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Ever have a few months of......

Started by Old Tired Rebel, March 27, 2013, 04:35:00 PM

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Old Tired Rebel

Ever have one of those days,weeks or months where you  feel like giving up?  It's been a few months for me,but I finally found out what was wrong with me and with new meds and started walking again (which is against my old doctors advice). I found one of the best heart specialist in my area. I have felt run down and depressed for months. He didn't give me a name for my problem so I will try to explain it.

I went to the hospital early last Wednesday morning for a angiogram And had the results about 1:30 this afternoon. My stress test showed the lower left part of my heart wasn't pumping properly.The test today showed what was wrong and I was surprised by what caused the problem. We thought that I had plaque build up or some type of blockage. But that was not the case everything was clear and no blockage or plaque build up at all. Seems when I went through chemo for cancer it done damage that no one knew about. The left lower part of my heart is like a 70 year old man the veins shrank from the chemo. So my doctor put me on a generic version of coreg and wanted me to start walking this week. I went out for 2 walks yesterday and the meds started working Sunday and I feel better. Next is my diabetes on my list to get under control. The shot I got for my back in Sept has just about wore off and I think I will go get another one.


Glad to here that the docs found the problem. Now you gotta get to feeling better. No giving up,  :2thumbs:  I am still hanging in there. It has not been easy.      :brickwall:   But you have friends and family that care about you and need you.  :cheers:  hugs, Jackie

Old Tired Rebel

Thanks Jackie,I went walking twice yesterday and my wife was with me really enjoyed that time together. Took my blood pressure and wrote it down. I will be going to Wal Mart late again tonight the best time to walk without a lot of people around.


I never realised that Chemo would have such effects long after being on it.

I'm having something similar with my one eye and it is due to a lot of chemo back in 1990 and 91. One of the blood vessels in the back of my one eye is actually leaking and it's messing with my vision in the one eye. They are treating it with shots in the eye and I had to go off of my "asprin a day" to get it slowed down. Apparently it's working because I'm starting to see better out of that eye.

I hope you get yours under control.  :2thumbs:

God must love stupid people; He made so many.

Old Tired Rebel

Thanks Tilar I was on some heavy chemo.I had been diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphome in 98 I was on my way out. But got lucky that it hadn't hit my bone morrow. Then they took my bone marrow from my stem cell to cure me.


Hang in there! Sucks to bust your hump all your life, then this happens right when you look foward to enjoying it.

That's why every time someone asks me if I'm still playing with old cars, I say Proudly, "Every day I can, because there will come a day when i can't and then, it won't be long before they put me in the ground".
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: Cooter on March 27, 2013, 05:33:32 PM
Hang in there! Sucks to bust your hump all your life, then this happens right when you look foward to enjoying it.

That's why every time someone asks me if I'm still playing with old cars, I say Proudly, "Every day I can, because there will come a day when i can't and then, it won't be long before they put me in the ground".

I am going to do my best to work on my Charger. I just need to find a way to gt some welding done.


Life sure can suck! Glad to hear you're on the mend Old Tired Rebel  :2thumbs:

Quote from: Cooter on March 27, 2013, 05:33:32 PM

That's why every time someone asks me if I'm still playing with old cars, I say Proudly, "Every day I can, because there will come a day when i can't and then, it won't be long before they put me in the ground".

You got that right.  I'm with you.  :cheers:

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Old Tired Rebel: You are a relatively young man to have had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma back in the late '90's. I am sure you know how lucky you were also to find it early enough to beat it! Congrats to you! I looked at your info because that type of cancer is definitely connected to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam but you are way too young to have been there.

Really sorry to hear about the damage chemo did to your heart and vessels but, at least they can make it a little better and you will get better. Try to get your diabetes under control ASAP as lots of damage can result in your ignoring it. I saw way too many men with devasting results of not taking care of themselves when I worked for the State of Texas as a Benefits Counselor at the Houston VA Hospital.  Bad back too, huh? that does suck as no position is comfortable for long with a bad back. Guessing that a steroid shot is what you got and it is now wearing off. If so, I guess anything is better than surgery as that seems to never be as good as someone hopes it will be.

I am older and have health problems also but nothing brings a smile to my face as seeing the result of slow but steady progress on my Charger! Just do what you can-when you can and the progress will be amazing. Before you know it, you will make lots of progress.

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: charge69 on March 27, 2013, 08:12:59 PM
Old Tired Rebel: You are a relatively young man to have had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma back in the late '90's. I am sure you know how lucky you were also to find it early enough to beat it! Congrats to you! I looked at your info because that type of cancer is definitely connected to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam but you are way too young to have been there.

Really sorry to hear about the damage chemo did to your heart and vessels but, at least they can make it a little better and you will get better. Try to get your diabetes under control ASAP as lots of damage can result in your ignoring it. I saw way too many men with devasting results of not taking care of themselves when I worked for the State of Texas as a Benefits Counselor at the Houston VA Hospital.  Bad back too, huh? that does suck as no position is comfortable for long with a bad back. Guessing that a steroid shot is what you got and it is now wearing off. If so, I guess anything is better than surgery as that seems to never be as good as someone hopes it will be.

I am older and have health problems also but nothing brings a smile to my face as seeing the result of slow but steady progress on my Charger! Just do what you can-when you can and the progress will be amazing. Before you know it, you will make lots of progress.

Yeah I was 36 when it hit me my doctor was floored. I am working on my diabetes now I am checking my sugar 3 times a day. I won't see my doctor for diabetes until May. I am starting to cut back on a few things I like. Thank you for the advice and encouragement.


That's great they found the problem  :cheers: Get well soon  :2thumbs:

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: TruckDriver on March 27, 2013, 08:26:22 PM
That's great they found the problem  :cheers: Get well soon  :2thumbs:

Thanks Truckdriver


Keep your head up. :2thumbs:  If you never read Jackie's thread, it may be some motivation for you to help get you through this.  Jackie is an inspiration for a lot of people based on what she went through.  :yesnod: :yesnod:

Glad that your up and about.  I'm by no means a doctor, but keep the blood flowing through the heart and maybe you'll build up your circulation. 

Your body and mind are going through a lot right now, if you are in need of some helpful pills to go through this, get with your doc.  :2thumbs:
My name is Mike and I'm a Moparholic!

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: 1970Moparmann on March 27, 2013, 08:35:40 PM
Keep your head up. :2thumbs:  If you never read Jackie's thread, it may be some motivation for you to help get you through this.  Jackie is an inspiration for a lot of people based on what she went through.  :yesnod: :yesnod:

Glad that your up and about.  I'm by no means a doctor, but keep the blood flowing through the heart and maybe you'll build up your circulation. 

Your body and mind are going through a lot right now, if you are in need of some helpful pills to go through this, get with your doc.  :2thumbs:

I have read it.That is the big reason I didn't give up there is a great support system


Actually, a lot of my support comes the guys and gals right here.  :2thumbs:   :cheers:   You all have kept me motivated , more then you will ever know.  Hugs, Jackie   Old Tired Rebel, there is a great family here. And a great support system.  We are here if you need us.  :2thumbs:

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: 71ChallengeHer on March 27, 2013, 09:30:14 PM
Actually, a lot of my support comes the guys and gals right here.  :2thumbs:   :cheers:   You all have kept me motivated , more then you will ever know.  Hugs, Jackie   Old Tired Rebel, there is a great family here. And a great support system.  We are here if you need us.  :2thumbs:

Thanks Jackie but I might run away from home and go the the beach. LOL


Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: 71ChallengeHer on March 27, 2013, 09:36:23 PM
I might come with you. LOL.

My problem is they might call one of those organization that gets whales off the beach.

dyslexic teddybear

Kinda new here, but add my encouragement to all those above. Diabetes, I am somewhat familiar with[my mother had it] Don't let it get you down.....a good attitude is so important.

Wishing you the best.

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: dyslexic teddybear on March 27, 2013, 09:41:53 PM

Kinda new here, but add my encouragement to all those above. Diabetes, I am somewhat familiar with[my mother had it] Don't let it get you down.....a good attitude is so important.

Wishing you the best.

Thanks dtb


There's no need in giving up OTR :pity: There are plenty of people on here or all around you going through the same thing, (or similar) situation as you to talk to.  If you don't feel comfortable posting on a thread, shoot some pm's.  Keep your spirits high, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.  No sense in giving up if you just stub your toe everyonce in a while. :lol:


Glad they found the problem, type two myself, life style changer but manageable. As Jackie said, you have a great amount of support right here. :2thumbs:.

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: stroker400 wedge on March 28, 2013, 12:05:35 AM
There's no need in giving up OTR :pity: There are plenty of people on here or all around you going through the same thing, (or similar) situation as you to talk to.  If you don't feel comfortable posting on a thread, shoot some pm's.  Keep your spirits high, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.  No sense in giving up if you just stub your toe everyonce in a while. :lol:

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement

Old Tired Rebel

Quote from: 69rtse4spd on March 28, 2013, 12:55:06 AM
Glad they found the problem, type two myself, life style changer but manageable. As Jackie said, you have a great amount of support right here. :2thumbs:.

Diabetes is a problem but not like my heart But I am working on both Thanks for the support