from out west already painted orange and that one was LEE 1. It was solid orange without any numbers or a flag on top. H&H was doing alot of corvette's at the time and had the flame red paint on hand and it was close enough to what was there so they went with it. Like said above orange on the tv can look like any other orange that is similar. According to Henry Hollman LEE 1 was hemi orange and the other one's that were painted in there shop were flame red. Me and my buddy painted my car back in 04 and we used V2 orange to trim it out with under the hood and deck lid and it was a good rich red-orange color. When we got ready to paint the outside of the car the sherman williams paint kit was about $600.00 for a gallon of base and clear. We decided to try a cheaper line of paint so we got some of the cheaper line and painted  the front valence and it was the same paint code but it was alot lighter looking so we wound up going with the more expensive paint so my door jams and under the hood and deck lid would match the outside of the car. It can all depend on who mixes the paint and the brand of the paint and etc.... Back then I dont think there were any base/clear paints yet so it was most likely a single stage paint on the cars back then but still it had to be mixed and since that car came from out west that color who know's who actually mixed and put the paint on it. I actually spent the night at Henry Hollman's house and he was very informative about the old cars and made some copies of the receipt's of the repair work on some of the car's they worked on. Had a  work order on LEE 2 and the gray granada FBI car and several of the police car's. He is a super nice guy, been a few years since I talked with him. I have a friend with a Lee replica and through him I seem to know alot about this dukes stuff. I was a big fan in the 80's and yes if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have an orange charger today myself. I always wondered what happened to LEE 2 myself. It has never been accounted for like most of the other Ga cars. I'm thinking it was crushed tho.. Talked the Mr. Shaw's son last year in Dawsonville Ga where LEE 1 was found and he said they only picked up one charger and two police cars. Lot's of history on these car's!!!!


Sadly there is no way of knowing what color LEE 1 really was. Be it 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame or hemi orange as a lot of people are saying these days. Regardless of the color and and who is correct be it Jim Shine or this Henry Hollman. I know for a fact however that LEE 1 did not start off as a hemi orange car. It was T3 light bronze metallic and was simple painted over with the orange paint since it was a second unit car. Which is why it has the bronze color engine bay and trunk area.

Now whether or not Warner Brothers painted it hemi orange or 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame we will never know for sure. However as Jim Shine said he has LEE 1 parts that still have the original color that was used and he specifically says it is 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame with more red and black in it. I myself agree with him because of this. Now if he didn't have any LEE 1 parts with the original color then I would be skeptical. But since he does then it begs to differ if those who are saying that hemi orange was used on LEE 1 is correct or not.

Until Jim has his LEE 1 parts scanned and a color code made we will never know 100% for sure. We will just have to wait and see. Only time will tell on this subject. But no matter what color LEE 1 really was painted it is mainly up to the individual to decide which color that want to go with for LEE 1 replicas. I prefer 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame as that is the color used most throughout the series. With other colors like hemi orange and hugger orange only being used a little. But regardless it is up to you the owner to decide for yourself.

Thank you and Peace.


3 Color choices of orange used on DOH cars.  Choose one of the three of your preference and paint your car with that.  Either way they are original colors for the cars on that DOH series.

A plethora of information has been typed over this and in three sentences it is summed up above.


1968 Charger R/T 440 727
1971 Duster Pro-Street
2009 Challenger SRT8 6 Speed
2009 Jeep Cherokee SRT8


I agree it is as I said it is up the the owner to decide. And yes only three colors where used in the show. And as I said above those colors where 1975 corvette flame red/orange flames which was used around 95% of the time. And then there was hemi orange and hugger orange which was used sometimes but not as often. They also mixed colors together early on so there where a few throughout the show that where just a mix of colors.

There was also the green general lee from the season two episode "Southern Comfurts" and the black general lee from the season 5 episode "A Little Game of Pool". As well as the black dodge charger the bank robbers used and wrecked which became the general lee in the season 7 pilot episode of "Happy Birthday General Lee".

As well as the white charger used by Cale Yarborough in the season 2 episode "The Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough". The reunion movies all used 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame and possibly some using hemi orange or hugger orange with the exception of John Schneider's personal general lee from the second reunion movie in 2000 which is or was hemi orange at that time.

Then the 2005 and 2007 movie versions either used hemi orange or amc big bad orange as well as the vitamin c orange or a similar light orange color for the pre cooter general lee at the beginning of the 2005 movie. In other words the general lee has had various looks over the years. From the different colors or oranges used. To the different style and color decals for each era, reunion movies and the 2005 and 2007 movies. To the small and wide push bars and etc.

The general lee varies a lot. So its the owners own personal choice as to what era to go with or what color to go with and etc. Anyways I think I have explained this enough so that everyone gets what I am saying. The general lee is the general lee. No matter what decals or colors or push bar and etc that you use the general lee is the general lee none the same. We just have our own personal general lee how we want it to be with our own personal touches.

Thank you and Peace.